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5 - 15 mics.- threshold. some report some euphoria, head change, and visuals but so mild.
20 mics- threshold. Some slight euphoria and body high. Very mild sensory enhancement. Creativity is slightly increased but this dose is so low. Smoking high amounts of cannabis on this dose will put One into a very outter space like cannabis high / trip but for a short duration.
Cannabis + LSD = amazing - but be careful... cannabis [ THC ] can increase LSD's effect DRAMATICALLY [good and bad- typically if One is an experienced LSD/cannabis user, it almost always ends up good / thought provoking / blissful time.]
Level 1 - a lot like a low mushroom dose [0.25 grams dried] or cannabis high {one toke}
30 mics- threshold, a lot like 20 mics, some euphoria and body high. A great "chilling" / fellowship dose [deep, philosophical conservations/thoughts]. Visuals/effects become more pronounced with cannabis. Smoking / Eating cannabis at this dose is awesome. Creating art like painting or drawing becomes extremely enjoyable. ~ Easier to handle, [set and setting]. ~ A good dose for amping One's energy/empathy and creating a more creative head space. [ microdose ]
40 mics- Obviously feeling the effects of LSD but it is mild, it wouldn’t ever be considered a tripping dose. Euphoria. Cerebral head change. This is like smoking a high end sativa with no tolerance. Colors are brighter and energy is slightly more sensitive/active. If You want stronger visuals [CEV & OEV] You gotta take a higher dosage. [ Some use this as a microdose ]
-like being really high on cannabis with no tolerance or a low mushroom dose [0.5 grams]
~ Level 1 - some report level 2 [40 mics - 85 micrograms with shorter duration]
50 mics - Intense energy shift during come up / peak, A lot more sensitive to energy, thought patterns are noticeably altered, visuals are obvious but very mild. ~ Slow come up. Intuition/awareness is greatly increased, ~ Mild visuals [shimmering lights, trails, very mild patterning on surfaces], increase of energy, and sensory enhancement. ~ The Thrd Eye starts opening.
Natural perception filter is somewhat bypassed [10%-15%]
Distracting thought patterns. Short term memory lapses. - A great dose for meditation/prayer.
Food smells/tastes amazing at this dose.
One can start to see Closed Eye Visuals, especially with edible cannabis.
Starting to feel the next level of LSD's effects. [ an effective microdose ]
60 mics- = This is considered tripping even though some could argue. This dose lasts about 6-8 hours. Shimmering, glitter fractals and closed eye visuals become present but not like 75-150 micrograms. Dream / memory experience recall. Mild visions. Slight blissful euphoria.. Visual acuity is enhanced. This dosage makes for a good time. Rippling and waving on textures. Closed eye visuals are calm and gentle , [some report entertaining 2D visuals with color and geometry]. This dose lasts longer and is similar to a gram of shrooms or incredibly high amounts of cannabis especially with no tolerance. Level 1 - Level 2
The typical low quality blotter. [ some use as a microdose, some use a tripping dose ]
90 mics- Mild-common visuals, Floating Ribbon, air particles / fractal designs [rapidly changing colors, CEV and OEV , eating or smoking high doses of cannabis increases this visual].- Confused or reminiscent thoughts. You start to think more. This is the dose where the mind can start to go to weird places [good/bad]. mild-intense change of short term memory. Increased distractive thought patterns, mild confusion can happen.= Your brain starts to speed up and you become more aware of everything. Left and Right brain signals synch even more.= Amplification of the senses [.ie. music sounds wider, smells / tastes are more saturated.etc]. Mild visual enhancement, cartoony / very ‘real’ looking surroundings. Surfaces move, warp or breathe. Mild trails. ~ Whole duration is about 8+ hours~ A lot like 1.25 - 1.75 grams of mushrooms ~ Level 2
110 mics- This is where One starts to feel LSD’s ‘tripping’ effects.
Insightful thoughts and moments of clarity. Common visuals [breathing/rippling/ruffling textures]. Trails are attractive but not like higher doses. Patterns can be seen on walls, surfaces, faces etc. Visual enhancement / acuity increased. Closed eye visuals are mildly entertaining, some color hue alterations, and geometric forms are 2 dimensional-CEV. Some realistic imagery / imagination thought trains. Memory Trances / Visions are possible at this dose. Deep meditation. Chakra enhancement [good/bad] ~
~ Lasts at least 8 hours - Level 2
150 mics- The typical 1-2 tabs and dose for an inexperienced LSD user. Mild shimmering, glitter fractals are seen at the peak, [open and closed eye visual]. Visuals are so saturated and attractive that One can get caught staring at a wall for hours. Profound visions and insight. Flashbacks to past experiences / memories come to life. Intuition increased: meditation, prayer, and focus is amplified. Deep therapeutic, psychological reflection. Life changing, spiritual experiences can happen. This dose can be quite intense at the peak and can be handled by almost anyone even though there have been reports of some freaking out. Peak last 4-5 Hours. Whole experience lasts 10-12 hours. ~
Still Level 2 but some can report a level 3 experience [a lot like 2.5 grams of mushrooms, dried]
200 mics- This is where things can get powerful. Your mind is racing. Beautiful colors are everywhere. Closed eye visuals are very apparent during peak but not as vivid as One would think.. Life changing, spiritual experiences or realization can happen at this dose. If you are a noob to lsd this dose is simply too high for you.
~ Level 2 - some report some Level 3 attributes @ 200 micrograms
Many people can handle it quite well but some may freak out.
~200-300ug- effects start in 45 min - 1hr, swelling and morphing of objects, definate clear defined peak, maybe some fractal/unexplainable visuals, shimmering, total effects lasting at least 12 hours, visuals slowly tapper away around 8-11 hours after administration. Nice CEV during peak.
Effects and visuals can come back using cannabis during come down - Level 2- 3
[potent edible thc oil works very well] ~ this dosage is a lot like 3.5 grams of mushrooms [dried]
250 mics- This is the classic and legendary acid trip dosage; this is a true LSD trip. Pulsating, colorful air energy that rapidly flutters into different shapes / colors. Memory flashbacks and strong intuitive experiences. Sometimes confusion or thought loop lessons can happen at this dose. Mild-average fish eye lense warping, curve visuals. Visual acuity is vividly enhanced. Average-strong cartoon world / visual enhancements. Long and detailed shuttering after imaging / trails. Giggly underwater cerebral head / body high. Slight mucus production / body shivers / muscle contractions.
Peak effects are intense/beautiful. Come down effects are often described as ‘more comfortable’ and less visual. After a good nights rest, the next day always has a brighter sparkle/vibe to it, especially if You smoke cannabis. Real life texture is distracting; overwhelms visual field from tracers/trails. Great but not spectacular Closed Eye Visuals. ~ Level 3
-strong energy sense on come up
- Can see patterning and trails 45 minutes after administration
- Sacrament - Do not abuse or take lightly. This is dose and higher is not for partying.
-Strong attraction to natural light and fresh cool air.
5 - 15 mics.- threshold. some report some euphoria, head change, and visuals but so mild.
20 mics- threshold. Some slight euphoria and body high. Very mild sensory enhancement. Creativity is slightly increased but this dose is so low. Smoking high amounts of cannabis on this dose will put One into a very outter space like cannabis high / trip but for a short duration.
Cannabis + LSD = amazing - but be careful... cannabis [ THC ] can increase LSD's effect DRAMATICALLY [good and bad- typically if One is an experienced LSD/cannabis user, it almost always ends up good / thought provoking / blissful time.]
Level 1 - a lot like a low mushroom dose [0.25 grams dried] or cannabis high {one toke}
30 mics- threshold, a lot like 20 mics, some euphoria and body high. A great "chilling" / fellowship dose [deep, philosophical conservations/thoughts]. Visuals/effects become more pronounced with cannabis. Smoking / Eating cannabis at this dose is awesome. Creating art like painting or drawing becomes extremely enjoyable. ~ Easier to handle, [set and setting]. ~ A good dose for amping One's energy/empathy and creating a more creative head space. [ microdose ]
40 mics- Obviously feeling the effects of LSD but it is mild, it wouldn’t ever be considered a tripping dose. Euphoria. Cerebral head change. This is like smoking a high end sativa with no tolerance. Colors are brighter and energy is slightly more sensitive/active. If You want stronger visuals [CEV & OEV] You gotta take a higher dosage. [ Some use this as a microdose ]
-like being really high on cannabis with no tolerance or a low mushroom dose [0.5 grams]
~ Level 1 - some report level 2 [40 mics - 85 micrograms with shorter duration]
50 mics - Intense energy shift during come up / peak, A lot more sensitive to energy, thought patterns are noticeably altered, visuals are obvious but very mild. ~ Slow come up. Intuition/awareness is greatly increased, ~ Mild visuals [shimmering lights, trails, very mild patterning on surfaces], increase of energy, and sensory enhancement. ~ The Thrd Eye starts opening.
Natural perception filter is somewhat bypassed [10%-15%]
Distracting thought patterns. Short term memory lapses. - A great dose for meditation/prayer.
Food smells/tastes amazing at this dose.

One can start to see Closed Eye Visuals, especially with edible cannabis.
Starting to feel the next level of LSD's effects. [ an effective microdose ]
60 mics- = This is considered tripping even though some could argue. This dose lasts about 6-8 hours. Shimmering, glitter fractals and closed eye visuals become present but not like 75-150 micrograms. Dream / memory experience recall. Mild visions. Slight blissful euphoria.. Visual acuity is enhanced. This dosage makes for a good time. Rippling and waving on textures. Closed eye visuals are calm and gentle , [some report entertaining 2D visuals with color and geometry]. This dose lasts longer and is similar to a gram of shrooms or incredibly high amounts of cannabis especially with no tolerance. Level 1 - Level 2
The typical low quality blotter. [ some use as a microdose, some use a tripping dose ]
90 mics- Mild-common visuals, Floating Ribbon, air particles / fractal designs [rapidly changing colors, CEV and OEV , eating or smoking high doses of cannabis increases this visual].- Confused or reminiscent thoughts. You start to think more. This is the dose where the mind can start to go to weird places [good/bad]. mild-intense change of short term memory. Increased distractive thought patterns, mild confusion can happen.= Your brain starts to speed up and you become more aware of everything. Left and Right brain signals synch even more.= Amplification of the senses [.ie. music sounds wider, smells / tastes are more saturated.etc]. Mild visual enhancement, cartoony / very ‘real’ looking surroundings. Surfaces move, warp or breathe. Mild trails. ~ Whole duration is about 8+ hours~ A lot like 1.25 - 1.75 grams of mushrooms ~ Level 2
110 mics- This is where One starts to feel LSD’s ‘tripping’ effects.
Insightful thoughts and moments of clarity. Common visuals [breathing/rippling/ruffling textures]. Trails are attractive but not like higher doses. Patterns can be seen on walls, surfaces, faces etc. Visual enhancement / acuity increased. Closed eye visuals are mildly entertaining, some color hue alterations, and geometric forms are 2 dimensional-CEV. Some realistic imagery / imagination thought trains. Memory Trances / Visions are possible at this dose. Deep meditation. Chakra enhancement [good/bad] ~
~ Lasts at least 8 hours - Level 2
150 mics- The typical 1-2 tabs and dose for an inexperienced LSD user. Mild shimmering, glitter fractals are seen at the peak, [open and closed eye visual]. Visuals are so saturated and attractive that One can get caught staring at a wall for hours. Profound visions and insight. Flashbacks to past experiences / memories come to life. Intuition increased: meditation, prayer, and focus is amplified. Deep therapeutic, psychological reflection. Life changing, spiritual experiences can happen. This dose can be quite intense at the peak and can be handled by almost anyone even though there have been reports of some freaking out. Peak last 4-5 Hours. Whole experience lasts 10-12 hours. ~
Still Level 2 but some can report a level 3 experience [a lot like 2.5 grams of mushrooms, dried]
200 mics- This is where things can get powerful. Your mind is racing. Beautiful colors are everywhere. Closed eye visuals are very apparent during peak but not as vivid as One would think.. Life changing, spiritual experiences or realization can happen at this dose. If you are a noob to lsd this dose is simply too high for you.
~ Level 2 - some report some Level 3 attributes @ 200 micrograms
Many people can handle it quite well but some may freak out.
~200-300ug- effects start in 45 min - 1hr, swelling and morphing of objects, definate clear defined peak, maybe some fractal/unexplainable visuals, shimmering, total effects lasting at least 12 hours, visuals slowly tapper away around 8-11 hours after administration. Nice CEV during peak.
Effects and visuals can come back using cannabis during come down - Level 2- 3
[potent edible thc oil works very well] ~ this dosage is a lot like 3.5 grams of mushrooms [dried]
250 mics- This is the classic and legendary acid trip dosage; this is a true LSD trip. Pulsating, colorful air energy that rapidly flutters into different shapes / colors. Memory flashbacks and strong intuitive experiences. Sometimes confusion or thought loop lessons can happen at this dose. Mild-average fish eye lense warping, curve visuals. Visual acuity is vividly enhanced. Average-strong cartoon world / visual enhancements. Long and detailed shuttering after imaging / trails. Giggly underwater cerebral head / body high. Slight mucus production / body shivers / muscle contractions.
Peak effects are intense/beautiful. Come down effects are often described as ‘more comfortable’ and less visual. After a good nights rest, the next day always has a brighter sparkle/vibe to it, especially if You smoke cannabis. Real life texture is distracting; overwhelms visual field from tracers/trails. Great but not spectacular Closed Eye Visuals. ~ Level 3
-strong energy sense on come up
- Can see patterning and trails 45 minutes after administration
- Sacrament - Do not abuse or take lightly. This is dose and higher is not for partying.
-Strong attraction to natural light and fresh cool air.