Lowryders 2 - Seed to smoke....

Weed Guy

Master Roller
It official i got 6 females and 4 males. But 1 female is EXTREMELY fucked from nute burn so its about as tall as my index finger.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Bud shots and overall as promised. I have seperated the males from the females, but havent slayed the bastards yet, i want some seeds for my next grow :).

And last but not least a view of the scenery:


Weed Guy

Master Roller
Update, Hope to be harversting in about 1 month and a half, give or take half a month. You can see the white hairs are starting to come out. I think ive healed the one with major nuteburn, all i did was dig him and his little roots up, removed all teh nute pellets and replanted, im now seeing ne growth, will document later.

Smallest but most mature plant, has orange hairs and smells mmmmmm gooooood:


Well-Known Member
You had better get those males out of there unless you want a bunch of seeds. Those nut sacks look like they are about to blow, if they haven't already.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Nah, i want to polinate my females so i get a load of seeds for my next grow....Then i will plant some Dutch Passion POWER PLANT feminised seeds that i have hoarding for quite some time now. Maybe even have Low Ryder PP hybrid :).

mr west

Well-Known Member
I would be carefull where u splash ya pollen dude u dont wanna lose ur genetics. Be controled and seperate the males and only pollinate one or two buds, thatll give u plenty of seeds and wont ruin the rest of ur crop.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Oh ok. I just slayed my bastard males, in preparation for my DP PP. I noticed THC crystals on some of my males, can i make hash? I also shook my males all over my females after i slayed them.

How much longer do you think that my LR2's have until harvest time.

mr west

Well-Known Member
quick calculation, ur bour 6 weeks in right? so another 4-6 weeks they say 90 days from seed to harvest on my diesel low ryders

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Mine said 60 days from seed to harvest but they have been growing slow as hell....I have a feeling its becuase im growing them outside and they are only get 13'ish hours of light instead of the 24hrs they would get if grown indoors. Im gonna germinate my (Dutch Passion) Power Plants in a couple of day, i just need to buy some more soil. Ive also been doing alot of research on water curing, will probs try that, apparently THC content is higher, and take a maximum of 7 days to do, BUT the smell and taste dissapears and the buds look darker and denser, its removes all the crap like chlorophyll and nutes 100% and does alot better job of it than Air Curing.

mr west

Well-Known Member
id try both so u got a benchmark to compar to but thats just me lol. As far as wen they will be ready, they will be done wen they look dun lol. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
just wait two more weeks. LR2 should be done by week 8, nine at most then theyre ready to be chopped. Good luck with your grow, i a huge fan or LR especially because its so stealthy

Weed Guy

Master Roller
I replanted the "extremely fucked" "Female" and was sooooooo pleased to find out that it was growing balls, so it means i didnt lose any female to nute burn YAY!! Update coming in a few days, weather ist nicht so gut. But they are getting really crystally and smell yummy as fuck. Still undecided about whether i should water cure or air dry my buds....any input?
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mr west

Well-Known Member
pertsonaly i would dry the normal way but a bit quicker, imo you can have a smooth smoke in less than a week easy hanging and curing but id try a bud in the water method jus to see.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Also i just checked on my females and they have little balls starting to appear, could this be the beginining of seed production?