Low Pressure Aero build...it has begun!

So. i was starting to figure what parts to order for a DIY bucket aero (wish someone would just post a link to the sprinkler head.. but will find one) anyway.. then ran into people saying bubble cloners are better.. which would save me money since i have spare air pumps and stones already.. Has anyone used both? any opinions?
So. i was starting to figure what parts to order for a DIY bucket aero (wish someone would just post a link to the sprinkler head.. but will find one) anyway.. then ran into people saying bubble cloners are better.. which would save me money since i have spare air pumps and stones already.. Has anyone used both? any opinions?
I kinda like the concept of the "aquaclone" style: It uses a water pump with a venturi. So with one small waterpump (that comes with a venturi fitting) you circulate the water while injecting it with oxygen (and bubbles that rise to the surface, pop, and "mist" the clones.
I like the simplicity, the low cost, extremely easy build, and no air pump (and air stone *required - though many add one for "extra"...), especially no little misters.
Might be up your alley. But if you already have air pumps and want to do the air pump method (which essentially works the same..) go for it.
I use a bubble cloner. What really matters is the strain and how healthy the mom is and what and how much you feed her.Take a healthy plant that doesn’t get fed much but is in good health the clone will root faster. compared to a mom that’s been fed more but still healthy just darker green those clones will take longer.
I use a bubble cloner. What really matters is the strain and how healthy the mom is and what and how much you feed her.Take a healthy plant that doesn’t get fed much but is in good health the clone will root faster. compared to a mom that’s been fed more but still healthy just darker green those clones will take longer.

thanks.. yeah i have sucked at cloning.. maybe 35% success.. kind of excited to try something new.. since i have all the stuff for bubble i'm gonna try that first then i would jsut need to switch out the pump to try aero later :)
Ya try it if u got the stuff.Put the stem right at water level or a hair below when first planted.This will keep them hydrated so they'll stand tall.Play around its all good.
Ya try it if u got the stuff.Put the stem right at water level or a hair below when first planted.This will keep them hydrated so they'll stand tall.Play around its all good.

Yeah.. just wish i had a third tent.... trying to stay small, this shit can get out of control.
Haha the fun continues....im almost ready to start taking pics again lol

I Got some leaking around the tote lids ( using the blue lid hdx totes)

What are you guys doing to fix leaks around the lids? i tried weatherstrip but i think what i had was too big and bulky as it prevents me from actually closing the lid.


@anyone with ideas
Maybe try a thinner seal so the lid can actually shut? The only aero setup I use is the one I sent you a picture of the other day, the 2 gallon bucket lid has its own seal.
Maybe try a thinner seal so the lid can actually shut? The only aero setup I use is the one I sent you a picture of the other day, the 2 gallon bucket lid has its own seal.

ya I’m gonna try and find some smaller stuff. I tried trimming down what I have and it was a total clusterfk lol

I ordered these for my aerocloner, check it out! Frost King Vinyl Foam Tape -... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BQRQA0?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

oh cool, that stuff might be good to order for next time around. I need a quick solution now and ordering from amazon would take at least a week or more to get to me lol
Its the design of the tote,somewhere on this forum I read what tote has a leak proof lid.Where that is IDK.For a quick fix weights to push down the foam gasket may work.Or maybe some sort of drip rail on the lid,find out why or where and try to block or redirect its path if that makes any sense.
A simple drip rail under the lid in the right spot should help. I just took a piece of duct tape to show u what I mean


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