Lowryders 2 - Seed to smoke....


Active Member
ive seen a few of the lowryders outdoors and they seem to grow slow until they show sex and begin to shoot up from there... what neuts and soil did u use if u dont mind me asking

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Update Time!!!! : Buds are coming along very niceley but wish i haddent sprayed soooo much male pollen on them everywhere i look there are seed. How do i harvest the seeds?



Well-Known Member
I was told that you have to give them 4 extra weeks for the seeds to mature. My plant is 80 days old and they look almost ready. I did not pollinate the main cola and chopped it a week ago. It will be finished with the water cure tomorrow.

mr west

Well-Known Member
ive planted a seed as soon as i found it in in the bud of a 10 week harvest. Its growing fine.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow mate, I'll keep an eye my lowryders are 11 days behind yours growing under a 250 hps should be hitting harvest around the same time ish...

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Confession to make...: I got desperate for a smoke today and cut down my smallest plant, grinded her up (seeds and everything, no stalks though), gave her a little trim. Then i put her in the microwave on high for 2 mins, took her out and she was still wet, so i whacked on the oven to FULL HEAT and shoved her in there for about 50 secs, came out drier than the sahara desert. Rolled her into a medium sized joint (the HOLE plant came out to less than a full joint). But i was FUCKED, maybe becuase im used to shitty soap bar hash and brickweed and dont smoke that often anyway... Ive learnt my lesson: DONT QUICK DRY AND BE PATIENT!

2nd story: At about 2pm i took 2 "Trip E"'s at 3pm i felt nothing so took another (recomend not to take more than 3) but at 3.45pm i still felt absolutley nothing. At 4.15pm it hit me all of a sudden BANG. It was a weird high kinda like weed but more hallucinogenic. I smoked two tiny buds of my plant (thats how fucked i was, i was in a "i dont give a shit" mood) without even quick drying them lol, straight from plant to bowl.... Later that night i went to an VIP party, which had an open bar which was sponsered by Schweppes, so i loaded myself up on Vodka + Coke followed by Moet Champagne. I went with a friend who bought some Spice Gold ( Its basically the same as weed....Illeagal in USA, Australia, Japan and some other countries) with him and we smoked that on the beach (was a beach party). I think i over did it becuase i started to hallucinate (world was spinning and moving in and out, as well as being only in black and white (like i was in a old days photo lol)) so i went out to the beach and sat by the sea to calm myeslf down, definetly didnt want to pass out or throw up in front of 300+ people.... I then had the craziest taxi drive home ever, it was almost as if i blinked my eyes and i was at home, within a split second.

To clarify i consumed: Legal Pills, Weed, Legal smoke, Vodka and Champagne. ( I learnt not to assume that "LEGAL" meant not having any effect the hard way....)

Happy Caps - Trip E - Happy Caps - Trip E - Online Shop

Spice Gold - Spice Gold (3g) - Online Shop

Sorry for the long post i just had to get this off my chest...

EDIT: Just found out that they have released Spice Diamond -Spice Diamond (3g) - Online Shop Will be trying this soon to give review, but im pretty sure it gonna be amazing.... $40 for 3g is a bit pricey though, and it doesnt make much sense to Americans becuase itss illeagal over there so you may aswell buy weed, but to everyone else this is the shit...

mr west

Well-Known Member
lessons leared the hard way. Its sometimes the best way to learn lol. I thought hanging buds over the radiator was cheating but u defo win that one lol, microwave and oven.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK, I left my phone outside last night and woke up to it raining, it doesnt even turn on, im using rice to dry it out.... SO PISSED OFF, HAS ALL MY NUMBERS ON THERE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Could you not just take the sim card out and put it in anoher phone and copy your numbers?
No worries people, used a vacuum cleaner to suck out the water and have had my phone sitting in a bowl of rice for the last couple of hours and it works again...YAY!!!!Time to celebrate :clap::-P:bigjoint::joint::mrgreen:

On another note, i germinated my Dutch Passion Power Plant seeds yesterday (havent sprouted yet) and are currently sitting in paper towels in water... I will be making a grow jounal for them too, but this time i wont be using shitty soil and il be using propper nutes...

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Im already planning my next grow and have got soil setup (80% Natural nute free, 20% from soil from males that i pulled up). Will take a pic the setup in the next few days, im gonna literally spread low ryder seeds everywhere, and pull up the males as they come. I was looking at my plants and have realised that i have more seeds than i can count, and thats only from one plant...So why is it that seeds are soooo expensive and it varies from strain to strain. Surely Afghan Kush are just as easy to produce as Low Ryder seeds, so why are they so much more expensive? Also shouldnt they be giving them away the amount of seeds that they harvest?
Update Time:


mr west

Well-Known Member
yummy, looking nice. My lowryders are just starting to get frosty, I hope mine get like urs dude.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Imagine if i had not been so stupid and would have chopped down the males ASAP instead of trying to make seeds like a fool. Power Plants are germinated but still in paper towels becuase i had to use their soil elsewhere for v.important project. $120 worth of seeds, hope i dont fuck them up....