We usually pull the fan leaves and hang our plants until the small stems snap before extracting the buds and sugar leaves together, but we have also frozen fresh material and extracted it that way. Both produce good oil.
We only decarb if we are going to eat the oil or use it in suppositories, but when we do, we decarb the oil, not the plant material.
Best way to make oil is to use hash.
Fresh frozen buds and make ice hash.
Decarb hash in oil for hash oil.
Decarb hash in oven in Pyrex with foil lid with just enough coconut oil to make a gelato like slurry.
Add Isopropyl alcohol 100% to the oil after decarb process to dissolve and thin it then you can filter the hash oil through a 25 or 45 micron filter. Then evaporate off the alcohol for clean oil.
Put clean oil in dropper bottles.
But if you don’t want do the alcohol process just freeze your hash oil to keep it like gelato.
...then you can melt it down whenever you need oil? This is what I'm looking to do because I was looking for a way to make my own oil for making Thai stick cigars.
We usually pull the fan leaves and hang our plants until the small stems snap before extracting the buds and sugar leaves together, but we have also frozen fresh material and extracted it that way. Both produce good oil.
We only decarb if we are going to eat the oil or use it in suppositories, but when we do, we decarb the oil, not the plant material.