Mail order bud in the uk anyone know much about this?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well now that' everyones been called bigheaded cunts, you can be pretty sure there will be no help :)

and if you tell soeone to piss off for suggesting a MUCH better alternative, then you ent gonna find many friendly replies either.
just coz i dont go posting pictures of all my plants over the internet you think im narc or a dumbass kid?? u wanna think about whos dumb dont you?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
not at all. i know the webiste :)

and it's called trust..... if someone has 500 weed related posts, then chances are they're not a cop. you had 3. you could be anyone.

in the same way if someone walked into work for the first time, i wouldn't put their items on a tab to be paid at a later date. if they walked in 50 times, had a little friendly banter and such, talked a bit, i think i'd be more than happy to arrange some kind of temporary finance.

we don't know you, we don't trust you. as simple as that. nowt to do with stupidity.


Active Member
just coz i dont go posting pictures of all my plants over the internet you think im narc or a dumbass kid?? u wanna think about whos dumb dont you?
Spoken like a guy fresh outta police academy, ready to bust up some dumb potheads. You're pathetic.

I'm a MMJ patient, perfectly legal in my jurisdiction.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Spoken like a guy fresh outta police academy, ready to bust up some dumb potheads. You're pathetic.

I'm a MMJ patient, perfectly legal in my jurisdiction.
hey, just to be clear, we're not arguing that he's a cop, as he sais, he could be perfectly legitimate, a sound geeeeza, my point and most others was that he's literally just joined, we don't have any idea "who he is" so to speak.

and this is the UK we're talking about, to hell with you and your fucking MMJ card :P /jealousy :(
youve all really misunderstood me, im not a fucking copper at all and im definately not trying to bust anyone. You also might think im young and stupid but like your all saying im a 'stranger' you havnt got a clue what im like. If only you knew im sure you wouldnt be getting so uptight. The only reason i asked about mail order bud is coz i was mislead into thinkin that it was more widespread than is actually is. sorry to have upset so many ppl. safe
Anyone who dosnt believe me is more than welcome to look at my facebook profile. Prefer that more than this anonymous shit anyway! lol Nice one tip top toker for your msg. Seems there are some normal people on here after all.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Anyone who dosnt believe me is more than welcome to look at my facebook profile. Prefer that more than this anonymous shit anyway! lol Nice one tip top toker for your msg. Seems there are some normal people on here after all.

Giz the link to your facebook profile then.