LST basics


Well-Known Member
first timer
would love to know the basics of LST, the objective and methods.
thanks to all who pass thru :weed:


Active Member
The Objective: Redistribute growth auxins from the highest growth to lower growth so that the plant forms a more uniform or flat canopy. This is accomplished simply by tying or weighing down the highest growth - the plant does the rest in response.

Basically you are mimicking, in a less stressful way, what would happen if for example a deer came along and ate off the top of the plant. In response, auxins that regulate growth will redistribute from going to the highest tip that was eaten off, to the tips of lower growth. This causes the lower growth to grow faster/bigger/higher and pick up the slack from the loss of the top.

Beyond that, not a lot to it - unless you want to get creative and make the plant grow in circles around the edge of the pot, fill in otherwise wasted grow space, or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
:clap:Fantastic response! Thanx for being so clearly defined. I feel much more familiar with the concept
+rep and I hope lotsa readers fall upon this one:weed: