Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

those "findings" were compiled and published by the same guy who founded American Renaissance, which is a white supremacist publication put out by jared taylor.

you really are pretty fucking stupid.

those findings were found from the FBI.

or are they part of a white supremacist publication also.

those findings were found from the FBI.

or are they part of a white supremacist publication also.



The Color of Crime is a publication by Jared Taylor, describing race differences in criminal offending in the United States.[SUP][8]


Taylor is the founder and editor of American Renaissance, a webzine that describes itself as "America's premiere publication of racial-realist thought".

londonfog once told me all FBI statistics are inherently racist and prejudiced. And here I was thinking hoover was still running the joint...

since you are a former member of white supremacy groups, this thread title tells us what we need to know about you: LOW IQ.

here should be your first hint that sirgreenthumb was borrowing a bullshit "study" done by other white supremacists:

Major Findings:

  • Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.


since you are a former member of white supremacy groups, this thread title tells us what we need to know about you: LOW IQ.

here should be your first hint that sirgreenthumb was borrowing a bullshit "study" done by other white supremacists:

Major Findings:

  • Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.


My IQ is head and shoulders higher than yours. Fact. I'm sitting on 149.
My IQ is head and shoulders higher than yours. Fact. I'm sitting on 149.

oh, that's cute.

armchair patton took an online test and thinks he's smart now.

the membership in white supremacy groups tends to scream otherwise, but i'll let you go on believing that the seven question test you took on genius.com was legitimate.
i'm sorry, i was just trying to inject some factual, scientific studies that fly in the face of your anecdotal worldview.

so i will repeat, since it is indeed fact:

the fact is that just having a black name makes you less likely to get a call back for a job.

being black makes you more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested.

being black makes you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.

Its not anecdotal. Not a worldview either, nice try fuck globalization.

The South has huge agriculture too, and it rains a lot. Fishing limits are in the 30s and 40s too not 1 or 2.
Plenty of diversity and everyone gets along fine.......must be all the jobs that create that warm cozy feeling you seem to be advocating for.
I read a study once that showed all things being equal, a black man will receive a longer sentence for the same crime as a white man in this country. I would find it if need be, but I'm hoping since it supports Buck's claim that he will do the leg work.

The study mentioned that the law/sentencing bias is even higher when it's a black judge. That's what made the study stick out in my mind.
Its not anecdotal. Not a worldview either, nice try fuck globalization.

The South has huge agriculture too, and it rains a lot. Fishing limits are in the 30s and 40s too not 1 or 2.
Plenty of diversity and everyone gets along fine.......must be all the jobs that create that warm cozy feeling you seem to be advocating for.

i posted facts.

you posted your anecdotal worldview and something about fishing limits.

so i guess i'll just repeat the facts that you are too stubborn and/or stupid to believe:

the fact is that just having a black name makes you less likely to get a call back for a job.

being black makes you more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested.

being black makes you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.
since you are a former member of white supremacy groups, this thread title tells us what we need to know about you: LOW IQ.

here should be your first hint that sirgreenthumb was borrowing a bullshit "study" done by other white supremacists:

Major Findings:

  • Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.


Watching people in public do crimes is racist!
I read a study once that showed all things being equal, a black man will receive a longer sentence for the same crime as a white man in this country. I would find it if need be, but I'm hoping since it supports Buck's claim that he will do the leg work.

The study mentioned that the law/sentencing bias is even higher when it's a black judge. That's what made the study stick out in my mind.

another not so subtle attempt at blaming it all on black people.
oh, that's cute.

armchair patton took an online test and thinks he's smart now.

the membership in white supremacy groups tends to scream otherwise, but i'll let you go on believing that the seven question test you took on genius.com was legitimate.

What's your IQ again? I remember you saying your parents were of limited means, which doesn't sit well for you... We all know why Netflix fired you and the dope you grow is substandard and laced with cat shit;

Poverty saps mental capacity to deal with complex tasks, say scientists

The cognitive deficit of being preoccupied with money problems was equivalent to a loss of 13 IQ points, losing an entire night's sleep or being a chronic alcoholic, according to the study. The authors say this could explain why poorer people are more likely to make mistakes or bad decisions that exacerbate their financial difficulties.

oh, that's cute.

armchair patton took an online test and thinks he's smart now.

the membership in white supremacy groups tends to scream otherwise, but i'll let you go on believing that the seven question test you took on genius.com was legitimate.

So you are an expert on white supremacy groups because your party invented the KKK?

Come out of your KKK closet!
you replied to me with that bullshit? You truly are an idiot.

Maybe you're too stupid to figure this out, but I could care less who you label a racist. I'm not repeating myself to u any longer. If you want to continue to be made to look like an idiot just scroll up and read my posts to you.

don't blame me for pointing out that you cited a white supremacist, blame yourself for being too stupid to know you were citing a white supremacist.

hell, maybe you did know you were citing a white supremacist but thought you would anyway and no one would notice, just like when kynes cited rushton in a similar debate.

by the way, the white supremacist you cited also suggests checking out rushton!


you fucking white supremacists are so fucking dumb, it almost takes the joy out of this for me.
i posted facts.

you posted your anecdotal worldview and something about fishing limits.

so i guess i'll just repeat the facts that you are too stubborn and/or stupid to believe:

the fact is that just having a black name makes you less likely to get a call back for a job.

being black makes you more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested.

being black makes you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.

Fact: most black people would laugh at you on their way to work, Malcom X would call you out as a white liberal and find that very ironic.