Lowryder Easy Ryder aka Lowryder#2 x ak47

hahahaaa no, tuff= hard volcanic rock, tough= strong like a fighter. i know what clay is, sheesh lol.

yes it is day two and holding strong. started feeling puny last night but feel pretty good this morning. man i never realized how many food commercials there are on TV. lol

Yeah there's a huge physiological facter involved isn't there lol.

Tough = strong like fighter. Tuff = Mustangs and madras, cool ; !)

Hang tough luv
Yeah there's a huge physiological facter involved isn't there lol.

Tough = strong like fighter. Tuff = Mustangs and madras, cool ; !)

Hang tough luv

OMG your so smart! Tuff does also mean a rock composed of volcanic ash!!

And put down the laundry and relax you...no housework for you this week! Get pops and the kids to chip in lol. Oh and old is your little girl who had the birthday this month : ?)
hey thanx for the heads up on the bud porn the other day....ima hang around there a bit and think I willl prolly learn alot from those guy........wow whuta show huh????
OMG your so smart! Tuff does also mean a rock composed of volcanic ash!!

And put down the laundry and relax you...no housework for you this week! Get pops and the kids to chip in lol. Oh and old is your little girl who had the birthday this month : ?)
lol your cute.
she is going to be 5! but she is bigger than my 6 yr old boy (almost 7). not fat,mind you, just tall and solid from jumping on the trampoline.

i'm not dong any other chores except laundry (just one load a day) and the kitchen stuff, you know cooking and cleaning up the mess. hubby can't really help he's ALWAYS at work. and the kids still have brain damage (not really, just that age). lol feeling kinda like i'm in slow mo. think i'll have some veggie broth. at least its hot and it smells good in order to trick my brain into thinking i have eaten. lol

oh, hahahaa i was all licking my fingers while cooking dinner for the kids last night. slow cooker corned beef, cabbage, carrots and baby red potatoes. god that sounds so good right now. lol
Stop it lol!

I think that your kids are at the most precious stage now, you are very lucky you know. I'm glad for you, I loved that age! I have a boy and girl too. My little sweetie pie is not so little anymore and is a freshman at the local U and is majoring in bio chemistry. Academic scholarships all the way and she's a total red-neck hippie too all the way as well as an adrenaline junkie like her mom was. Cliff diving, dirt biking. four wheeling, snowboarding, the list just goes on and on!

I know what you mean by everything moving in slo mo too : !)
she sounds like a girl after my own heart. yeah my kids are fun at this age, they can actually carry on a conversation (kinda) lol its funny when they get a word wrong. for example, my little girl comes down the stairs and said "does this match my alphabet?" hahahha not alphabet but outfit. they are entertaining.
hey Highlanders, whut brand of bluberry was the one u posted on the club page???that is an amazing blue and I would like to look into it if u dont mind too much....
DAY 3!!!!!!! How ya doing SB?? Your almost over the hump baby, by tomorrow your going to feel like your on speed and your mental clarity will start to become soo heightened! You can do it Super Barbie,,,,I'll talk to ya : !)
DAY 3!!!!!!! How ya doing SB?? Your almost over the hump baby, by tomorrow your going to feel like your on speed and your mental clarity will start to become soo heightened! You can do it Super Barbie,,,,I'll talk to ya : !)
i actually feel really good this morning energy wise so i am taking advantage of it while i have it. lol. watered the lawn and flower beds (by hand) did laundry, dishes and vacumed the floor and its only 10:30. lol but after i post my pics i am going to sit my happy ass down on the couch and watch TV. anything good on PPV?
whats up my peeps. got some baby bud porn for ya.

auto blueberry stripper barbie
malibu and skipper 323.jpgmalibu and skipper 324.jpg

jack the ripper bast.
malibu and skipper 325.jpgmalibu and skipper 326.jpg

super silver haze bast.
malibu and skipper 327.jpgmalibu and skipper 328.jpg

bubba kush bast.

malibu and skipper 329.jpgmalibu and skipper 330.jpg

auto blueberry bondage barbie
malibu and skipper 332.jpgmalibu and skipper 333.jpg

group shot

malibu and skipper 334.jpg

bkb clones
malibu and skipper 335.jpg

and a 4 year olds point of view, great...........

malibu and skipper 321.jpg
Yeah there's a huge physiological facter involved isn't there lol.

Tough = strong like fighter. Tuff = Mustangs and madras, cool ; !)

Hang tough luv

Wanted to let you know where the phrase tuff comes from so you didn't think I pulled that one out of my ass lol....it's a quote from the S. E. Hinton novel, the Outsiders and anyone feel to correct me if I'm wrong ; !) It was my favorite book growing up and I read it cover to cover many times when I was a kid. I could really relate to the story...in my town also their was also a distinct class gap between the kids by the airport and the rich kids from the south side of town. I grew up in between the two but chose the right side lol

hey Highlanders, whut brand of bluberry was the one u posted on the club page???that is an amazing blue and I would like to look into it if u dont mind too much....

Hey bro, how's it going. Everything that you would want to know is in the link below to the BB smoke report. Good luck it's one of my favorites!
Highlanders Cave... Looked through a bit of your smoke reports... Love the blueberry pic! Gorgeous plant!

B, how much longer do your ladies have to go?