MALE???? HELP please my first time!!!!


Active Member
This is my first grow and I need help please, I am growing 4 plants and they're a week into flowering and from the looks of them it seems I might have at least 2 maybe even 3 males. Worst luck ever, but I want to be sure before killing my babies b/c the 2 that I am almost sure are males are my biggest and best plants of course. Please help me, I took a couple of picks with my phone so they're not that great but they have little balls in their stem corners.



Active Member
no problem manso all of your plants are males?
I'm not sure yet, I know b/c of your help that my 2 best plants are stupid, gay males. And I think a third might be going in that direction too, I will know by tomarrow, but I think atleast 1 is a female thank God!!!! It has no balls and looks like a couple of small hairs are coming out, and I really, really hope it's a girl so not all my time, money, and effort is wasted!!!! I don't have a lot of room to grow so I can only grow like 4-6 at a time so next time I want to just use feminized seeds so I can grow 1-3 and not have to worry about this stupid male shit again. Do any of you know a good place to get feminized seeds online? And just so I know, the males are the only ones with balls right? The females have no balls at all and just 2 white hairs right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, one decent female can off-set the disappointment of getting males.
This is where developing cloning skills really comes in handy.


Active Member
I don't understand why you look at males as a bad thing. I have been growing probably as long as some you have walked this planet. If you have quality seeds then you have the start of your own seed bank. Let them come the first grow and get your bank, then the next one weed out the boys, because you won't need them. You can always move them to another room to reduce the amount of seeds you get. Or just kill the boys now and clone after that. You do have options. Me...I like having a bank.


Active Member
I wouldn't really mind if I only had 1-5 males out of like 10 plants, but I only had 4 plants and 2 are deffinitly males and a third looks like it's a male. So I will only end up with 1 or maybe 2 females if i'm lucky. I better have atleast 1 female or i'm going to snap!!!!


Junior Creatologist
1 or 2 females is all you need for your first grow. your not gonna become a ganja baron over night bro, lol. I only have 2 females right now, its my 1st grow n im fuckin stoked as shit that theyre coming along. Trust me, once you see that pussy, your worries are gonna feel alot lighter on your shoulders man.

even if its just one fem, its still a win in the books for your grow record!!


Well-Known Member
lol flourscents tell it all.... NO what lights do you have?

1 24" T-5?
or what....

if your running into a lot of males it could be your lights.... you might now have enough of them.....


Well-Known Member
How do you clone? And do you always need root hormone or can you just use water?
The hormone helps a lot . . . think of it as insurance. That said, yes, you can get roots by simply sticking a cutting in water, maybe 50% of the time. Since you are possibly only cloning from one plant, the water glass method could work. My cloning powder was $7 about 7 years ago, and will last the rest of my life.

clone info


Active Member
About the lights - I have 2 (24 inch) flourescents with plant and aqaurium bulbs that I think are 20watts each maybe more. Then I have 2 flourescent lamps that take flourescent bulbs that fit in regular fixtures. Both bulbs are 100watts each. And by the way I do have 1 female thank God!!!! And how long does a male flower until it releases pollen? Cause I have 2 left now and one is deff. a female but the other might be a herme, but I dont want to go thru the trouble of moving it until im sure its a herme.
P.S. Thanks for the info 'bout the clone, I think I will try it.
~ JRock.
Here's a pic of what the set up "would" look like...



Well-Known Member
one thing I can see now is you have your lights too far away.... I have a 400 watt HPS and it is only 12 inches away from my plants.....

you want to move your lights as close as you can... use the back of your hand to meassure if it's too hot.... I set my lights to where my hand feels just nice... like being out in the sun.... any closer and you will burn them... It will also make them more compact... so like no stretching.....


Active Member
True that man, I moved them closer and put up some Aluminum Foil all around her. And HPS lights, I heard they're like the best for growing but I don't know where I can get them. I looked for HPS lights at Walmart last time I went to get more flourescents but I didn't see any(But I really don't know what to look for, I just looked for anything with HPS on it 'cause I forgot what it stands for.) I'd be happy with the MH lights to, anything above flourescents, this was my first grow just to see if I could do it and I can so next time I want to use better stuff b/c i'm just growin' a Middy plant now, next time i'm goin' for the good shit from Attitude's pick and match seeds offer so I want those babies to grow nice and big and I heard that the light is what gets you the buds so the better the light the more bud and I want A LOT next time!!!!(And of course this time aswell.) So, do you know any good like "Name Brand" shops I can get HPS or MH from? Thanks dude. ~ JRock.

P.S. Here's some pics of what the new set up "would" look like.



Active Member
Also dude, is HPS and MH just a different kind of bulb I can put in any of my regular lamps? Or do I have to buy a fixture aswell? And, do you know the price range for a 400watt or 1000watt HPS or MH bulb/fixture? Thanks again brother. ~ JRock.