lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro


Well-Known Member
Lowryder x hempstar would be a nice cross!!! I once dreamed of crossing white russian x blueberry, and call it russian blue!!! That would be my first breeding attempt for sure, someday....


Well-Known Member
funny you said that. they have a cross of blackberry and white russian called black russian. its the most colourful bud there is. bright purple and not just a hint of purple. totally flourescent purple. it will prob take a few generations before i get the auto flowering hempstar though. the seeds that are the cross now i'll prob grow and then cross with the lr2s again both ways with females and males of each. its alot of labelling. but once you have a pollen supply you dont actually have to grow every male. the lowryders are supposed to be completely done in 30 days. cant believe it. dought highly i'm going to get 7 of the popcans. but even the runt seems to be doing ok. when i look at hw much bigger my 2 are than your popcan plant its crazy. doesnt seem like a plant that small could come out like that. my biggest plants are times the size of popcans and still look tiny. i just dont see how they will form buds like yours in such a short time.


Active Member
Well here is the scoop on my Lowryders..... we still have one plant growing, so we cropped and dried 5 plants for a whopping total of 20 grams of dried herb. Pretty bad yield, nice potent, fluffy, buds though. They are stinky. I would say that a majority came from the largest plant and the smallest plant combined. The little one had a decent cola on it.....

I would not grow lowryders again unless it were outdoor and I had 200 seeds to sow.


Well-Known Member
here is a picture of that black Russian... its a cross of black berry and blueberry i think... well whatever it really is it looks awesome... the brightest most florescent purple with the greenest of leafs.. its freaking sweet...

if you want to know more about this plant then check out my grow... 1982 posted an article on "Purple" which has tons of purple plants in it... very interesting stuff... just look back a couple days in my journal


Well-Known Member
i still want that strain but will prob never find it!!!!!!!
mitsub. can you take some pics. i should have about 2000 seeds to sow in the summer. might try it just for some extra. hopefully i get around 14 grams a plant. that was the original goal. let us know.


Well-Known Member
i see what you mean. the pic is labelled blueberry but mine dont look like that. maybe they did everything in the article to bring out the colour that intense. also its hard to guess the size of the bud. maybe half gram. maybe 3 gram bud. hard to tell. i just want to do it to say ive done it. it would make it alot easier to get caught if you were selling it. lol


Active Member
Whats up 82grower? Had a question for you if you have the time? I already germinated and just put my seeds in the soil. Im trying for 3 plants.I have 2 4ft T5s to start with..... Will that do for now and if not or if so what do you recomend for the future and when?First time for me ....apperciate any help or advice you can give...Thanks....Your plants are beautiful and I can only hope for something like that!


Well-Known Member
Whats up 82grower? Had a question for you if you have the time? I already germinated and just put my seeds in the soil. Im trying for 3 plants.I have 2 4ft T5s to start with..... Will that do for now and if not or if so what do you recomend for the future and when?First time for me ....apperciate any help or advice you can give...Thanks....Your plants are beautiful and I can only hope for something like that!
it is enough light but more is always better. they should do fine. try and have them in a line directly under the bulbs. put the bulbs close as you can and it should get you some bud. post some pics and let us know. post whatever you want here. I actually think if you get them to a decent size before they start to flower around the 20th day then you should get some nice bud. but if they are tiny after the 20th or so day the yield will prob be the same. just get them as big as you can before they start to flower. and try to get some pics. good luck and see what you can do.


Active Member
Thanks alot 82grower...I will keep you updated 4sure! Your the man...If I have any more questions I know who to ask.Thanks again my friend


Well-Known Member
hello all, that blueberry or blackberry or whatever that beautiful bud pic was, looks very nice:weed:. i could not even imagine how that would be to smoke:joint:, amazing color, very nice.

well, about my lr2 seedlings, i couldn't believe :roll: it... when i got home this evening, they were all drooped. turns out my new system wasn't getting the hydroton wet enough. However, they were still green and perked back up in no time, whew! can't tell you how disappointed I would have been if they hadn't.

was thinking about all that nice bud you will be growing that maybe you would have to give some away.....

i'd like a nice dog myself, can't have one right now... labradors are my favorite.


Well-Known Member
mean green. keep stopping by and try and get those pics. they grow fast so its good to take pics daily. or start a journal but this thread aint closing. i'll keep a few more grows on this thread for sure. its like home. seeya man and keep posting.

Wannabee glad they pulled through. as long as you catch them early they always seem to perk back up. once in awhile i'll admit i may forget to turn the fans on and man is it bad when i come back an hour or so later. but dont tell anyone. lol. havnt done it this grow yet. the new setup you got you'll perfect soon enough. its expected. glad there doing better now and theyll be huge in no time. for lowryder that is. lol seeya soon and obviously i'd share a bud with ya in a second if i could. lol but you'll have plenty of your own to.


Well-Known Member
wannabee. forgot to tell ya. had golden retrievers all my life but the last 1 died from the tanted chinease dog food. not lol. i love them. this dog was the 1 that i wanted when i saw it at the humane society. i'll take any dog if its the right 1. eventually you should get 1. you wont regret it. seeya


Well-Known Member
that purple haze or russian whatever looks like it is a lowrider growing in a pot of soil....look really closely and you will see a green circle flower pot with a perlite soil mixture and the bud is way above it... the picture has allot of depth perception in it... its a lowrider dude.. this could be a lowrider plant and we might be able to get ahold of a strain via a hookup

EDIT: this has got to be a lowrider strain.. look at the wooden floor and the individual boards... look how wide they are in comparison to this... it shows how small of a pot this is in (no pun intended) this is one small plant about the size of a old computer monitor



Well-Known Member
been looking closely. i kinda think its on a desk and mightbe about a gram. just because of the hairs and pistols. they look to be about 10% the width of the bud. maybe the floor boards are wooden pieces of the top of a desk. it def is in some sort of pot looking thing. its hard to tell. i thought at 1 point that the pot could be a gromet around a hole in the table


Well-Known Member
man just checked my thread and missed someone. wheres grow space? man i saw your post last month!! thanks man. come back. sorry man.


Well-Known Member
That black russian is pretty creative!!! I also thought once of crossing lowryder x bigbud, can you say crazy!!! The potency might go out the window, but if it didnt the plant would be a keeper for sure.


Well-Known Member
been looking into big bud. its a strange plant. only certain females yield those huge buds. once you find 1 that does you clone that 1. every person also said that the yield wasnt much better than other strains and the high is not great or taste. but i cant say i know i smoked it. dont think i have. its def a strange plant.
but i did hear that eating cannabutter is strong as hell. gonna make some at the end.


Well-Known Member
goldens are so nice, sorry for your loss... my seedlings are doing okay, except one is drooping a lot, oh well, the other five are okay. How goes your grow?


Well-Known Member
everything goes good. thanks. sucks about the droopy 1. hell prob perk up eventually. they normally do. i'll check your album.