lowrdyer troubles


Well-Known Member
hey everyone,

these are my lowryders that are just about 2 weeks old today,
they are under 4 x 18W daylight 2 foot batten fluros soon to go under my
newly bought 400W HP

they were planted in a seedling mix potting soil in small foam cups with holes in the bottom.
i have been watering with distilled water every 2 days or so, but they have only had
one 1/4 strength feed of nutes which i gave to them yesterday after seeing theyre horrid state.

it looks like they have every deficiancy under the sun but i am just seeking some advice.

i know they need repotting into biger pots soon and i will do so before they go under the HPS,
most likely organic potting soil/perlite/verm

should i repot now, while they arent very healthy and bump up the nutes,
or should i wait until they come green again with some nutes then repot.

here are some photos and thanks advance



Well-Known Member
maybe its just me but over-watering doesnt seem to be the biggest newb mistake. It's using nutes too early or too much.


Well-Known Member
now im confused,

the plants started looking like this BEFORE i gave them any nutes whatsoever,
and i have been using a moisture probe to check the soil, so i dont think it
is over watering,

could this be a heat issue in my cab, the leaf on the right in the second pic is
all dry and crispy....?

i really dont want to lose these lowryders....please help!


Well-Known Member

have flushed all ten plants with distilled water thouroughly.

current temp in cab in arounf 65F and humidity is 40-50

does this sound ok
