Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism


As much as we see Buck has to find racism where there is none by saying "I know you said this, but I know you really meant that" when his logic is destroyed, This gif is awesome.

Twostroke, ask yourself how Buck would know you got an invite to said group, and know that some members joined 3 separate times. He claims that he watched the membership because he was so appalled. Does anyone really believe he kept a page loaded and watched 24/7 to see who left and rejoined? Does anyone believe he could tell who got invites by "watching a page"? Or would the fact that Bucky's sock puppets formed the group to "catch" racists make more sense?

We get lied to everyday and brush it off, we are insulted when the lie being told is so outrageous that we would have to be an idiot to believe and the teller keeps insisting it's true.

Of course, anyone destroying Buck's logic posting this would be accused of being racist.
Yes Ihave assumptions about gorillas.....I assume they liked jane goodall that's about it.

What I can't figure out is why you chose to personify gorillas and what the context is.....anxiously awaiting that one.

The truth couldn't be more obvious.

You were alarmed at the presence of the gorillas. So in your mind when you saw them, you imeadiatly thought of black people.

So, black people are gorillas, hua? Not even I think of them like that. Thanks for proving everyones assumptions about you as true.

While others will meet you with scorn, I will embrace you. While I don't share your "gorillas make me think of black people" worldview, I will respect you for opening up, and accepting who you are.
The truth couldn't be more obvious.

You were alarmed at the presence of the gorillas. So in your mind when you saw them, you imeadiatly thought of black people.

So, black people are gorillas, hua? Not even I think of them like that. Thanks for proving everyones assumptions about you as true.

While others will meet you with scorn, I will embrace you. While I don't share your "gorillas make me think of black people" worldview, I will respect you for opening up, and accepting who you are.

Another bald and uncalled for racist comment.
Have the mods ever considered making a "RACIST" forum so schmucks can discuss their lower evolutionary behavior (this applies to ALL discussing racism) on a dedicated thread area?

This racism shit that goes back and forth points both sides out as bigoted. We are supposed to evolve past differentiation for the purpose of separation after our formative adolescence. Pointing someone's racism out who is below you is as low evolutionary as being racist, actually it is racist.
Why point it out? it is obvious to those advanced enough to be aware anyway, pointing it out to those too primitive to see it won't make them see it either.
Sooooooo obviously booshey sees black people in that picture, which is pretty fucked up.......question is: what does ub think of it and why did he post it?
i went thru some pages, and maybe i missed it, but why hasnt the subject of women oppression been bought up? Racism sexism classism are all tied together. One cannot prosper with out the other. This system we live in makes us think that its instinct to be racist or women to be less then men, or its natural for the white man to lead. this is false, all these forms of oppression are learned and implied to our children and future generations.
You would litterly had to have not read a good 10 to 20% of my posts where I freely admit what you seem to have taken pride in having uncovered.

The truth is, I am a mirror for buck. I try to be as absurdly racist as he is antiracist.

I am somewhat racist, but I tend to get proportionately out of hand with it when buck goes the opposite direction.

I've nothing to prove to anyone here. This past summer I let a black guy fish in my pond. I bought crack from black dudes when I was using. I'm part black myself, and real talk, I'm related to president Obama, through his white mother.

No that's not the truth. Its your reality. The actual TRUTH is that I have not even read 20 percent of your posts. You are absolutley free to create your own reality from that TRUTH.
I'm an atheist. More specifically, an agnostic atheist, that for all intents and purposes, behaves like a gnostic atheist.

What does that mean? I know what atheist means, and could google the rest....but it still would not explain it through your buffer, and Iwould rather have that version.
It's not even racism... It's just name calling. Black people are not a different race to that of white people or oriental or middle eastern people. They are humans and the sooner we realise this and stop making false accusations, the sooner we can get on with evolving and abolishing that putrid mess that is Religion.
What does that mean? I know what atheist means, and could google the rest....but it still would not explain it through your buffer, and Iwould rather have that version.

Atheism and theism are stances on belief.

Gnosticism and Agnsoticism are stances on knowledge.

An agnostic atheist doesn't have a belief in god, but doesn't claim to know god doesn't exist. A gnsotic atheist doesn't have a belief in god and claims to know that god doesn't exist.

An agnostic theist has a belief in god, but doesn't claim to know god exists. A gnostic theist has a belief in god and claims to know god exists.

I always chuckle when people say, "I'm not atheist or theist, I'm agnostic" becuase it makes absolutely no sense. There is no 'inbetween' ground for belief in god. You either have a belief, or you don't, it's a dichotomy.
Now let's bring it home. Bushy. If anything we know you are honest...and this thread is about racism and conservatives.

Are you a conservative?
Let the board decide.

I'm: pro choice, pro marriage equality, starting to lean in favor of single payer health care, I think immigration should be an open door policy (for the most part), I'm in favor of cannabis legalization,

I am also in favor of maximum gun rights, I'm for a smaller government, and I do believe in the "trickle down" theory (as long as you don't combine it with a free trade system with countries who practically use slave labor.)

I think women should be paid the same for the same work.

You tell me. Ask me questions to find out.

When I was in school, I would help a habitat for humanity house, from start to finish every summer. Now Ill find one and go throw a weekend at them every once in a while.

Once a month I take a box of new/clean syringes to the guy who was my "best drug addict friend". So I kind of run a needle exchange... I do this for no money. The box of 100 only costs me $15.

I regularly give money to the people who play music in public places.

I go to church most Sundays.

I pick a child on the angel tree every year (I did take 2 years off when I was an addict)

I shoot the fuck out of my guns.
I really like the quoted section, which is why I am shocked buck gets to call me a racist at every turn, he even told me I was a racist because he thinks I was invited to taco nacho group or some shit........which is false.

He called me a racist cause I "liked" a post by keynes earlier go check it out.

Those are fighting words in person, a far cry from the usual libtard righty dummy ect..

I have decided that being called or not called a racist isn't a stain upon my honor. it is whether or not i myself know that I am a racist, or not.

i disagree with some of the methodology used by the loudest judges in this section.

My touchstone is a wonderful quote by a favorite author of mine. Lois MacMaster Bujold: "Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself".