LST - CFL - DIY closet build n grow (Strawberry Cough, Lost Lacy, Bagseed)


Well-Known Member
Lol, well thanks for the nice words guys! You know it's always nice to be hearing that!

Kinda had a situation yesterday and the power company came by. I of course didn't answer when they knocked twice and the next thing I know they went to the back of the place I'm living and cut my power! Not anyone else's power in the entire apt, just MINE! I had no idea why, and started to get a little paranoid, so I ended up chopping her down and tossing all the clonees I just took in the trash to be at the legal limit of plants. So that was a scare, come to find out, they just processed our payment wrong, they had the money from us, just hadn't SHOWED they had it. So after talking to my lanlord and blah blah blah got the power back on after about 3 hours. No one ever ended up coming into my apt. Could have just kept all my plants (or clones should say) but I just feel more comfortabel being legitimately legal. So I'll only take some cuttings right before I harvest again. Because I'm pretty sure if it has a root structure it's considered an individual plant.

Anyways all is good now. Nothin to fret about. Got the last girl harvested now. And down to my limit on plants.

hey man she is lookin great, whats the trichs like on her. i thin ki would chop here ina few days. u could put her in the cold to purple her up some over night. and i dont think your grams per watt matter to much cuz you have done some of the best cfl growing i have seen so great work bro and keep it up and smoke it up. i would be very happy to. would plus rep again but cant
MC The trich's are like 5% clear, 80% cloudy, and 15% amber. Or close to it if I had to guess from looking at them through the scope. And thanks for the kind words about CFL growing! It's much appreciated man! I did a WHOLE LOT OF RESEARCH on CFL's and shit before I started growing. And I mean a WHOLE lot, and I honestly contribute my ability to grow to this site almost completely by itself! It's rediculous how much I've learned! I just started watching that show 'WEEDS' it's pretty cool, and awesome because I know more about growing than them! So it entertains me! lol, Me and my girl been watching that alot!

i'm loving it, your math is 100%
75g form 300w is good
and you say you have 1 more big one (which look like 30+ ez)
if you had to guess what would you say
Hahaha, yea well don't give me TO much shit brah! lol
Now if I had to guess I would say that this plant that I just harvested yesterday (The last plant of this grow cycle) is going to give me somewhere around 40G's. Because the FIRST plant I ever grew was this same strain, and I yeilded 40G's off it, and this time around the plant is looking MUCH better, because I know alot more about what I'm doing. Also my Strawberry Cough yeilded 43G's. So it seems that I am averaging roughly 40G's a plant. I never weighed ALL the schwagseed so I'll never know how much of that I had, but I'd be willing to bet money it was right around the same, 40G's. I will almost guarentee that I'm getting 40G's at least off this last plant. Which would leave me with a total of around 115G's off 300W of CFL's. If anybody ever dogs on CFL's, send em MY way! hahaha

Thanks again for stopping by guys! I'ma see what I can do about getting those budshots. Kinda had a hectic day yesterday so I couldn't get it done, but I'll work on it tonight!

Peace and LOVE

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
1 more question
how are the buds
texture wise, meaning are the buds dence
do the look and feel like buds grown under the sun or hids

they sure do look good if i coud +rep you again

really cant wait for your next grow


Well-Known Member
sounds like a scare, just try to stay at the legal limit and no worries. and the trichs sounds like she is riping up real good. and ya that show is the shit i found it and watched all 5 seasons with in like 2 weeks. great show. also i dont know if u have a copy of your states MMJ laws i do so i will let u know a good one to follow so u dont get screwed for no reason. but here is one law that is for all states. this is quote for quote form my paperwork.when drying your harvest, be sure to cut the the plants at the base and hang them to dry as a single plant. A drying plant counts as one of your 3,6,7,12, or 15 adult plants. Only when you cut off and trim it for use does it become part of your 1,2,2 1/2, 3, or 24 ounces. ok now this is saying that if u have one plant with 6 branches and u cut off all of them to trim and then dry on the that those are all considered a plant so ur one plant just went to 6 adult plants that puts you over the limit. now its not a huge law to follow cuz it is stupid but i just wanted to et you know just in case. i still cut individual branches but they are only like that for a few days.

hope that made sense i am baked


Well-Known Member
1 more question
how are the buds
texture wise, meaning are the buds dence
do the look and feel like buds grown under the sun or hids

they sure do look good if i coud +rep you again

really cant wait for your next grow
Ok so bud density. Now with my schwagseed plant the buds were actually quite airy which concerned me quite a bit while growing my Strawberry Cough and Lacy. But I did harvest that plant 2-3 weeks early so I think that had a bit to do with it. BUT my Strawberry Cough and Lacy are actually very dense! It suprised me when I got the Strawberry Cough dried because the buds just became solid!.. And my damn camera ran outa batteries again so I didn't end up getting any bud shots. I promise I'll try tonight!

sounds like a scare, just try to stay at the legal limit and no worries. and the trichs sounds like she is riping up real good. and ya that show is the shit i found it and watched all 5 seasons with in like 2 weeks. great show. also i dont know if u have a copy of your states MMJ laws i do so i will let u know a good one to follow so u dont get screwed for no reason. but here is one law that is for all states. this is quote for quote form my paperwork.when drying your harvest, be sure to cut the the plants at the base and hang them to dry as a single plant. A drying plant counts as one of your 3,6,7,12, or 15 adult plants. Only when you cut off and trim it for use does it become part of your 1,2,2 1/2, 3, or 24 ounces. ok now this is saying that if u have one plant with 6 branches and u cut off all of them to trim and then dry on the that those are all considered a plant so ur one plant just went to 6 adult plants that puts you over the limit. now its not a huge law to follow cuz it is stupid but i just wanted to et you know just in case. i still cut individual branches but they are only like that for a few days.

hope that made sense i am baked

Haha Yea that made sense dog! And thanks for the input, I definitely didn't know that! So that is a GOOD thing to know! How stupid though, I mean honestly, individual branches each are considered a plant once cut OFF the main plant and hung to dry... How absurd!

Lacy and her purple buds look so FUCKING good guys, wow, like I'm really not trying to toot my own horn or anything at all, but it has some of the prettiest buds I have ever seen before in person!


Well-Known Member
yes very stupid just like alot of the laws. i dont really follow that law as it is retarded and mine only hang for a few days before i clip off and into a paper bag.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys here's just a quick pic update. Snapped some shots of whatever I could while the camera was on for the entire 2 minutes before the camera deid! lol

So the first 3 are of Lacy's stalk.

The next 1 is all of Lacy's clones that I have left.

The next 2 are of that PermaFrost I have growin. I'm pretty sure I haven't put up a pic of this plant since it was JUST transplanted out of it's solo cup. It's been a while, super pretty plant though!

And the last 2 are some (attempted) budshots of the Strawberry Cough harvest.

Enjoy! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
man hooked u have acame along way since i found your first thread, great job. and hey your growin permafrost i love that shit. my grower just gave me 2 ozs of it last week. i think u will like to grow it. all y buds of it have alot of purp on it and not the leaf i mean the bud is dark purp to mine was from last years outdoor. mine smells a lil on the cheesey side but once in a jar it is strong smelling. very smooth smoke and powerful. treat them good and they will gladly return the favor. i will post a pic of my permafrost later if i can i need a cam to get a decent pic. like your new av to


Well-Known Member
man hooked u have acame along way since i found your first thread, great job. and hey your growin permafrost i love that shit. my grower just gave me 2 ozs of it last week. i think u will like to grow it. all y buds of it have alot of purp on it and not the leaf i mean the bud is dark purp to mine was from last years outdoor. mine smells a lil on the cheesey side but once in a jar it is strong smelling. very smooth smoke and powerful. treat them good and they will gladly return the favor. i will post a pic of my permafrost later if i can i need a cam to get a decent pic. like your new av to

Thanks MC! Dude that's fucking legit! I'm like UBER glad from what I hear about this perma frost! WoW! I didn't know you've smoked it, let alone have a couple OZ's chillin around! That's sick man! I'm really enjoying this plant SO far! Can't wait for the next month and a half to go by! :) Such a pretty plant, I'm gonna try to see what kind of purple she can get on her! I FUCKING LOVE THE PURPS MAN! lol, I had never tried it before, and once I did, started trying ALOT of it! I just love it! I'd love to see some pix of the PermaFrost your smokin on if you can get em! Let me know for sure!

Thanks bro! I really like it too!


Well-Known Member
i will get the pics up as soon as its sunny here for some reason my phone only gets really good photos when im outside on a sunny day. but it should be sunny tommorow. also my permafrost is from outdoor grow, so the color to mine is most likely darker then what u will get indoors, but not the purp part im sure u will have alot of purp on her when she finishes up. pics comin soon though ill also take a pic of my jackfrost i also got from my grower. and my shishkaberry is still curing. i told my gorwer i was out so he gave me ozs this month. but i still got like 5 ozs of the shishkaberry so i got about a half p right now so im pretty happy


Well-Known Member
i am a legal card holder and i was growing my own indoor for the winter. but i live in the city and cant grow in my back yard. so i had to let some one grow for me for the outdoor season unfortanutly. he is doing a great job though he has good medican and alot to give for free he doesnt charge one cent. once i have land of my own i will do outdoor my self. i will start my indoor again for my self once the summer crop is over.


Active Member
Shit,lose your internet for a minute and everything goes a-runnin.
Was readin your journal and stoked to see you got 43 grams out of your Strawberry Caugh. Very encouraging for me with my Strawberry Cream. Although it is a cross of Strawberry CaughxIce Cream,it is the coolest and closest thing to what I have that I have been able to watch grow up personally for the last 2 months. Congradulations on your grow.

So than I see pics of this beautiful purple plant. Awesome grow. And a second later I read about the power company and scrappin plants. Was panicking for ya. But after another few posts I'm calm. Lol. I have the same issue. My outdoor grower is no longer legal. There are new laws in that area. I am willing to pay everything to make it legal,but they will lose out a little. I need to make him understand. He says fuck it,I'll go to jail. But is it really worth losing everything just to get a couple extra pounds? NO! I'll see what I can do. Glad everything is cool.


Well-Known Member
Alright well the final weigh in, is in! After drying and now curing for the past 2 days, I weighed Lacy last night and ended up getting 41G's off her! Which makes my TOTAL weight for this grow (off of 276W of CFL's) is 116G's of actual dried and cured bud! And then I have about 10G's or so of trim that I'm going to make 'Green Dragon Tincture' out of tonight!

Now I still think, and am fairly posative that I had more (weight wise) from the schwag plants, but because I waited so long and had been smoking on it for 3 weeks before I ever weighed it we will never know. But I'm still ok with 116G's from my CFL set up! That makes me a happy man! Especially seeing as how I smoke about an 8th, so 3.5G's a week. So technically this could last me 30+ weeks..... BUT since I have an abundabce, I may smoke slightly more. Either way though this harvest will most DEFINITELY last me untill the NEXT harvest, because I have girls that have been on 12/12 for almost a month already! So I'll be harvesting again before to long here. I love having the perpetual down, this shit's legit!

Thanks for taggin along everybody!


Well-Known Member
nice final weight,and glad u wont be out of pot now fro awhile if ever now. how are gonna make the green dragon tincure sounds good and interesting


Well-Known Member
Alright well it's kind aof a long post, and to be completely honest I don't even know the user that posted this. It's definitely not my shit, but I just coppied and saved it so when the time comes I'll have it to make the Green Dragon Tincture. So here's the directions if anyone's intereested:


Hi Friends,

Since I first posted the Definitive Green Dragon 6 months ago, I have received many great comments, answered many questions, and gained more expertise with the extraction myself. I decided it's time to update my recipe and combine my other posts. The biggest change is increasing the extraction temperature from 150-165°F to 170°F.

Below is the original recipe (updated). Tips and techniques follow.

Thanks for all the feedback and interest.

The Definitive Green Dragon (Revised)

Here is the very successful result of a considerable amount of research into the elusive and magical Green Dragon.

This is a simple and efficient 4 Step process.

1/8oz high quality cannabis
2 oz Bacardi Rum – 151 proof

Process Summary:

1. Chop cannabis very fine (coffee grinder works great)

2. Place in a shallow pan (a sheet of aluminum foil works great) and bake at 325°F for 5 minutes.

3. Remove from oven and place cannabis in 2 oz of 151 proof rum (use a small wide mouth mason jar)

4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Maintain temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture between 170°F.

5. Strain the mixture and store.

One milliliiter (one full eyedropper) is very nice. Two puts you in space. But you must self-titrate (test it on yourself) as each batch will be slightly different. Effects take up to 1.5 hours to begin (at least in myself) and lasted for 5 hours (1 dropper) to 7-8 hours (2 droppers).

I place one eyedropper (1ml) of Green Dragon in a small glass. I then add a small amount of water (1-2 ml) and drink. Do this on an empty stomach for best results (about 20-30 minutes before eating a main meal is good).

Process details—references and rationalizations:
1. Chop the cannabis
More surface area gives means a faster and more efficient extraction.

2. Bake the cannabis.
This converts THCA to THC via a decarboxylation reaction.
In whole-plant cannabis, THC content is expressed as THCA (tetrahydrocannabolic acid) prior to decarboxylation into THC, which takes place when cannabis is heated during cooking, and smoked or vaporized ingestion. THCA is a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory but does not have good affinity with our CB1 receptors, so in order to make a THC-rich tincture that has many of the same therapeutic effects as smoked ingestion (including rapid absorption, quick relief and ease of self-titration), we must convert the THCA in the plant matter into THC prior to extracting it through an alcohol soak. (from Vancouver Island Compassion Society
THC vaporizes at about 380°F. We want to heat the cannabis to convert THCA to THC, but keep the temperature under 380°F. That is why 325°F is used. Between four and five minutes your oven (and house) will start to smell very strong. This is the time to remove the cannabis from the oven.

Notice also that there is considerable misinformation regarding heating the cannabis. It is true that you don't have to heat it to extract both THC and THCA, but the amount of THC in whole plant preparations is relatively small compared to after decarboxylation of the THCA. So if you want to maximize the strength of your tincture you must heat the cannabis prior to extraction.

3. Use the highest proof alcohol available.
Where I live this is Bacardi 151. The more alcohol the more efficient the extraction will be.

4. Simmer the mixture.
This is one of the areas that seems to be most debated. Many recipes call for placing the cannabis (unbaked of course) into the alcohol and waiting 2 – 6 weeks. The main concern with heating the alcohol is that it is “explosive” (not exactly is however flammable).

The purpose of the simmering is to heat the alcohol mixture to improve extraction rates and efficiencies. Heating during extraction increases the motion of the molecules (basic physics/chemistry) and drastically decreases extraction times. The boiling point of pure ethanol is 173°F (78°C). We will use the water bath to heat the rum/cannabis mixture to just below the boiling point of ethanol.

Heating the alcohol mixture can be done very safely using a hot water bath. You will need an accurate candy or quick read thermometer. Place about 1 inch of water in a wide, vertical-edged pan (9” diameter x 3” high). Bring the water to a low simmer. The rum/cannabis mixture should be in a small (1 pint) mason jar. Do NOT cover the jar.

Put the thermometer into the mason jar and place into the simmering water bath. Bring the temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture to about 170°F. The alcohol should be just barely boiling.

You should have the oven fan on high. You will notice that any alcohol fumes are mixed with water vapor from the water bath and vented out the fan. This combined with the fact that you are trying not to boil the ethanol makes the process quite safe.

5. Strain and store.
When you are finished with the extraction you will be left with about 1oz of green dragon tincture after you have strained the extract. Notice that one ounce of the alcohol has evaporated. See the tips below for a good way to strain the tincture.

A standard eyedropper will transfer about 1ml (or 1 gram) of liquid. There are 29 milliliters in one ounce. So you should end up with about 30 or so full eyedroppers (30 milliliters) of Green Dragon.

The liquid should be dark brownish-green and smell like cannabis.

6. Dosage. Titration.
Everybody is different. It takes me between 30-90 minutes to feel the effects of Green Dragon (depending on how much food is in my stomach).

I had tried a tincture someone had made using the cold extraction method with the same amount of cannabis and found that 5 ml (5 full eyedroppers) did pretty much nothing.

Using my Green Dragon technique I find that one dropper will bring effects on in 30-90 minutes and last 5 hours with 1.5 hours of lingering aftereffects.

Two droppers gave me a "spiritual dose" (as strong as any brownie I ever had). Effects lasted 7-8 hours with lingering effects for 2 more hours.

This means that 1/8oz of good cannabis yields about 30-34 doses of tincture (1 dropperful is really all I need). For me it is much more pleasant than smoking (I've stopped smoking entirely).

This link might be helpful.
Metric Conversion:

Combined Tips and Techniques
Below are the combined tips and answers to questions that have accumulated over the last 6 months.

1. Baking Temperature/Time.
I use 325 Farenheit for 5 minutes. Although this will change depending on the type of pan you use. With a gas oven and aluminum foil (no pan cookie sheet) 5 minutes was fine. However with an electric oven, a cookie sheet, and baking parchment, I needed a few more minutes. Keep a close eye on it.

Note that OKSmokey uses 20 minutes at 200°F. I haven't tried this but he has had good success with this temperature.

2. Double the Recipe?
Sure, why not. It should be fine. But I prefer to err on the side of caution and would probably do the extraction twice with a self-titration in between runs.

3. Dosage
You will have to figure dosage with each batch. And you must test it on yourself. The way to do this is through titration (a fancy chemical term that means to determine the concentration of a solution). The concentration of GD will change based on the strength of the starting material, the amount of alcohol you boil off during the extraction, the efficiency of your pre-bake, etc.

Start with one or two full dropperfuls (not drops!) and swallow them down. Check the time and note when you first feel effects, when you peak, the intensity of the peak, and how long it lasts. Make sure you can reproduce your titration (empty stomach, time of day, diluted in water?, etc). If you like what you feel, great. If too much or not good enough try again tomorrow with a different amount. With two points (high and low) you should have a pretty good idea of how it works on your body. Of course it might be different on someone considerably bigger or smaller.

For instance one batch I made was unbelievably strong--1 dropperful and I was flying. The next one took 3 dropperfuls for same effect (but the solution was more dilute as I ended up with 1.75oz instead of 1oz of final GD, the pot wasn't as good, and my pre-bake was a bit too short since I was using an unfamiliar oven and a baking pan instead of just aluminum foil).

4. And as always--don't put the stuff in your eye ;-). And don't put it under your tongue because it burns. I now place the GD in a tablespoon (or so) of water--yum. I actually like the flavor as it is sort of floral. I also store mine in the fridge, but don't really know if this matters.

5. How much is in an Eyedropper
An eyedropper holds about one milliliter of liquid, depending on how hard you squeeze the little bulb. For water based solutions one milliliter weighs about one gram. Thus each full eyedropper contains about one gram of liquid. Since there are about 29 grams in one ounce, you get about 29 full eyedroppers in every ounce. The eyedropper I initially used measured 34 full droppers in an ounce.

Also I use the nice blue two-ounce dropper bottles from the health food store that are used for essential oils, tinctures, and/or other extracts.

6. Leaf vs. Bud
I have not tried the extraction with leaf. But you would obviously need loads more. The problem is you will also need much more alcohol. My guess is you should use somewhere on the order of 10 parts alcohol to 1 part leaf. Then once you are finished you will want to remove the spent leaf, and then concentrate the alcohol by boiling off most of it (using the water bath of course) until you have one ounce of GD remaining.

7. When is it Ready
Right away. That is one of the nice things about this extraction process.

8. Taste
I find that after a week in the fridge (that's where I store mine) the flavor seems to mature into a heady, slightly floral elixer with bud overtones. I find it rather pleasant.

9. Isopropyl Alcohol

10. Using an Ounce
The recipe should scale nicely from 1/8 to whole ounce. But, unless you have experience with smaller batches I'd recommend sticking with the recipe as written. It would be a shame to have something go wrong with a large batch. I strongly recommend making the GD a couple of times before trying to scale up.

11. Pre-Baking the Pot - Color Changes and Vapors
Bake the pot at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for 5 minutes. I chop mine in a mini-prep (or chop by hand) until it is quite fine. Then I spread it out on a piece of aluminum foil which is placed directly on the oven rack. If you place the foil on a baking pan you will need to account for the additional mass of the pan which will increase your baking time. Pre-baking should stink up the house. I turn on the stove vent fan. I also do all my cooking at night after neighbors are in bed.

I look for two indicators that the pot is properly pre-baked. First, I look for the pot to change color from it's initial shade of green to a much darker greenish-brown (or brownish-green). I assume this represents not browning (burning) of the leaf but rather the denaturation of the chlorophyll in the leaves.

Second, I look for a slight amount of vapors to rise off the pot. Since the temperature is well below the vaporization temperature of THC, these vapors probably consist of compounds that vaporize at lower temperatures (like water).

12. Extraction Temperature (revised)
I've had good success with extractions at 170 degrees fahrenheit. You'll note that my initial recipe called for maintaining temperature between 150 and 165. At 170 the alcohol mixture will be slightly boiling. Note that this is alcohol boiling not water boiling. Alcohol boils with very fine bubbles as opposed to the rolling boil of water. After 20 minutes the alcohol should be reduced by about half.

13. Green Dragon Final Color and Smell
The green dragon should be a greenish-brown color (more brown than green). If it is emerald green and smells like grass (from the cholorphyll), it will be weak. Emerald green indicates that the pre-baking was not sufficient. The GD should smell like bud, somewhat floral.

14. How To Recover The Green Dragon
When you are done extracting you will have one ounce (or so) of GD. But it is mixed up with the 1/8 oz of spent plant material. Here is how I recover the maximum amount of my extract.

First, I strain it through a regular kitchen mesh strainer. I use the back of a spoon to force out as much GD as possible.

Next (this is the cool part) I use a garlic press to squeeze the remaining leaves. My preference is a Zylis Garlic Press because it has a plunger mechanism, but any press should do. I then put the squeezings into the plunger in batches, and squeeze the holy GD out of it. This trick has increased my overall recovery by about 15%.

There ya go Green Dragonsters. Good luck and Enjoy.

Master Wu
The Alchemist


Well-Known Member
sounds pretty easy and now i want to do it with some of my bud to test it out, all i need is the 151 or some everclear, thanks for the ost and if u canpost up your end product.


Well-Known Member
Alright weel my thermomiter fucked up on me last night so I couldn't make that GD Tinc. TONIGHT though, it's happening! ALOS I'm going to try and get those bud shots I've been talkin bout! I know I keep sayin I'll get some but this time it's for REAL! lol, My girl decided to go and get me some batteries since I wasn't going to do it! lol, so I can actually take pix now, and I WILL get them bud shots!

On another note, I make a new journal if anybody feels like watching. Pix of the girls I NOW have in the veg box and flower room. Growing ALL Lacy, and 1 Permafrost. And that Permafrost is just ridiculously crystaly!
Anyways here's a link to the new grow journal if anybody's interested:


Well-Known Member
hey glad your girl is kind interested in your grows to she was nice enough to get u batteries for the pics. and will you no longer be updating this journal now that u got a new one. and permafrost sounds like its doin exactly what the name indicates. PERMAFROST your gonna love it when its done. i still havent got my cam to get a pic of my permafrost and my phone sux at taking pix and makes my bud look bad


Well-Known Member
Yea man, I really lucked out with this girl! She hadn't even smoked in like a year and a half before she met me. And I straight up told her, I'm a medical patient and I smoke. So either be ok with it or don't waste your time with me. And she doesn't have a problem and every once in a while I can get her to chief down with me!..
~I will have 1 more update in this journal and that is going to be whenever I post up the budshots!