lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro


Well-Known Member
the seeds should be growing right now. not sure how long it takes but i dumped pollen all over the females. the buds are forming so i figure theyll just grow in the buds. not sure.

Wannabee. They are not autoflowering the hempstar that is. just regular. You can find the seeds for hempstar. forget which company invented it. Its like white widow but tastes better. not sure if mine will come out like that though. I got mine from a friend. They seem to grow like most other plants. I'd recomend this strain for sure. Hows your new setup coming along? I checked out some setups like yours. not sure which i will get. keep us posted cause i know the lowryders will be growing quick so lots of pics will be due. good luck. def check out hempstar seeds. may be expensive though.


Well-Known Member
how tha seeds coming along bud

My seeds are doing well, thanks:leaf:~~~~, have pics in my sig from yesterday. I'll take more pics in a few days, they seem very strong and the mist seems to be reaching the baskets. I was thinking about putting two in soil but 1982 said to keep two in one basket. I don't know if you mean just for now, just until they are sexed or the entire grow. Wouldn't they be crowded or the roots be crowded? I think I'll put at least one in soil. I see very good results with soil here. I'm really hoping for fems. The last time I tried I was so disappointed. Next time I buy beans, they are going to be feminized.

Sorry, thought Jimtufano was talking to me.


Well-Known Member
next time you buy just keep a mother and go from clone. so much easier. thats why the top of my cabinet isnt going to be lowryders. i cant sex 50 plants every month to get 24 nice females. I did keep a tiny clone in a cup of soil. its hempstar but it would take way to long to grow out. plus i hate working with soil in my room. I honestly suggest that you leave 2 females per pot if you can. yes 4 plants in there would have more room above and below but lowryder are small anyways. 2 ull grown lowryders are much smaller than most any other plant. they will def yield more this way. you will get a denser canopy of leaves for the light to hit. But def try going from clone from now on if you dont want to deal with males. Not fem seeds. unless you buy the fem seeds and keep a mother plant. seed is always a hassle because the plants dont grow evenly. when you clone they all come from the same plant so you get very even plants. try it. Soil is fun and i would put a plant in it for fun. but for strickly ease and over all speed i always go hydro. I cant risk it. good luck with what you do. you'll get your females somehow. but i rec cloning. by far the easiest and fastest.


Well-Known Member
wannabee. sorry. i remember you asked how to put the address on there and i completely forgot you could do it. i see your album under your name. sorry wasnt thinking. i'll be checking in often. But i see it now. lol. didnt even put my own on my info yet.


Well-Known Member
thats okay... trying to figure out what your avatar is... i'm going to go with keeping two of plants together in the baskets, because that sounds easier. Also, I have some wild flowers and tomato seeds growing too, in case anyone should ask what I'm growing.


Well-Known Member
i never said not to do soil. just that i wont do soil. if its something you want to try then do it. dont listen to me. but if yield and speed are a priority then dont. its up to YOU. good luck and if you try it we're all still interested. do it. lol
I have cream carpet and white everything else. thats why i dont use soil. also i tend to grow many plants so it would look strange throwing out huge amounts of soil every month. thats another reason i dont. but i wouldnt tell you not to. Try some experiments. but be carefull when disposing the soil. let us know. and happy planting


Well-Known Member
my avatar is my dog biting me. thought i would show amc. he gave me the idea. it was hard to get a good pic. lol. plus i didnt want her to crazy at that moment.


Well-Known Member
tomatoes are fun to grow. i'm thinking about growing some to. going to do those heirloom colourful ones. in ebb and flow in my kitchen. guess i could post my tomatoe grow on here. lol i'll be expecting pounds!! Its def fun to grow anything. thinking about also a massive ebb and flow outdoors this summer for all diff vegatables. You should check out some ebb and flow designs. i'm thinking that might be the overall best growing method. also thinking of trying this. what do ya think. 320 plants!! 1 1000 watt hps. outta yield well. omega garden. and the price is right. under 2000


Well-Known Member
I like the avatar, what kind of pup is she??? So the ak-47 has been curing for a few days now, and its starting to smoke alot better, I smoked my first joint out of it today. It was pretty good, I could only imagine what would have happened if thet were allowed to grow to full maturity!!! I will find out soon enough.


Well-Known Member
man the first joint. must be nice. i still somehow have a ways to go. what do you think of the omega garden. i got some pics of grows in it that will make you cry. i want 1 so bad now. my dogs a pitbull boxer mix.


Well-Known Member
the lowryders look like they should yield huge. decided to cheat and place the hpss over them also when the hempstars arent using them. figure their good for at least 3 more ounces. they are budding pretty quick so they should look like yours hopefully in a month. i now think they take around 70 days. 60 is too early most say. you didnt finish in 60 did you?


Well-Known Member
Im not to sure on that, to be honest I have no idea at all how long it took I lost track!!! Im not even sure how old my current ak is.... Thats horrible man, thats something I really should have tried to remember, oh well I guess there is always next time!!! I guess if I could give an estimate it would be closer to 60 days. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
good short enough. even 70 is fine. got my camera today and took some up close shots. i havnt perfected zooming in any closer yet. plus the file size is so big i can only upload 1 at a time. heres my first pic after figuring the cam out.


Well-Known Member
this one shows the buds forming. my other cam cant come close and i havnt even figured out how to properly use this yet. but at least you can see detailed enough for now to see where there at.



Well-Known Member
what about the juice bud. gotta keep me up to date on it. even if its harsh smoke it anyways. show it whos boss lol


Well-Known Member
so just looked at the hepstars. these things wont stop. must be alot of sativa in it. now that i think about it it smokes like it to so thats prob why its taking so long. there are huge buds on there that havnt even started their trichs yet so i till have a ways to go. new buds forming everywhere. i honestly think they need another month now. the lowryders will prob finish first. some of the hempstar branches will have to be supported today. some buds are 2 inches thick and 10 long. the 18/6 light cycle switch seemed to solve my heat prob. new high daily by 3 is around 86. i also decided to salvage the little clone of hempstar i had and treat it better. made a little soil hydro setup for it yesterday. hopefully i can get it big enough to clone in time. got lots of pollen for when i need seeds again.


Well-Known Member
so i think i developed a hempstar lowryder cross. whether on purpose or accident. i think the pollen must have got on the edge of 1 of the hempstars cause it looks like its developing seed pods. if theres only a hundred or so seeds i'll be happy. and im going to try growing them. think the lowryder are growing seeds to


Well-Known Member
no i have 2 seperate grows. 1 is regular mj, the hempstars, flowering on 12/12. the other is the auto lowryders. the male auto lowryders i think got some pollen on my hemstar branch and now i'll have my own cross. and i kept tons of pollen. trying to make an auto hempstar. prob have to breed it several times back with lowryder2 to get the auto feature. maybe 5 times. Hempstar is a great plant for indoors.