LSD, im tempted to take it...If you have read this.


Well-Known Member
lol i was watching star wars yesterday off and on

I think its great to be safe but with that being said....... when you try and over control a situation that is when it gets most out of hand. You cant force a LSD trip to be good or fun..... once I I got left alone i the woods tripping balls. I had to walk 4 miles to my truck through winding trails at 3 am. Best trip ever. I should have been terrified I was in mountain lion territory, I was lost and kept going the wrong way. yet one of my best trips ever..... just a thought... i like taking LSD, mescaline shrooms, in all different situations


Well-Known Member
You really can't go by what other people experience when on LSD. LSD like other drugs effect different people , different ways. If you want to try it that's got to be your decision, don't have any doubts about it or it will put in a bad mood. If you do decide to try it my only advice would be to start with, at the most 1/2 a hit, and definitely be in comfortable surroundings. I've always enjoyed being outdoors. Also it more comforting to trip with someone, you don't want to be the only one tripping.


Well-Known Member
Well, there is a lot to consider with LSD. The first being that it frequently isn't lsd. There appears to be a lot of 25x-nbomes getting sold as lsd. If you have one, you will taste it. They taste bitter, and if you swallow one right away it will have absolutely no effect. You want to make sure what you are taking really is LSD.

There are countless blotters, liquid etc. Some of it can be pretty fucking nasty no fun shit. You don't want that. I believe the odds of getting the good stuff in liquid form is better, but so are the odds of getting watered down crap.

The experience from 1 hit of LSD, say 80ug is far different from the experience at 350ug. Night and fucking day. The typical theraputic dose back in the day when it was being given out by researchers legally was around 250ug. This brings up the whole how much should I eat question. Jumping right into 250ug can be, shall we say unpredictable. Eating a single hit and thinking you've done LSD isn't really productive either. My recommendation is to take a small amount first just so you can see how well you tolerate it, then after the tolerance period, eating a bunch. Don't be one of those pussies who never makes it past a hit. Expect to not sleep for up to 18 hours, 12 at a minimum so plan accordingly.

IMO, LSD sucks, makes you all jittery, fucks with your head and makes you think crazy thoughts. You can drink alcohol to try and deal with the jitters but it does't fucking work. The only thing that seems to work are phenethylamines. Have some 2C-B, MDMA or similar substances around. You will thank me. When you start thinking, oh god this is so fucked up, why the fuck did I do this... take the MDMA, 2C-B etc. You're gonna think, really, I'm feeling all freeky, shakey and the walls are breathing and you're telling me to take even more drugs which also happen to be stimulants? Yeah. Do It. You will feel 10 times better after you do.


Well-Known Member
Let me paraphrase that as LSD by itself sucks. I've done it dozens of times, and the first time I took it with 2C-B it was like, fuck, I've been doing it all wrong for decades.

LSD is half a drug, mix it with phenethylamines and you get a full, rich experience that just doesn't compare to LSD alone.


Well-Known Member
Well like he said it effects diff people diff ways..perhaps his idea of a good lsd trip is with some 2cb..I know id rather have ketamine by my side when tripping,but,I also like lsd by itself just fine! That's what's for breakfast!!!


Well-Known Member
I've taken up to 350-400ug. I've tripped more times than I can count on LSD. It wasn't until I added the phenethlyamines that I felt I had a truely complete experience.

Yes, you can take just LSD. You can also just take your coffee black, or eat peanut butter without chocolate, or sushi without wasabi and ginger. There will always be something missing from the experience though.


Well-Known Member
I've taken up to 350-400ug. I've tripped more times than I can count on LSD. It wasn't until I added the phenethlyamines that I felt I had a truely complete experience.

Yes, you can take just LSD. You can also just take your coffee black, or eat peanut butter without chocolate, or sushi without wasabi and ginger. There will always be something missing from the experience though.
there is your problem...400 ug is first timer dosage. you have used LSD and never dared venture into the moderate dose range? yet, you say it is incomplete experience? dude, take some are not experienced without having taken 1000ug

lol i get defensive about lucy


Well-Known Member
If you take it with a phenethlyamine you won't need to take 1000ug. :)

Anyway, Albert Hoffman would dissagree with you.


Well-Known Member
there is your problem...400 ug is first timer dosage. you have used LSD and never dared venture into the moderate dose range? yet, you say it is incomplete experience? dude, take some are not experienced without having taken 1000ug

lol i get defensive about lucy
We all have different reactions to that particular substance. I have never made it to a miligram, about 800 ug being as high as I have ever gone yet I personaly could never call 400 ug a "moderate" dose, considering 250 about middle of the spectrum. Between 650 and 800 I always found myself whiting out, effectivly blinding me and I always had this thing about being able to see Something, regardless of how wrecked or distorted it might be.

banks dank

Active Member
Acid to me is just like blah...

It makes me useless i laugh a fuckload and shit is weird...
Of course there is visuals...

No profound thoughts feelings or emotions just...high as hell tripping lol


Well-Known Member
Acid to me is just like blah...

It makes me useless i laugh a fuckload and shit is weird...
Of course there is visuals...

No profound thoughts feelings or emotions just...high as hell tripping lol
Because you didn't eat it with phenethylamines. Like I said it's a half drug :) With the phenethylamines, whole different world.

I've dosed others up with this combination who were all experienced trippers. The result was the same "Oh fucking god, this is the shit."

Acid spins you around in circles and pumps you full of energy and confusion. The phenethylamines channel all that energy into a place which is beyond both LSD and 2C-B/MDMA.

banks dank

Active Member
Because you didn't eat it with phenethylamines. Like I said it's a half drug :) With the phenethylamines, whole different world.

I've dosed others up with this combination who were all experienced trippers. The result was the same "Oh fucking god, this is the shit."

Acid spins you around in circles and pumps you full of energy and confusion. The phenethylamines channel all that energy into a place which is beyond both LSD and 2C-B/MDMA.
That sounds interesting...

I tripped lucy several different times the last time i tripped so hard i couldn't see my hand waving in front
of my face...Visuals were so fucking intense and distorted it was insane i could see them move faster or bigger with
every pump of my heart lol is it me or does lucy give a slight metallic aftertaste??? Every time i trip
it tastes metallic and i can feel it in my sinuses like coursing thru my nasal passages its intense....

I havent tripped 2c b i tripped 2c i a few years ago it was pretty interesting kinda like shrooms but
not...Shroom visuals with a slight MDMA feeling to it...Very wierd.

Anyone else have similar experiences as above??


Well-Known Member might not need 1000ug of lsd with a phenyalethlamine(I can't spell and we know this),but you'll need 1000ug of phenyalethlamine..I ate over 50 hits of 25c-nbome over 3 months or so..each hit was 1000ug..only dosing 2 at a time at most..I love those drugs but its kiddy pool time in my book compared to lucy..I think for me to come close to a bad time on 25c id have to verge on taking a dangerous dose..any lsd combo is just that..lsd+another one says I like lsd with my nbome..its the other way around...


Well-Known Member
I find 2C-B to be much closer to MDMA. 2C-B dosages start at 20mg. On acid they're like tasty candy. 25-x Nbome totally different thing which I haven't tried yet. Near as I can tell, for any amount of LSD, there is an equal and opposite amount of phenethylamine. 100ug of LSD required about 30mg of 2C-B.


Well-Known Member
I just don't know guys... 400 ug of LSD is a solid trip but 1000 ug -1500ug of L is a whole other world