mag deficiency.


Active Member

you are right about the NPK ratio, but wrong with the first comment.

^ this was caused by having too much Calcium, which caused a Mag defiency

notice it started from center and moved out.
Thanks for the link. The Mg deficiencies I've had moved inward from the margins and tip, maybe your case was different because it was caused by an antagonistic relationship with Ca, or I misdiagnosed.


Active Member
Ur just like that guy, not listening and just insisting you're right. I AM ADDING A LOT OF NITROGEN!!! And the other moron, what you said a mag def behaves like - that's what's happening and I've said that. Read the whole post and leave me alone. And stop bringing all your douchey friends over. I told you before you're not invited.
If it's REALLY not ego, then why the fcuk are you still posting? Do you care about my plants? Is it that you "can't stand all those so called experts misleading people" or whatever you said? cause that doesn't make sense cmon think critically. Why are you telling me whay you do for a living?