Well-Known Member
Could be the load or the pressure on the intake side.See if its quieter next res change when the level is real low.
Ya the sound does increase with higher water level
Could be the load or the pressure on the intake side.See if its quieter next res change when the level is real low.
I kinda like the concept of the "aquaclone" style: It uses a water pump with a venturi. So with one small waterpump (that comes with a venturi fitting) you circulate the water while injecting it with oxygen (and bubbles that rise to the surface, pop, and "mist" the clones.So. i was starting to figure what parts to order for a DIY bucket aero (wish someone would just post a link to the sprinkler head.. but will find one) anyway.. then ran into people saying bubble cloners are better.. which would save me money since i have spare air pumps and stones already.. Has anyone used both? any opinions?
I use a bubble cloner. What really matters is the strain and how healthy the mom is and what and how much you feed her.Take a healthy plant that doesn’t get fed much but is in good health the clone will root faster. compared to a mom that’s been fed more but still healthy just darker green those clones will take longer.
Ya try it if u got the stuff.Put the stem right at water level or a hair below when first planted.This will keep them hydrated so they'll stand tall.Play around its all good.
Maybe try a thinner seal so the lid can actually shut? The only aero setup I use is the one I sent you a picture of the other day, the 2 gallon bucket lid has its own seal.
I ordered these for my aerocloner, check it out! Frost King Vinyl Foam Tape -...
I ordered these for my aerocloner, check it out! Frost King Vinyl Foam Tape -...
If that doesn't work, try RDWC.