MAGA The ani-anifa therad.

I consigned for her car loan. It wasn't much but she did well. No lates. She had a personal loan as well for a laptop that is paid in good standing. If you've never bought anything, and your George Jefferson daddy puts 100k in your bank account, there's no credit per say.
Man stop with the bullshit. Your 16 YEAR old child does not have a fuckn perfect credit score. Go tell that bullshit to someone else
With a small loan paid off and some credit cards being payed a kid can build great credit. but if you are n antifa fuk you will be denied on all loans. We are the man and we know who you are...
It's part of 2strokes delusion. The worse the shitstorm your life is, the deeper you have to go with your fabricated reality just to get thru the day

It's sad and I'd have sympathy if he weren't also a complete hate mongering supremacist
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With a small loan paid off and some credit cards being payed a kid can build great credit. Credit has nothing to do with quantity, its just being consistent which is easy with autopay.
will not gain you perfect credit with just a small loan and a couple of credit cards. That could get you mid 700's
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With a small loan paid off and some credit cards being payed a kid can build great credit. Credit has nothing to do with quantity, its just being consistent which is easy with autopay.
It's part of his delusion. The worse the shitstorm your life is, the deeper you have to go with your fabricated reality just to get thru the day

It's sad and I'd have sympathy if he weren't also a complete hate mongering supremacist

You live better than a king. Hot water, free access to excellent food, access to women of all sorts. Such a shitstorm isnt it? have you ever had to wash yourself in freezing water? Have you eaten gross stuff because you were that hungry? Or do you just whine like a baby about dumb shit?
Cancelled the trump rally for fear it would spread hate.

What the fuck does that say about this goddam presidency? All the while he's just lining his pockets
Any king in the long history of humanity would give up his kingdom to have access to the little insignificant things we all have now. Dont be pathetic, make America great again. And keep humanity in mind.
so if someone drop a joint at an antifa rally do the steal it or return it/ im 97% sure that at a Trump rally it would be returned or destroyed. Nobody in trumps camp is stealing your weed, and thats a good thing. Antifa is not what I would trust in my wisdom. they wear masks? they are near city centers>they are on heroin. this is a pro weed website, im anti heroin, and these antifa fucks are high as hell on smack.
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