Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

Are conservative blacks included in this low IQ study, or is that politically incorrect? If they are included, is their IQ low because they are conservative or because they are black? Is it acceptable now to consign groups you guys dislike to low IQ status? Did progressives give IQ tests to conservatives? Did they design the tests?

Maybe Andrea Dworkin should write a book that catalogs these established findings of inferiority amongst the hated conservatives? She could call it "The Hell Curve", or maybe the "Conservative Can't Tell Curve", or something like that?

STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/stud...-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5#ixzz2qDrvLuKK
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/stud...-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5#ixzz2qDrvLuKK

STUDY: Fox news is the most watched, highest rated news channel. MSNBC is the least.

"The winner was “television” as a basket category, at 26 percent. The “Internet” took second place with 18 percent. And then came Fox News, at 8 percent. Everyone else, from CNN (at a respectable 7 percent) to “newspaper” (6 percent) to “radio” (4 percent) to MSNBC, the New York Times and NPR (each 1 percent), trailed.

The upshot is that Fox News is not only beating its competitors in terms of news brand recognition and reliance; it’s also beating whole media. CNN boasts this distinction, too, edging out “newspaper” and “radio.”"

Yea that's what I thought.

you changed the goalposts though.

and yet, i can still show that you KNOWINGLY joined a group aligned with white supremacy, despite the fact that they since removed references to such.


unless, of course, you persist in believing that the OP you were so buddy-buddy with was just an innocent, not so racist type of guy.

that would be a statement on your defective mental faculties rather than anything else though.
you literally just admitted the other day that you joined shotgun420's "free speech" group, which was formerly known as the tacoburritonacho group (yet had nothing to do with mexican foods) and before that was known as the "white separatism and white nationalists group".

are you that fucking stupid?

Whatever happened to Shotgun420? Was he banned or something?
Whatever happened to Shotgun420? Was he banned or something?

he's probably back under another name. he just stopped posting under his old name, and i can see why.

So you're stupid enough to pay someone tell you what you want to hear?

from the abstract, racist red:

In an analysis of two large-scale, nationally representative United Kingdom data sets (N = 15,874), we found that lower general intelligence (g) in childhood predicts greater racism in adulthood, and this effect was largely mediated via conservative ideology. A secondary analysis of a U.S. data set confirmed a predictive effect of poor abstract-reasoning skills on antihomosexual prejudice, a relation partially mediated by both authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact. All analyses controlled for education and socioeconomic status.
i totally just liked that post AGAIN.. ive already admitted to being a sterotype. i also guarantee that all your so called non racists laughed at that post also. its funny and you know it.

p.s. you're still an idiot that didn't prove shit. :dunce:

so you don't think fried chicken jokes about black people are racist?

ya know who disagrees with you on that one? basically everyone.

And there's your flaw in logic Buck....most of us see that as a fat chick that likes fried chicken...it would be equally funny if it was a white girl....can't you be color blind?
is it because black people are just inherently more inclined to commit crime due to the magical properties of melanin, as you have said before?

and rednecks are involved in 90+% of the drunk tractor driving incidents.

is this the result of a melanin deficit, or are rednecks just more inclined to get drunk and drive a tractor?

street crime is the easiest crime to catch, and STREET CRIME is the most prevalent form of crime in the black community.

commit the same crimes in the comfort and privacy of your own home, or out in the boonies where there isnt a cop behind every bush and youll get busted a lot less.

those particular crimes which by their very nature ALWAYS occur "In Public", like drunk driving (non-tractor type), vagrancy, drunk in public, etc, show a far more representative rate of arrest for blacks (as ~12% of the population) than other types of crime, since it's really fucking hard to be a vagrant, or drive drunk in your living room, even for the most circumspect honkey.

if black people simply stopped smoking weed on the streets, they would be busted for smoking weed on the streets far less, thus eliminating the "racist prosecutions"
conversely if whitey abandoned smoking weed in non-public places, and took his doobies to the street, as is common in the black community, you would see a marked rise in crackah ass honkeys getting pinched for dope, and a resulting reduction in the % of blacks busted for smoking dope, even if the absolute number remains the same.

and yet, as the previously posted FBI stats reveal, blacks (still ~12% of the population) get busted for white collar crimes (embezzlement, fraud, counterfeiting) at rates far in excess of their representation in the population.

it's such a mystery...

ohh wait, no it's not.

black popular culture lionizes criminality. it celebrates theft, burglary robbery, fraud, dope dealing, murder, rape, assault, fraud, pimping, illegal gambling, and all manner of other forms of "sticking it to the man".
only a fool is surprised that blacks simply commit more crimes, since the black community has embraced a cultural imperative to BE A CRIMINAL, while having a job, going to school, and not robbing liquor stores is considered "selling out"