Well-Known Member
looking lovely as always,what do u use for smell btw?
i use ona gel for the most part, i pour a little in a small dish and put it in front of the fan.
that's so cool. i'll have to get that on my nook.Wanted to let you know where the phrase tuff comes from so you didn't think I pulled that one out of my ass's a quote from the S. E. Hinton novel, the Outsiders and anyone feel to correct me if I'm wrong ; !) It was my favorite book growing up and I read it cover to cover many times when I was a kid. I could really relate to the my town also their was also a distinct class gap between the kids by the airport and the rich kids from the south side of town. I grew up in between the two but chose the right side lol
B, how much longer do your ladies have to go?
not really sure, i just kinda let them tell me when they are done. but i think that the blueberries probably have about 3-4 weeks to go.