Lumatek attis or Migro array (and a few other Q's)

Id love to see some SxS but on instinct id be skeptic to the "One", that much green and that little blue seems counterintuitive for leds which already are tricky to get plants transpiring. Blue opens stomata but green reverses blue light response. Maybe theres something i dont get with this, cause i do seem to remember the One was specifically for horti. Have you seen Lumileds horti white? Its the exact opposite, its basicly a phosphor based blurple, with a little bit of white. Ill see if i can fish it out later.

It's meant for leafy greens. Perhaps the green is there to trigger shade avoidance.
The h and the b are the exact same chip, all though the h seems to get higher bins. Anti sulfurization: its the same but marketed on the h inorder to appeal to horti purpose. I dont know how many times weve been over this. Its just a matteer of binning and mmarketing

Not sure what the disagreement is lol:D, like you, I thought the H chips were marketed as H just for horticulture market, and for the most part this appears to be the case however, as you have mentioned and confirmed here H chips are slightly more efficient albeit they are the very highest flux bins and the cream of the Samsung 301 series diodes, which technically makes H chips slightly brighter right?

Regarding Anti-sulfurization, my point was not whether B or H have this coating; it was more to do with the fact the Anti-sulfurization coating by design stops corrosive sulphur "Gas" ingress.

Surely if it can stop "Gas" then it will most certainly stop water particles/droplets i.e moisture ingress of the diode, no?
I think led-tech got a sphere or a gonio cause theyve been quoting ppf numbers. Personally i feel that the difference between the different top-top chips is so small, that if i can get a bunch of lm561c for the price of 1 super top bin lm301h id prefer just having twice the diodes.

To be honest you'd have to crunch a lot of numbers which I am sure HLG have already done, one of them being if you go with "twice" the diodes, then you need twice the area to lay the chips on = Twice the material to lay the chips on = increase in manufacturing = increase in fixture size etc...

From a commercial perspective, when I look at what HLG have done, I think they have completely nailed it in terms of producing cost-effective, affordable fixtures, that just so happen to use the some of the very best LED tech on the planet:peace:
Those kits come with latest 301H chips which has anti-sulfurization coating, they are resistant to sulfur and splash proof,. I think they are also touch more efficient than 301b... HLG has exclusive access to the most efficient diodes Samsung has to offer, so whatever the deal, those kits will be using the brightest chips per watt on the planet :peace:
The H chips are top bin and the B can also be top bin, or they can be lower bin. HLG's access to the LM301H is not exclusive.
Not sure what the disagreement is lol:D, like you, I thought the H chips were marketed as H just for horticulture market, and for the most part this appears to be the case however, as you have mentioned and confirmed here H chips are slightly more efficient albeit they are the very highest flux bins and the cream of the Samsung 301 series diodes, which technically makes H chips slightly brighter right?

Regarding Anti-sulfurization, my point was not whether B or H have this coating; it was more to do with the fact the Anti-sulfurization coating by design stops corrosive sulphur "Gas" ingress.

Surely if it can stop "Gas" then it will most certainly stop water particles/droplets i.e moisture ingress of the diode, no?
Sorry, no harm done. The interwebs are just so full of this H vrs B, zombie stuff that seems to come back when you thought it was dead. I even admit that i once thought they were different, quoting the anti sulfur coating. Sorry if i came thru stand-offish. Im pretty sure that the silicon on the diode stops water from coming into diode that way, but if i understand correctly the GLA board mentioned earlier has another conformal coating on top of that, covering both diodes and board which would make if even further splash proof.

As for hlg, i really appreciate it how they have led the market towards this, but where i am, dollar for dollar or really euro for euro the china boards have worked really fine, even with older diodes, not a single dead diode in years over twenty thousand diodes running, but allways soft, nominal 0.2w or less. What i mean is that running this soft theres benefits to it which are hard to calculate really, especially re break downs, degradation in diodes etc. It even means that if diode price is right and you have a good way of setting it all up you could go for diodes who at first sight look far to far away in efficiency for even being considered but if you where to add up ten percent in efficiency gain for every halfing and junction temps of thirtyfive instead of fiftyfive, which will also influence how long they last, then you may actually have a competitor to the standard high lum per watt diodes. Im thinking about Blux thrive and some other diodes that have very different phosphors, eliminating the need for adding reds or uv, kinda like what GLA have done. There are whites around that have near identical spectrum to the various red suped fixtures of today. And from what ive seen it made me suspect that if you can get a light where the red sup is built into your white base spectrum rather than coming from twenty or so red diodes, which btw arent really good with heat, then youll see a bit better result.

I also have a bit of a problem with the high hanging 550 platform, both the original and the china copies, they work great for tents or really large comercial where theres overlap, but in a mid sized, say 10x10 with hard restrictions on wattage per area which is the situation im in it doesnt work. our light hangs between four to ten inches from the canopy in order not to lose out to walls and to squeeze out the last light over the canopy. Lets see their new rack fixture, i bet its going to be killer.
To be honest you'd have to crunch a lot of numbers which I am sure HLG have already done, one of them being if you go with "twice" the diodes, then you need twice the area to lay the chips on = Twice the material to lay the chips on = increase in manufacturing = increase in fixture size etc...

From a commercial perspective, when I look at what HLG have done, I think they have completely nailed it in terms of producing cost-effective, affordable fixtures, that just so happen to use the some of the very best LED tech on the planet:peace:
I was a little surprised by this myself at first, but the QB 288 and QB 648 (666 diode Diablo board) boards have the same Width x length dimensions: 11.25" x 6.833".

The HLG 600 RSpec and HLG 650R also have comparable width x length dimensions.
This has been a good read this morning!
Im curious if anyone can give there impression of the 260 v2 rspec? I was just about to order it, currently "on sale" at the link above it seemed a better idea to pay the same as i was looking to pay for a light that's above budget but on a deal, but i notice that is just false claims on that specific website and its roughly £290 off the shelf everywhere else.. Put me off a bit, feel like thats a little sneaky as a main localised distributor for the company. I see the better model is +£120 elsewhere, so benefit of the doubt they got the model/price wrong..
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This has been a good read this morning!
Im curious if anyone can give there impression of the 260 v2 rspec? I was just about to order it, currently "on sale" at the link above it seemed a better idea to pay the same as i was looking to pay for a light that's above budget but on a deal, but i notice that is just false claims on that specific website and its roughly £290 off the shelf everywhere else.. Put me off a bit, feel like thats a little sneaky as a main localised distributor for the company. I see the better model is +£120 elsewhere, so benefit of the doubt they got the model/price wrong..
Are you referring to the HLG-UK-EU website?

What false claims are you seeing?

Are you referring to the HLG-UK-EU website?
What false claims are you seeing?
I wont go so far as to say its a false claim but maybe a little deceitful..
"Buy your QB 260 today for Special offer price of £279.99 Normal Price £399.99 "
Says to me " This exact light is worth £400, so get a bargain" but from having a look around it seems that £400 inc. p+p is the normal price for bells and whistles, options they don't provide, the "648+" boards and choice of colour which add £120 between them elsewhere
I wont go so far as to say its a false claim but maybe a little deceitful..
"Buy your QB 260 today for Special offer price of £279.99 Normal Price £399.99 "
Says to me " This exact light is worth £400, so get a bargain" but from having a look around it seems that £400 inc. p+p is the normal price for bells and whistles, options they don't provide, the "648+" boards and choice of colour which add £120 between them elsewhere
You have a good point. Some of the page has good information, and some looks not very well edited (out of date or incorrect info).

Did you see the page for the pre-order HLG 135 kit? They state the HLG 260 for the HLG 135 price. I wonder if anyone had a quibble with that mention.

Didn't notice that one bongsmilie.. Good to know that i'm not in a rush to make the order before the "offer" ends now though. I spoke to them briefly a few days ago and i would assume they know its still there and how it looks to a customer. Its nothing crazy but has made me second question ordering from them
Didn't notice that one bongsmilie.. Good to know that i'm not in a rush to make the order before the "offer" ends now though. I spoke to them briefly a few days ago and i would assume they know its still there and how it looks to a customer. Its nothing crazy but has made me second question ordering from them

I think you are reading too much into things and overthinking it :)... As Barristan Whitebeard pointed out probably a typo or outdated info, as to the price check this link here and this link here for the same/similar unit you are looking to pay £399.99 - £440, so not sure what you are seeing that seems incorrect or deceitful because all I see is a bargain lol.

Best thing to do is message them directly and see what say, rather than speculating on what looks to be a legit good price :peace:
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I was a little surprised by this myself at first, but the QB 288 and QB 648 (666 diode Diablo board) boards have the same Width x length dimensions: 11.25" x 6.833".

The HLG 600 RSpec and HLG 650R also have comparable width x length dimensions.

Oh wow, I never noticed QB 288 and QB 648 boards are the same size, I actually thought QB 648 boards (from looking at the pics) were slightly longer, nice one for pointing that out :peace:
Im sure the price has a fair fluctuation place to place due to being an imported product for a niche group but there are 2 others UK based companies that sell it at £280. I'm sure it is just a outdated description but still, just strikes me as fishy, I'm probably still going to get the light but maybe from elsewhere ... To be fair, by the sounds of things today i could up the budget closer to £400 but i think ill save myself another week of searching !
Im sure the price has a fair fluctuation place to place due to being an imported product for a niche group but there are 2 others UK based companies that sell it at £280. I'm sure it is just a outdated description but still, just strikes me as fishy, I'm probably still going to get the light but maybe from elsewhere ... To be fair, by the sounds of things today i could up the budget closer to £400 but i think ill save myself another week of searching !

TBH, I am struggling to understand what your point is, you mention there are 2 UK companies that sell QB 260 for £280, and I have sent you links that show the price for this kit type ranges from £280 - £440. The price on HLG UK site is currently £279.99 and if they decide to bump it up to £399.99 due to price fluctuations, what's the problem?

The point is their price is currently at the low-end of the range I.e a bargain, so not exactly sure what your gripe is?

Given the current climate I think £280 is an excellent price for the kit and if I was in the market for one of these units I certainly wouldn't be quibbling about a low-end price... "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" definitely springs to mind lol :)
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Im not sure if you missed the point or ignored it but its all opinions, we can all have different ones and im not here to argue the toss mate, it seems shady and thats just my view.
Benefit of the doubt its just not often updated but its clearly catching out new customers who think they are getting much more bangfor the buck, which means a lot when your on shoe-strings..