mag deficiency.


Active Member
Looks like magnesium deficiency from the sticky guides. Also, I heard that when you start with high P ferts it can drop the calcium and magnesium levels in your medium, and I just started open sesame (fox farm). The photos show all the signs I read about: Firstly the coloring. None of the guides were clear about this, but you tell me. It's brown spotting in the center of leaves, sometimes starting on tips, mostly older fan leaves in the upper middle area. Next the twisting of new growth. And finally the praying leaves. That's an ambiguous trait cuz it could be that the plants are otherwise happy. But everything adds up and now it's on all the plants. It started with just the purple kush at first and I thot maybe it was a weird genetic trait, but no.

But I've been adding cal-mag. I didn't boost it on the last feeding with the addition of the Open Sesame. Should I just add more cal-mag?
They look otherwise healthy (last photo) and pushing lots of hairs and a few little buds in only 7 days.



Well-Known Member
your leaves need more N right now, I'd switch to a 30-10-10 food to revive the foliage.

what is your soil ?


Active Member
Have you checked your runoff pH? If you have a nute lockout because of a low or high pH, adding cal-mag won't work.


Active Member
Shoulda said that. Checked runoff Ph and it's 7.0 and PPM was 395. It's the new bio terra soil. It's supposed to be automatically ph balancing but I check anyway and I use R/O water from grocery store water stations (Glacier) and I ph balance my nutirent solution. The soil has 3 weeks of grow nutes in it so it should still have plenty of N but I added a little last feed, weening off it now. Is it too early to ween off the N at one week into flower.


Active Member
Dude, I'm one week into flower. You were in veg, where you needed lots more N like the guy says there. I'm not gonna start adding a high N fert as I begin flowering, cmon man.

Just because the leaves aren't getting all the N doesn't mean I'm not putting it into the nutrient solution. I am, like I said. The plants overall have very little yellow as you can see. And NONE of the intervenal browning that your pictures show. That looks like all the pictures I've seen of bad N def. Look at the stickys in the MJ plant problems section. Our photos wouldn't go together there.

An Mg def (which I'm seeing all the symptoms of, not just one ambiguous one) would mean I am going to see all kinds of def start to show up because nute lockout is happening.

The symptoms of N def don't match my scenario so thank you for your suggestion but I've ruled that out.

The main issue looks to be that I'm locking out the N I add - and other things - by adding too little calcium and magnesium. If I used tap water or never used a VERY high P containing fert then Mg def would be highly unlikely and I would agree that it had to be N def. Well, I'd have to not see the two other symptoms of Mg def coming on at the same time on each strain in succession.


Active Member
Bob Saget - (love his comedy) It doesn't look that bad but the plant is talking and you gotta listen. I didn't act or even post until i was sure the growth was stunted - something that's very apparent when plants are in their early flower stretch. They grew an inch a day until two days ago. Now it's more like a few milimeters per day of twisted, curly new growths. Thanks for the words.


Well-Known Member
use epsom salts which is magnesium sulfate with you regular fertilizer about a tablespoon/gal they love it and should turn a deep shiny green in a week or so i use epsom salts right until I flush 14 days or so before harvest good luck


Well-Known Member
I have no ego, I'm just trying to help as this forum is full of misinformation. I've only been growing for 4~ months and it kills me to see all these so called experts who've been growing for years still doing shit wrong. I'm doing so much better then people who've been growing for 5+ years. I've done tons of reading on botany and gardening and I have a pretty good understanding now of how the plants truly work.

You are only one week into 12/12, so you should still be using a high N food. You have chlorosis and your plants are showing a nutrient deficit. Using a 5-45-19 food is just going to make it worse, that is not enough N to even maintain the foliage. It's just going to put everything way out of wack

Your #1 priority should be to maintain healthy green foliage.

Read this:


I have no ego, I'm just trying to help as this forum is full of misinformation. I've only been growing for 4~ months and it kills me to see all these so called experts who've been growing for years still doing shit wrong. I'm doing so much better then people who've been growing for 5+ years. I've done tons of reading on botany and gardening and I have a pretty good understanding now of how the plants truly work.

You are only one week into 12/12, so you should still be using a high N food. You have chlorosis and your plants are showing a nutrient deficit. Using a 5-45-19 food is just going to make it worse, that is not enough N to even maintain the foliage. It's just going to put everything way out of wack

Your #1 priority should be to maintain healthy green foliage.

Read this:
Imaulle is right man, I just got done reading that thread earlier today because my plants have the same problem. The thread is by Uncle Ben who's basically a genius when it comes to growing. My plants are doing the same exact thing and I've been told its chlorosis as well. Not trying to rag on your opinion but I just think Imaulle has some good advice.


Active Member
Thanks everyone. I'll check out all the links and see what they have to say. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but please consider all the info before jumping to conclusions. With a problem like this, one would expect a lot of questions before any attempt at a diagnosis, but Imauelle asked one and the rest of you none.

The Open Sesame is not all I'm using, that woud be stupid. I'm easing into it and out of my higher N fert (still using it). Most specialized soils like the one I use have a lot of N in them already. I've said many times now that I am adding plenty of N so please stop with that. There IS a small N def but it's obviously being caused by something else - nute lockout.
It's great that you do your own research and don't rely on other people's half cooked ideas and watered down knowledge, Imaulle, but be patient about blessing the world with your tatooed convictions. A humble individual such as yourself should know better.
How does it work out that you've been growing for 4 months and you're on your third grow? Have you smoked anything from the first two?
What does "doing so much better than people growing for 5 years" mean in numbers. Like how many grams per watt are you getting?

Having "a good understanding of how the plants truly work" requires seeing a lot of plants truly work (and not work). Med students do residency training; crisis counselors apprentice; psychologists intern. They get a bunch of field experience. Nobody gets out of college and immediately begins dispersing medication and making hasty diagnoses (unless they didn't retain a word). What makes you different?
Your cockiness and unquestioning assumptions that our problems must be the same DON'T make your opinions wrong, but they do make them immediately suspicious.
You're missing opportunities to learn by assuming you know rather than asking questions about my issue.
I thank you again for the time and links, but you can keep the opinions until you learn how to express them like someone who's been growing for 4 months.


Well-Known Member
well the guy who got me into all this basically just told me what to do. I blindly followed him because he's been growing for 8 years. We had a kind of weird relationship and I didn't think it was appropriate for me to question anything he said. He'd get mad at me when I'd disagree on stuff with him. Occasionally I'd ask questions about stuff that didn't make any sense to me and he would always respond with "I've been growing for 8 years, I know what I'm doing" and that would be it..

long story short we had a falling out and I'm on my own now. I've been reading up on my own, and the more I read, the more I see everything he did was completely wrong. This guy had me feeding 12+ cap fulls of floralicious plus each watering lol. He was taught by someone else, who obviously also did shit wrong. but that guy had been growing for 15 years or so. I just can't wait till this grow is at the end of flower because I'm going to show them the plant and tell them to suck it hard!

just think back to 9th grade biology lol. where do plants get all their energy from? the leafs! so you need to keep them as healthy as possible. it's really easy, think very basic biology!! all of these additives and secret potions that increase yields are all crap.

I run an IT company too. So I know how the business works. They sell you lies, they don't care. They only care about the bottom line. nothing else. period.


Active Member
I want to chime in between the bickering that I also do not think it's a Ca/Mg problem, lockout or otherwise. Both would not start from the center of the leaves but from the edges inward. Mg def. will yellow the edges of the leaves progressively inward from the tip, and Ca problems will cause smaller, lighter brown spots also starting at the margins...usually.

As for your yellowing leaves, it's more a matter of the ratio of N to P&K, not the amount you are adding. If you add 50/50 of the 5-45-19 and say, a 30-20-20, you've got 35-65-39 or roughly 1-3-1. Again, refer to Uncle Ben's thread on P abuse on why that isn't a great idea.