Mailing clones


Well-Known Member
Hey, I was wondering if anybody had ever mailed clones? Any suggestions on safety?Also, what would you ship them in as to not get crushed?


Active Member
Lol who the hell mails clones?
people who want to share genetics who don't live near each other. it's rare, but it does happen. the only way i think i would ever do it myself, was if my entire cloning/vegging room got completely wiped out, or if i had crossed some girls and came up with something i thought was special and wanted to share it.

oh, another tip - overnight them.


Well-Known Member
sounds risky to me hell i was scared of ordering seeds couldn't imagine someone mailing me a clone.

fuck i'd come get it if i needed it that bad then if i got pulled over id eat that bitch...lmao...mailing clones


Well-Known Member
I dont think it would be that hard at all to mail clones. Theres no way that they would get crushed if you mailed them in a little box. I think even one of them bubble envelopes would work fine if you could find a way to keep them stem moist.


Well-Known Member
sounds risky to me hell i was scared of ordering seeds couldn't imagine someone mailing me a clone.

fuck i'd come get it if i needed it that bad then if i got pulled over id eat that bitch...lmao...mailing clones
whats the big deal if your just mailing them in the continental U.S.?


Well-Known Member
take ur cut wet some paper towels wrap the stems in that put in baggie ship in bubble envelope or box. cd cases work well also and cuttings siting in party cups.


Well-Known Member
Getting busted goin to jail losing my house and kids just everyday

i don't know if you med. card holders can do that kinda shit but if my postmaster found it WOW..i wouldn't let anyone mail me one


bud bootlegger
i gotta laugh at some of these post.. are you kidding me, clones get mailed right through the usps every day.. i would only use the usps, and not ups or another private place cuz they can open you package at anytime, unlike the post office where only the post master general can open your crap, or customs if your going outside of the country, which i wouldn't really recommend doing..
mailing clones is easy peasy, to the op, i'll send you a pm..

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
i agree, pounds upon pounds get mailed from west coast to east coast so y not a cutting. people are so sketchy here.


Well-Known Member
i live in colorado so i have a rather ass backwards high pedestal to judge certainly narrows my perspective too
not much call for mailing stuff round here real need

....i'm biased and simply don't know any better truth be told

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
" Well if it were to get found it would be a federal offense, just sayin. "

and growing marijane is still a federal offense also.but there is no rule that you have to put ur real name or real return address


Well-Known Member
like when they raise the price of stamps to the point one starts labeling their local mail by swapping the destination and sending (false one yes) addresses, then conveniently 'forgetting' to put on the stamp before sending it on it's way (as long as your local enough it all hits the same processing facility and they kindly 'send back' the package requesting proper postage)....

that really gives them the ol red ass.....just saying

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
i know first hand people that have mailed things that they are not supposed to and it got sent back. Just one more reason to cross your t's and dot your I's. Other wise it is just a stupid human mistake. Take all the chance to mail something and not have the postage to pay for it haha


Well-Known Member
who would pay for something the service does for free? not my fault it's their way of doing things.

we just think odd round here i guess....