Lowryder #1 First Grow


Well-Known Member
What's up Millyy, Lucy is looking good for day 3. I will be posting pics of the Blue Mystics, but this is the boring part they just pop their heads up. I had to dig a little to find them in the soil. I planted them too deep in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Ha Day 3 Is looking good yo! Im throwing mine to 12/12 light today i think its been long enough
Thanks man! I'll come check out your thread, have you posted any new pics?

What's up Millyy, Lucy is lookind good for day 3. I will be posting pics of the Blue Mystics, but this is the boring part they just pop their heads up. I had to dig a little to find them in the soil. I planted them too deep in the soil.

Hey Chief, Shes doing pretty good i think too! I thought i planted Lucy in not enough soil at first. That would be hard finding the seed in the soil haha glad you got to it. We are pretty much at the same spot since mines only 3 days old I'll come and check out you're pictures bro!
I gave Lucy a little bit of water today so hopefully i'm good till day 5 or 6. :d


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't be any problem misting Lucy often til she starts flowering.....she should love it....on watering, I can't imagine a plant that small using much water....it should be growing/sending out roots in search.....lucy can stand a dry spell a lot better than a flood.....if you're using fox farms OF, make sure you're dry before watering as it WILL burn lucy....and with FFOF, you shouldn't need any nutes at all through out.....

James Youngblood

Active Member
I noticed if I leave beads of water it acts like a magnifying glass for the light and can burn leaves on you sometimes I dunno if that's 100 percent true just an oh shit won't do that again moment. but woohoo day 4


Well-Known Member
I noticed if I leave beads of water it acts like a magnifying glass for the light and can burn leaves on you sometimes I dunno if that's 100 percent true just an oh shit won't do that again moment. but woohoo day 4
Then ALL of mine would've burned up a long time ago.....LOL


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't be any problem misting Lucy often til she starts flowering.....she should love it....on watering, I can't imagine a plant that small using much water....it should be growing/sending out roots in search.....lucy can stand a dry spell a lot better than a flood.....if you're using fox farms OF, make sure you're dry before watering as it WILL burn lucy....and with FFOF, you shouldn't need any nutes at all through out.....
Hey Oldreefer, i didn't water Lucy MUCH on day 3 (i think it was) so it could have just been dry from that, I'm trying not to underwater or overwater her >.<
Also, i AM using FFOF soil, You don't think i will need nutes after like week 2? Someone told me i should probably feed the plants nutes after week 2 or 3, but then again lowryder only has 5 or 6 week flowering period. What do you think?

I noticed if I leave beads of water it acts like a magnifying glass for the light and can burn leaves on you sometimes I dunno if that's 100 percent true just an oh shit won't do that again moment. but woohoo day 4
i ACTUALLY thought about that before once haha.. Just making sure it wasn't a problem because i know if water went on the buds (when there are some) it could cause a mold issue i assume.. BUT YAY! DAY 4 HAHA!


Well-Known Member
Millyy....FFOF has nutes in it already and will definitely burn a seedling if watered too often....let her get some roots for a few days......personally, when I used FFOF, my plants burned easily......if you're gonna use extra nutes, start very weak....but certainly not before 2-3 weeks old....Lowryder strains ARE hardy but very nute sensitive especially while seedlings......let a few nodes grow first.....misting is fine when humidity is low.....but only during veg....after buds form, no misting as humidity needs to be low....


Well-Known Member
Millyy....FFOF has nutes in it already and will definitely burn a seedling if watered too often....let her get some roots for a few days......personally, when I used FFOF, my plants burned easily......if you're gonna use extra nutes, start very weak....but certainly not before 2-3 weeks old....Lowryder strains ARE hardy but very nute sensitive especially while seedlings......let a few nodes grow first.....misting is fine when humidity is low.....but only during veg....after buds form, no misting as humidity needs to be low....
Makes since, so you didn't use any extra nutes when you used it? Also, i guess i can search around but does your plant show any signs when its in need of more nutes? I definitely won't use them yet.


Well-Known Member
Oh nice. yeah I'm excited to see the growth on both of ours I read about. mg soil it does burn plants. luckily all the nutrients in the soil should be dummeddown by now after this long I for sure won't use it again after this ha. what are you using?
James Youngblood you can check out my grow journal. I'm using MG potting mix. It's not bad so long as you hold off on adding nutes the first month or two. By the time your plants light cycle switches your good to start given em bloom nutes =)

I like this PC grow, looks really nice =) + reps and I'm going to sub to this grow.


Well-Known Member
James Youngblood you can check out my grow journal. I'm using MG potting mix. It's not bad so long as you hold off on adding nutes the first month or two. By the time your plants light cycle switches your good to start given em bloom nutes =)

I like this PC grow, looks really nice =) + reps and I'm going to sub to this grow.
Thanks man! +repped you back, hope you enjoy! Also if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me hehe


Well-Known Member
Millyy, when using fox Farm soil, you do not need any nutes for at least 3 weeks. Flowering count begins when your plant's sex is determined, then you start to count which means your plant will be 2-3 weeks old before showing sex. Then you have 5-6 weeks of flowering your plant will go through.