Mag's First Grow - 156 Watts of CFL - Vanilla Kush!

man those kush leaves look so beautiful. sharp as fuck.

this is what she looked like at two weeks into flowering yesterday. that bitch looks like anne burrell
11 weeks.jpg


Been a while!

I transplanted today, I couldn't do it earlier because of people staying over so all I could really do is "stealth water" lol.

Its only been 21 days but the root system was MASSIVE, easily almost pot-bound. Roots Excelurator really works. I am a believer. She is now in a 3.5 gallon pot, and man is she heavy when watered!

I also attached another pic of my grow cabinet/box/thing. I wish I could get the lights a little closer but I can't safely. I suppose this will just have to do and some stretching will occur. I'll just LST her when she gets a little taller I guess.

Now on to the goodies:

21 days since sprout
I am now using 3800mL (1 gallon) of water for this container PH'd to about 6.8. Next watering I'll push it down closer to 6.5.
Used 1.1mL of Roots Excelurator per gallon of water. In a few weeks I may start using my House & Gardens Soil nutrients depending on how she looks.



Well-Known Member
yea i can tell. for 21 days it would be alot bigger with longer darker periods. looking good then!!!


yea i can tell. for 21 days it would be alot bigger with longer darker periods. looking good then!!!
Meh, I doubt it. Maybe more stretched sure, but probably same amount of nodes. I just turned on all 6 CFLs so growth should pick up a little. I was only using 3 26watts up until today before transplanting.

I'm sure if I had a HPS or MH light it would be a different story though


Well-Known Member
dark period is when plants grow. if u use hps it would be a little taller then what u have now but it would be a way smaller plant if u compared it to someone using 20-4 or 18-6. especially after a month.


She's lookin' real good. 26 days since sprouting.

She seems to have gotten over the shock of transplanting. I began some LST as you can see in the pictures as well for who ever is following.

Some lower leaf tips are burned, but I guess that is to be expected with Roots Excelurator and FFOF soil. She doesn't seem to need any nutrients thus far and is getting plenty. Maybe in 3 or so weeks I'll give her some extra love.

On to the pics - Look at that stem! Yum.


oh yeah that stem's already a lot of good secondary growth and the tying down is bushing it up nicely. looking good mag. i was gone for a few days at a music festival so pics are coming but it might not be until tomorrow. my girl in flowering is approaching 4 weeks and she looks goooooood
hey mag hope all is still well with your baby, it's been a minute so i think it's time to put some more pics up of my op.

there was a bit of an incident when the person who i got to water my plants for me mixed up the instructions and gave my seedling food with big girl nutes in it so it got a little burned. basically a classic case of pretty bad potassium burn on the leaves (yellowing from the tips with brown spots), but its still showing good primary growth and new leaf development so i know i'm doing a good job flushing it.
zoidberg (3 weeks from sprout).jpg
both of these two are about 2 1/2 weeks along and looking nice. the top is a 60/40 sativa/indica hybrid plant i'm working on named zoidberg that i've already started bending, and the bottom is purple kush seed and is looking like it might be the best single plant i've grown yet. it's already so god damn bushy
lilpurplekush(2 weeks).jpglilpurplekush(2 weeks from sprout) 2.jpg

jason purp abt 7 weeks.jpgkevinpurp.jpg<----updated pics on my big girls in veg. both confirmed females, both purple as ball sack

nugs errywhere (13 weeks).jpgsunny diesel (13 weeks).jpg<- that bitch in flowering, 4 weeks as of yesterday. it's my own strain btw i've named it sunny diesel :)
here's a couple more of the big one for scale. taking all guesses about total yeild (i'd really like to hear what some experienced growers think i might yeild off her if there are any lurking). this one's such a monster i really have no idea
that little bong in the second pic is about a foot tall


Been awhile.

Went on a trip and cannot find my camera so phone pics will have to do, but its been 38 days since sprouting and let me tell you that she is a beaut! She is HUGE. I am running out of space to tie her down. The main stem is THICK, I'd say about an inch in circumference which is easily twice as thick as my previous update.

Still haven't used any nutrients except the roots excelurator, she doesn't seem to have any trouble so far.



Well-Known Member
wow man looking great. roots are the most important thing IMO, when do u plan on hitting it with nutes?!?