magnum plus2 with a true 4X4 foot print @ 12"


Well-Known Member
I pulled over 400g in a 4x4 with 439W.... :D Not bad if I do say so myself! Not the 1gpw I was looking for, but the ladies were HUGE.... had about 3 months veg time! 2 plants, over 200g each plant.


Well-Known Member
I'm to impatient to veg for a month or two, then another 10 weeks. I like knowing I can harvest every 2 or 3 weeks, but every 6 months or so I will get to thrown in a 3 to 5 foot mother. In a week or so my other mother will be heading in to flower. She's 4' tall and 3' across.


Well-Known Member
Time for an update- I've been looking for a replacement for my 6 T5 badboy. Now that I went from 10 every 3 weeks to 4 there is no reason to waste 365 watts for a mother and 8 plants (4 in cups and 4 in 3g bags). When compared to the 660 watts I'm running for flowering, vegging is costing more. When I get a chance I will go with a 100 watt induction light. It says it covers 2.5'x2.5', perfect. That will bring my grow back under 1000 watts total including cooling, veg and bloom. While on inda-gro's website they talk about far red right after lights out for 5 min. So I rewired the mag plus for separate red and blue plugs and add a 14 watt 110v fan. For now the reds will come on 15 minutes before everything else and will stay on 15 after, to somewhat mimic sunset and sunrise. This is the smallest of the next run. It was hit the hardest from the water and food issues. It has 9 more days.


Well-Known Member
"First off, I'm the type of person that has a hard time leaving things alone. I always see a way to make things better"

props to you man.. were the same type.. can't leave shit alone either. always "upgrading" my light fixtures..

you might want to look into DIY led panels, as you would get more efficency, and it seems you don't mind playing around with things, as you have alot of juice to do all this for a panel.. boy what you would make if you did a DIY light from scratch!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pepperdust- At this point I'm very happy with my flower rooms light output, at 660 watts of 11 spectrums. Even my worst plants produced top quality buds. And with my current setup (perpetual) I can easily cover from 4' x 4' to 4' x 7' with a "hot" side for finishing. If I only run 4'x4' I can hang one vertical (mag plus). The finish row has about 20% of the mag plus and the rest on the mother now. If I can get my veg area down to 100 watts from 365 watts with either led's or induction lighting, I will be under 1000 watts for the complete system. And when dialed in producing an average of 4 to 8 ounces every 20 days. With the new fixture I now need to dial in how close to the canopy, how tall to veg, and how much to lollipop the bottom again.


Well-Known Member
I have been converting a tall cabinet into a place for my 40gallon garbage can (ph'd water) and for my vegging girls. It only needs to hold 4 3g bags and 4 in party cup size pots. It's not big enough for a mother also, so this will also be changed again later. For now the walls are shiny, I have 2 T8 lights vertical and 20? watts of leds. The leds were from a 3 light outdoor motion/ security light, 1900 lumens from homedepot. They were mounted on my side yard a couple of days ago. And the T8 came off my garage ceiling. That brings my veg room under 100 watts.
And just cut down. Agent Orange is the first and the other is some sort of cookies.


Well-Known Member
Veg closet is nearly redone. Now it has a filtered air intake down low and a small exhaust fan up top. Also added adjustable wire shelf brackets on both sides. The only thing I haven't bought is a 120 watt equivalent led flood light bulb. With the veg closet running 125 watt for 20/4. I'm guessing it will drop $20 to $30 a month off my bill. That will put me averaging 500 watts over 24 hours or never over 1050 watts with everything on. This puts my wattage target lower than I was expecting.:grin:


Well-Known Member
I have a red-headed step-child. One of my girls is looking like a completely different strain, even though they are from the same mother. First pic is how everyone other one came out. The second looks like a kid that just stuck his finger in a light socket.


Well-Known Member
When you look at the second pic, you can see the damage still from a month ago. I haven't been breaking the leaves off that are damaged because every time I do that, the stock is still juicy and green.


Well-Known Member
Hears an update. Last four were what I expected. I got a little under 2 oz. When you look at the leaves, it's hard to believe the buds looks so good. I have 4 more that were fryed 2 months ago, then back to normal.


Well-Known Member
I have gotten from under 2oz. to a little over 4oz. from the strip. But that's been with many changes over the last couple months.


Well-Known Member
12+hr days and barely enough time for my grow. These last few weeks have been busy. Still no time for pics, but I've been rolling the trimmings and passing outbongsmilie:sleep:. Great shit. This is the last of the damaged crop and the new ones are looking great. Still got over 70 grams from 1'x4' strip (4 plants).


Well-Known Member
Still messing with the veg closet. And nothing is ready on time this week. It's looking like 1 or 2 more. The mother will be done in a few weeks. She should be a few ounces.