Major Depression


Well-Known Member

The following is a hypothesis on how three different types of depression work in the brain. I have little science to back it up and I am relying on each of you to help me develop my concept into a theory.

Please don't be insulted if your own condition isn't adequately covered, I am working towards a classification system to help depressives understand what drugs they should be on and why.

Each type of depression should be treated with a different remedy. To treat all as the child of same cause will produce more pain in a cascade of depression and hopelessness.


The growth of all societies is limited to the amount of energy available to power both home and industry.

A society with no access to coal cannot make coke to produce steel. A cold land with no wood, coal or oil cannot support human life in the winter. If you have electric heat and the power goes out in the snow you cannot stay long in the cold. Every system needs energy.

The same is true of cels in our bodies, neurons as well as muscles.

From applying the Artemesia Annua model of malaria elimination to the mitochondria of cancer cels I came to learn some little of the power plants of our cels. Mitochondria produces a molecule called ATP that is used by the organelles in our cels to power cel functions, like the production of neuro chemicals in neurons.

One of the main building blocks of ATP in the mitochondria is hydrogen. H+ is so important to ATP production that the mitochondria have special hydrogen pumps to bring the precious element through its inner shell to the ATP production area of the mitochondria.

Without sufficient hydrogen the mitochondria cannot produce enough ATP to power the organelle functions. In neurons this means that not enough neuro chemicals are produced and the neurons cannot function properly.

I will build 3 models of depression based on the hydrogen pump premise, then I will lay before you solutions to each model. I am typing this off the top of my head into my iPad, later this week I will retrieve my MacBook and explain the same models with only diagrams and chemical equations.


Clinical Depression

Clinical Depression is depression with no trigger. There need be no stressor such as spousal abuse or neuron damaging mania, it just happens like a bus hitting you on the street. A natural part of the clinically depressive's life.

There are not enough neuro chemicals between the synapse to allow for proper brain function, and the brain has a high Ph, or potential hydrogen, which causes a 'soapy' environment with poor electro conductivity.

This happens because there is (either/ and / or): an under expression of mitochondria in the neurons; an under expression of hydrogen pumps in each mitochondria; under achieving hydrogen pumps in the mitochondria.

A big spooky sentence which means the same thing: not enough hydrogen is being used to make enough ATP to power the neuro chemical producing organelles in the neurons. Resulting in an under expression of neuro chemicals in the synapse (between the neurons) and in the neurons themselves.

And an over expression of H+ in the synapse and inside the neurons.

This last statement is the missing key for relief for Clinically Depressives. The extra hydrogen in the brain, that would normally be used for ATP production, creates a medium that is poor in electro conductivity. A 'soapy' brain.

Re uptake inhibitors will keep enough neuro chemicals in the synapse for moderate brain function but without a balanced Ph the brain will not function properly, the electrical signals will not reach their destination with the required power. Too much hydrogen that would normally be used for ATP production.

I again went to my malaria model and vaporized Artemesia Annua, drawing Artenesuate through the blood brain barrier. The weak peroxide bridge was cleaved by the excess H+ and the -OH combined with the H+ to form water (H2O) that was flushed from my brain, balancing the Ph and improving the electro conductivity in my brain.

I also use a steam room to sweat out copious amounts of basic fluids, then replace the the lost sweat with water, which helps to balance Ph in the brain.

Scientists will develop a better tool than Artemesia Annua for this job, but they will use my model as it is correct making the needed solution simple.

Clinical depressives, balance the Ph in your brain as well as increasing the expression of neuro chemicals in the synapse with re uptake inhibitors. Your pain will ease and your burden will lighten.


Bipolar Depressive Phase

Bi Polar Disorder consists of a manic phase of over productivity followed by a depressive stage. The mechanism of major depression is different than clinical depressions under expression of ATP producing Hydrogen pumps.

The nature of bipolar disorder is an over expression of hydrogen pumps in the neuron's mitochondria and / or an over expression of mitochondria in the neurons and / or over archiving hydrogen pumps in the neurons' mitochondria.

Another long scary sentence which simply means that more hydrogen is drawn into the neurons' mitochondria and more ATP is produced for the organelles so in turn the neuro chemical producing organelles produce more neuro chemicals.

This results in the manic phase: over productivity, hyper sexuality, leaps of logic and euphoria. It also results in an under expression of H+ in the neural synapse and therefore an over expression of -OH which would normally be balanced by the missing H+.

The peroxide (-OH) in the brain is like a monkey with a power sander and it jumps around damaging the neurons, their mitochondrial and the organelles. Literally acid in the brain, ARTHRITIS of the brain, the same mechanism.

As well -OH in the brain destroys existing neuro chemicals on contact. -OH is acidic and destroys what it can and damages the rest.

The -OH damages the hydrogen pumps in the neurons' mitochondria so they work poorly and not enough hydrogen is pumped through to the ATP producing area, and therefore the neuro chemical producing organelles do not have enough fuel to produce the needed neuro chemicals for normal brain function. A similar result to Clinical Depression but a different mechanism.

The excess peroxide in the brain will also result in destruction of the neuron's myelin sheaths, a feeling of a burning of the brain.

Bi polars, during their manic phase, will experience an over expression of cavities from acidic saliva, and skin rashes between the buttocks from acidic sweat.

Bi polars should never take re uptake inhibitions because the root cause of their depressive phase is not the lack of ability to produce neuro chemicals but temporary damage to the neurons which can be cured by balancing the Ph in the brain and allowing the neurons time to heal.

Any doctor or psychiatrist who prescribes re uptake inhibitors to a bi polar is incompetent and has committed legal malpractice. Sue.

To balance the Ph in the brain:

Take lithium.

Lithium is one of the three primordial elements created in the big bang, along with Hydrogen and Helium. Lithium has 3 valance electrons and it's power to share it's electrons is so great that it will cleave the hydroxyl bond in H2O.

Lithium works to balance Ph in the brain, and to restore normal brain function - in the bi polar - with two simple mechanisms that no doctor no pharmacist could tell me, it took me a half hour of research on the net and an hour of walking to figure it out.

Lithium (Li+) bonds with peroxide (-OH) to form benign Lithium Hydroxide (LiOH) which is flushed from the brain and body. Try this with arthritis and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Lithium (Li+) also cleaves the hydroxyl bond in water (H2O) to produce benign lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and Hydrogen (H+). The hydrogen atom is used to both power the hydrogen pumps in the neurons' mitochondria and therefore produce more ATP for the neuro chemical producing organelles; and to bond with the excess peroxide (-OH) in the brain thereby balancing Ph.

The logic and model is correct.

Remedies to ease suffering from the depressive stage of bi polar disorder, other than Lithium, are to consume copious amounts of milk for the Ca+ which will bond with the excess -OH; and to sweat out copious amounts of acidic sweat and replace this with Ph neutral water or milk / chocolate milk.

I have done research on vinegar consumption to balance Ph by providing H+ to the body but I have not done enough formal research to explain my practical results. Jesus did this on the cross with vinegar on a sponge, the source for my hypothesis.

Timing of treatment for bipolars is critical, to be pasted in later.

Stress, Hyper Vigalence, Depression

The mechanism for Stress related depression is similar to Bi Polar depression and the solution similar.

Take for example an abused wife protecting her children, she must be mentally hyper alert at at all times to protect herself and watch over her children. To maintain this state of mind she needs more neuro chemicals in her neuron synapse and in the neurons themselves.

To produce extra neuro chemicals she needs more ATP for her neuron organelles, where the neuro chemicals are produced. To produce more ATP she needs her hydrogen pumps to work overtime, which will tire and damage the H+ pumps.

The result of drawing more H+ through the inner shell of the mitochondria is an over expression, an imbalance, of -OH outside of the mitochondria. This over expression of -OH results in damage to the the neurons' parts as well as destruction of neuro chemicals when they come in contact with the acidic -OH.

-OH is a monkey with a power sander, damaging or destroying everything that it touches. Myelin sheaths, neuro chemicals, mitochondrial parts, everything.

Through my botany studies I learned that constant bright light destroys the chloroplast in plant leaves. Chloroplast are like solar panels for plants, turning light energy into chemical energy. The greatest irony is that the more constant lumens (light energy) directed at plants the less energy is converted to plant food energy. Plants need varying light, like the passing sun, cloud cover, trees blocking light for smaller plants.

The single best improvement that a Bi Polar or Stressed depressive can get is to balance the Ph in the brain, through a sweat room, hot tub, massive water intake, milk, bananas and Lithium supplements from a doctor.

Keep it simple, just get the fucking job done.

No re uptake inhibitors for the Stressed Depressive because the root problem is not a lack of production capability of neuro transmitters but damage to the brain due to an over expression of -OH.

Similar to arthritis of the brain, Bi Polar Depression, but with a slightly different mechanism.

Do NOT take re uptake inhibitors. The problem is not the capacity to produce neuro chemicals but damage to the neurons themselves. And destruction of neuro chemicals by contact with -OH.

Re uptake inhibitors will cause a shift into mania and a subsequent damage to the neurons resulting in a continuing bi polar like cycle.


Marijuana Treatment For Depression

There is chatter amongst psychiatrist that marijuana will cause a manic swing in bipolar depressives. There is no empirical data to support this.

In my opinion there is pain in the novice Bi Polar Depressive which they self medicate with alcohol, street drugs or marijuana then the intellectually lazy look backwards from the effect and blame the cause on the easiest stimulus. There is no group of people on this earth more intellectually lazy than psychiatrist. Some of the most deplorable people I have met are doctors and psychiatrist are the worst subgroup of the lot.

That being as it is, I would recommend that Bipolar depressives go easy on the bud until I get an hour or two to research the mechanisms of marijuana on bipolar neural function. Particularly during the time that you come out of depression and go into mania.

Strains For Mental Illness

Marijuana is aspirin for the mind, not a cure for mental illness. If you are sick see a doctor and get the right medication for your illness.

Flo - DJ Short

Flo is a unique motivator that removes barriers, it does not jazz a person up with energy, it does not make one hyper. Flo simply removes mental barriers, reduces depressive feelings, reduces fear, reduces doubt. Tastes like grape, 8 week flowering time, small hard buds, excellent for Crop Circle Of Bud growing but little yield per bucket. In my video Tear Down The Wall I have a bucket demonstration of the number of Flo's that can be grown in an 8' x 3' area. I had 19 buckets, which would hold 2 plants each, for 38 Flo plants under one grow. Worth the effort.

Jack The Ripper - Subcool

Good pain numbing strain but not couch lock. Good for depression.

Kali Mist - Serious

Makes on social, good for depression and menstral cramps. Tastes like spice, women's favorite strains at Cannabis Cups. 12 - 14 weeks flower, I got mine down to 10 - 11 weeks worth Crop Circle Of Bud growing.

Endless Sky - Dr Greenthumb's

A grounding strain for mania and couch lock for when pain from depression is too great to ease with uplifting strains. Great yield and has a 6 week pheno. Doc is a great breeder and eccentric, he will take care of you.

The Dope - Dr Greenthumb

The most mind rocketing strain of the 53 I've grown, great for depression. Stratotropic. Medium yield and 9 - 11 week phenos. A MUST grow for the cannaseur.



This carries the immediate appearance of scientific reasoning but it really isn't. There's no science to back this up... it's all conjecture, especially the stuff about pH balancing the brain... and the rest consists of gross simplifications or misinterpretations of published data...
D. Mark Anderson, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics at Montana State University, Daniel I. Rees, PhD, Professor of Economics at the University of Colorado Denver, and Joseph J. Sabia, PhD, Assistant Professor of Economics at San Diego State University, stated the following in their Jan. 2012 study "High on Life? Medical Marijuana Laws and Suicide," published by the The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) in its Discussion Paper Series:
"Our results suggest that the legalization of medical marijuana is associated with a 5 percent decrease in the total suicide rate, an 11 percent decrease in the suicide rate of 20- through 29-year-old males, and a 9 percent decrease in the suicide rate of 30- through 39 year-old-males. Estimates for female suicide rates are generally measured with less precision and are sensitive to functional form...
The strong association between alcohol consumption and suicide related outcomes found by previous researchers... raises the possibility that medical marijuana laws reduce the risk of suicide by decreasing alcohol consumption."

Good article Geronimo, intuitive.

I read a similar article about coffee consumption in psychiatric wards tears ago, same underlying premise and results.

Too bad that the greater public, non depressed and non marijuana users, don't care or believe it.



I had a short but fruitful discussion about my hypothesis (maybe theory) with a pair of psychiatrists and was horrified to find out that they have almost no background in biochemistry, they just absorb information and regurgitate. Horrifying.


Purklize ... Good points.

Most of my hypothesis comes from how lithium behaves chemically and the rest is built from there.

Not my area of research but I'm going to be interested in how science plays out over the years. I think that there are solid ties between PH and brain function.

I suffer from bi-polar disorder and marijuana most definitely helps to keep my moods in check for the most part.

What strains do you like for mania Bullwinkle?

I am concerned about bud amplifying my mania, though this may be paranoia.

hey hobbes i enjoy your work. wondering if you've ever read food for thought by saul miller and his wife jo-anne miller. its a book about how food correlates to moods. it also goes over a lot of key food concepts and i thought it was a great read. I downloaded your book and i really like your techniques, rock on man

Thanks Nizza.

I've never read those books but I believe in the premise as I understand it.

One of the most interesting food groups are spices and vinager. I have always wondered of Jesus getting vinager in a sponge while on the cross and have come to a hypothesis that Jesus was a scientist of trial and observation and that vinager helped to release hydrogen in his digestive system that was carried to his mitochondria to help fuel his system while nailed to a piece of wood.

I haven't taken the thought any further but I find Jesus fascinating from a secular standing point.

Wine from water is now a miracle of dropping into your local Brew It with forty bucks.

there is a lot of evidence that certain eating habits will allow you to uptake more of the active ingredients in weed, and could be related to helping with the bi-polar/depression. Expansive foods, are at the most extreme end sugar and drugs. followed by fruit which is a Median food. The middle of the balance beam is grains and stuff. when you eat these your body doesn't look for a balancing food. on the Contractive end, you have at the most extreme side meats and alchohol. on the median food for contractives it is vegetables. so whats happenin here is if you keep your diet within the "median foods" you will have less extreme swings in personality. Fruits are expansive, which means you get an "expansive feeling" almost like a sugar high but not as extreme. Eating fruits will only make you want vegetables. A mean with meat, which is extreme contractive will have your body try and balance things out by having sugar, or drugs. Sugar being extreme expansive will have you wanting meat or alchohol. the key here is to stay out of the "extremes" as much as possible and to eat good things. Eating simply, like eating Just nuts or just a fruit instead of having a full course meal is good for you because certain foods dont digest well together. this is called "eating simply" as you know, all of the chemicals in our body come from our foods, and how we release these chemicals in our body has to do with our Mood. This then means that it's important to know how to keep your diet balanced and the least extreme as possible. Expansive is creative, outgoing. Contractive is aggresive, ingoing behavior... funny quote in the book is " ive never seen a vegetarian alcoholic." since vegetables are as contractive as the persons diet is getting, they dont crave to balance it out with a sugar or drug as much and don't go back and forth between the two food extremes, giving you more control over your thoughts and moods. i hope i am making sense and i def reccomend that book !! Not that i have a "centered" diet but it made a huge impact in how i choose my foods and made me understand a lot of the basics on food and moods
Interesting article. I have depression which results from an anxiety disorder and PTSD, which all results from not only deployments but a hypothyroid disorder (amazing how the thyroid literaly controls everything about your body almost). The worse is the anxiety and PTSD, but the depression is fairly strong at times as well. I can tell you that I like smoking Sativa dominate strains, with Sour D being my fav so far. However I notice that if I smoke too much it GREATLY inhances my anxiety, almost to the point of a panic attack at times. I smoke all day long, but I keep the amount I smoke in each session down. I get GREAT relieve from all ailments. I mean I am like DR jekle and mr hyde man. When I dont smoke I am a miserable fuck to be around, take a few puffs, and I am social, chatty, I can think and concentrate, life is great. Smoke 4 joints in a row however, lol, and I am reaching for the xanex. Not literaly, just saying.
However since I started smoking I stopped taking (smartly not abruptly) my zoloft, and I have noticed that overall I still feel better on a combination of the zoloft and smoking. Now Its not a big difference as I still feel GREAT when I am smoking, but when I am on the zoloft I dont come down as hard as I do now. I plan to start taking the low dose of zoloft (50mg) again, as for me its just much better to use both. I have no idea what kind of depression I have or what ever, but just thought I would let you know my experience. Thanks for the article, depression and anxiety are bitches but thankfully the world is changing and more and more people are getting help for it. And thank god we also have this smoke!
Also I should add that while on the zoloft alone, no smoke, I am still not as sociable, and I still lack in concentrating and motivation. Smoking a good sativa solves all that for me.
The thing you say about doctors is absolutely true. I am studying medicine to eventually become a psychiatrist myself and I have to say that I have expected much more from med-school and the overall class performance. As you say, it is all just memorizing without understanding that is required. Doctors should be your last resort. Based on my primary experience, I would consult a bridge before I would enter a psychiatrist's office.