Mag probelm? True Aero setup

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I will run them on straight tap water(118PPM) PH'd to 5.8 for the week and see what they do, Then up it after that if they are still rocking/looking better.
ok, lemme know how they go.

I am still using T5HO, but this isnt just any T5HO set up.
It may not be just any T5HO setup, but they are still fluoros and still deliver low intensity light.

Let's say you've got the world's most productive T5HOs and they make 6000 lumens. A 175MH makes 14,000, double the brightness of one of your tubes (and remember, lumens don't 'add', a lumen is a measure of brightness and no lamp gets brighter with another dim lamp put beside it) and does so with about the same power consumption as two of your 84W fluoros.

I'm sorry, but there's no way any fluoro is going to outperform HID lighting, no matter how you modify it.

Several reasons I wanted to use try T5 was Heat and height. I can run my lights right now almost to leaves touching them and no burn.
See this?

That's my hand laying on a cooltubed 1000HPS, fully warmed up and spitting out 165,000 lumens- and I could leave it there all day. I run these 300mm off the nearest leaves, but it could be closer.


Active Member
no doubt in my mind cool tubes work, ventilation and space was my problem. but that is for a different thread.....

They have taken off like rockets 3 different types but some are growing@2"/day... some about 1-1.5". can I expect this growth for 2-3weeks and then slow down?

I am able to pic out girls pretty easy and was having a bit of a problem being sure of what the males were suppose to look like, just couldnt find any real real good pics and didnt want to pull anything without being 100% yet.

well I am pretty sure what I am looking for now, so my question is.... how long can I leave the males in the system before I have to pull them out? they have been showing for 3-4 days now(at the earliest) and I probably dont have time pull them for another 2 days easily. this would be 10days into flower.


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
how long can I leave the males in the system before I have to pull them out? they have been showing for 3-4 days now(at the earliest) and I probably dont have time pull them for another 2 days easily.
They really should come out immediately. I bet it takes under 5 seconds for the secateurs to lop the mainstem.

Some males pop quickly, some are slackers, but when they do pop, your females will be pollinated and there will be pollen loose in the grow room until you totally clean it out. Makes for a lot of work.


Active Member
I was wondering if I had say 2weeks or 2 days kind of a thing....

Well I pulled all the boys out, actually cut all the stems placed in plastic bag and then went back and started pulling out net pots and roots. some of the roots were big enough that I had to do some pulling to get the pots out.

But if you take a look at the pics you see what I see:-( while I dont think it looks that bad, but I know its not good. Can I carefully pull them out and rinse the roots off in something? then do a big flush again of the tank/pipes/mister with H2o2? then put them back in and get going again. I was thinking of going back to nutes this weekend since things are looking much better. Ph hasnt been going up much...... about .1 ever 36hrs. Still on straight tap water and no nutes, temp is 68F.

as you can see for the most part the roots look good, but they are speckled with what looks like green cheese mold/fungus. The roots do kind of hold some water and they are a bit milky, but the rez is staying clear.


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
All sounds pretty good.

Looks like there's some algae on the roots, which also otherwise look pretty good. Can light get to the roots? If so, block that light. A sheet of pandafilm will do it. Roots will develop better without light and algae will not thrive without it as well.

Algae are not the worst things you could have in the rootmass- algae are plants, so what's good for cannabis will also largely be good for algae, up to the point of H2O2, which algae do not tolerate well. Do hit them again with H2O2, 5ml/L of 50%. Algae won't like that much.

Yep, if all looks good, return to running nutes at about 800-1000, then back to full boot a week after they look to be tolerating that OK.


Active Member

No light can get to the roots at all, only light that has ever hit the nutes is if I forget to close the lid on the tank, but that has only happend a few times. it really doesnt look like algae that I am use to seeing( remember fish tanks) its more like a light green/blue, and there is some white stuff in there too. I have been dosing every 3 days with 35%H2O2 4ml/gal. Should I just up how often or is there a solution I can rinse the roots off in and then flush the rez. I need to move some plants around anyway now that I killed/pulled some males I have room to spread them out. Planed on doing that anyway.

Thanks again.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
4ml/gal is a bit of an underdose for 35%. For 500ppm H2O2, use 6.4ml/gal (1.7ml/L)- and you can go lots higher if needed. You can dip the roots in a soln of 5.8 water with 35% grade H2O2 @ 25ml/gal as a shock treatment to kill any mould, fungi or algae.