Malawi Gold ScrOG with Magenta Kessil


Well-Known Member
Wow this is a long road! OK should I fess up my mistake???? When I changed my green and UVB bulbs out for CFLs I forgot that the green bulb was not on the timer. So the next night when I went to close up I noticed a light was on. So for 36 hours there was light! I fixed it and she seems to be stretching and getting hairy still so I hope everthing is OK. :P

The CFLs are adding a ton of heat to the cabinet. I need to get a light mover or a second Kessil - I am not sure which.

EC - 2.0 - Was higher but I added water.
pH - 5.7

Inside Side

Inside Top (for Lordjin)

Tips (for FlowaMasta)


Clone Day 16 Outside

Clone Leaf Shine

Micro Clone

Flower Clone Day 7



Well-Known Member
The CFLs are making too much heat and my res is getting hot and now I have black root slime. I am treating with ice and H2O2. I started treating the roots last night and they already look better. The plant is healthy but there are signs so I will keep watching.

I transplanted the micro clone so it can get more sun. The big clone is growing fast and showing preflowers - it is going to get big.

EC - 1.7 (added more Flora Nova Bloom to bring it up)
pH - 5.8 (H2O2 brings pH up and higher pH stops root slime better)



Micro Clone Transplant

Big Clone



Well-Known Member
Nice work there Mo!!! That clone is looking superb :) told ya she'd be fine....
Hey one thing i'm noticing. Okay I could be wrong, but I don't think it's the CFL's that are the heat issue, it's the reflectors, they are getting hot enough to give enough radiant heat to damage the leaf tips, that what i'm thinking, here's my simple maybe effective solution. remove reflectors and take out globe. drill a couple of tiny holes around the base of the bowl type reflector where the heat can escape. that will lessen the radiant heat that will come off them. My UVB lamp has slits cut in the reflector, and they help immensely. I think the type of material they are heats up too much compared to how much heat they can dissipate. If they already have holes, then I'm waaay wrong. have a fan up top cooling the leaves also will help. during the start of flowering she will want to drink more

sorry to hear about that slime crap. no good, slime is hard to rid out of pipes and tubes, get it early you'll be ok


Well-Known Member
Worked on my room last night. Used gaffer's tape to line my windows with heavy black/white plastic so I can leave the cabinet open at night and get more air circulation and cooling. After the sun goes down I open the windows and let in the cool air. Will my porch light cause any problems if some of that light leaks in to the room? I have plants outside that do not seem to mind the extra light...? Root slime seems to be gone, the roots are nice and flat tan color again. I notched a goove in the side of the tote today for the input pipe (after I took pics) so I could close the tote up and keep out any light in the root zone. EC is up and pH is holding I think - meter is going crazy again :P

I also raised the light so she could stretch more. It is 100% sativa so it will probably push the limits of my setup. We will see. I will install a second screen when she reaches the line where the old shelves were.

Gave the Micro Clone and the Big clone some fish emulsion - that stuff stinks! Also gave them some coffee grounds from Jamaica. The micro is standing up tall now and has those reveg smooth leaves. Who knows what kind of weird mutation it might present?

EC - 2.2
pH - 5.8


Raised Lights

Tip Macros

Big Clone

Micro Clone

The new flower clone is still unchanged so no pic :(



Well-Known Member
what up mohican! , looking fucking amazing man , im super jelous of your outdoor girls too im unable to grow outdoors but i really love it keep up the good work man. im subbed for sure :D

Ruderalis Ryan

Active Member
Sexy looking plant you got there! Can't wait to see the stickyness of those buds!
That micro clone seems to be really stunted though :/ Could just be working on the roots... Would love to see it boom in growth! Maybe some 1/4 strength nutes?
I'll be sticking around to see how this one turns out for sure!


Well-Known Member
Yeah the micro clone was a tiny node growth that I clipped and threw in a cube for kicks. I got some great roots very quickly and so I planted it outside. It was not in a good spot for maximum sunlight so I transplanted her to a new spot with tons of sun and she is digging it. I will go take a pic now to show how happy she is.


Well-Known Member
The big clone is loving it outside and I hope this 35 gallon can is big enough!

Fast Shutter

Behind with flash

