MAGA The ani-anifa therad.

62 pages and I still don't know who Ani Anifa is.

But I've learned about a bunch of adults who like to fantasize about being from a fake internet country who doesn't like antifa.
But honestly I don't think anyone likes antifa... It's a bunch of whiny college kids who hide behind masks who are really just making working Democrats look bad. But then again I'd like to punch a white supremacist too. I just wouldn't hide behind a mask and hide behind women if shit hits the fan
I like the antifa. They are a lot easier to listen to than the shitty entitled white sanders faction. Besides, they throw rocks at fascists. What's not to like?
The only thing he has in common with kekistan is a pepe button. He's a laughingstock on pol and considered a plant.

Hes shaving his chin to make his neck beard more prominent.
fuck spencer hes a nazi pos. The whole argument relating him to this thread is a pepe pin that unclebuck thinks is so damn important. The dipshit got trolled by a bunch of white nationalists using pepe memes. Nobody made him leader of the kekistans. Everyone knows sargon of akad started the kek movement.
Nah, that was me, I posted the gif of him getting punched in the face and twojoke decided to defend him.
I like the antifa. They are a lot easier to listen to than the shitty entitled white sanders faction. Besides, they throw rocks at fascists. What's not to like?
i dont like that they hide behind masks to get their point across.. i think its cowardly. also dont like the videos ive seen of them throwing rocks and breaking out businesses windows. also dont like that they are protesting for free speech and what not, but block off parks and dont let the other side speak when its someone with a rational point.

i think most of them are really doing it just looking for a little action. while i really hate trump and nazis.. i cant stand protesters blocking peoples right to move freely.
this video popped up on my youtube.. i understand what they are doing, but they are seriously just little bitches. pushing around and old lady trying to get into a park. the dude and the lady arent wearing nazi outfits, not wearing trump hats... just trying to get into a public park. the guy barely touches him and the kid starts screaming assault while his buddy is shoving the lady around.

one thing that really pisses me off is when someone touches a lady for no reason. i would of ended up in jail over something like that.

if you have to hide behind a mask and carry blunt objects to get your point across. your not really aiming to get a point across, youre just aiming for confrontation. theres is much better ways to handle your business.
and most of these people being entitled dirty college kids, i can guarantee you 99% of them are bernie babies
i dont like that they hide behind masks to get their point across.. i think its cowardly. also dont like the videos ive seen of them throwing rocks and breaking out businesses windows. also dont like that they are protesting for free speech and what not, but block off parks and dont let the other side speak when its someone with a rational point.

i think most of them are really doing it just looking for a little action. while i really hate trump and nazis.. i cant stand protesters blocking peoples right to move freely.
this video popped up on my youtube.. i understand what they are doing, but they are seriously just little bitches. pushing around and old lady trying to get into a park. the dude and the lady arent wearing nazi outfits, not wearing trump hats... just trying to get into a public park. the guy barely touches him and the kid starts screaming assault while his buddy is shoving the lady around.

one thing that really pisses me off is when someone touches a lady for no reason. i would of ended up in jail over something like that.

if you have to hide behind a mask and carry blunt objects to get your point across. your not really aiming to get a point across, youre just aiming for confrontation. theres is much better ways to handle your business.
and most of these people being entitled dirty college kids, i can guarantee you 99% of them are bernie babies
Well said.
The only thing he has in common with kekistan is a pepe button. He's a laughingstock on pol and considered a plant.

Hes shaving his chin to make his neck beard more prominent.
fuck spencer hes a nazi pos. The whole argument relating him to this thread is a pepe pin that unclebuck thinks is so damn important. The dipshit got trolled by a bunch of white nationalists using pepe memes. Nobody made him leader of the kekistans. Everyone knows sargon of akad started the kek movement.

Fuck you.
oh your fake country has a registry now? anyone with 4chan can be part of cuckistan.
You actually defended him with your life, so there's that. think about that when you use your gi Bill as youre sitting in class on riu all day.
Definitely did not defend Richard Spencer. Pretty sure you have Wet Brain Syndrome if you mistook condemnation for exaltation. 99/100 on my midterm, by the way. Get smarter, quicker.
Am I the one trying to fit in or are you.
i dont know, are you part of cuckistan? im really just here trying to figure out if Ani Anifa has nice nipples or giant gross dinner plate nipples. but then i clicked a vid and watched and read some kekistan stuff. and its a joke, thats all it is. its a bunch of adult neckbeards thinking they are funny by "shit posting" as they call it..
you being the one who made this "therad" and started talking about being a kek(cuck)

youre the sad little fella trying to fit in