Male or Female?


First plant ever, Im not sure if this is a female or male plant. can you guys help me figure it out? This is grown from bag seed, from az mersh... and the pic files should be attached w/ post, thanks in advance guys. :leaf:




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suggestions on what i might do to make it look not so sad? i was thinking about giving it a little plant food once in a while, but ive heard both good and bad things about that...
yeah your plant is a plant lol. yeah it will show preflowers but you still have a few weeks till that happens.

what type of soil are you using and how often are you watering? kinds looks just a bit over watered to me.
suggestions on what i might do to make it look not so sad? i was thinking about giving it a little plant food once in a while, but ive heard both good and bad things about that...
maybe give her some company... throw a few more in there then ull both be happier :)
I say there is a transplant due here... Reason y the leaves r "sad" is cuz it's not getting the root growth that it desires. Either that, or a good watering is due, but if the soil is wet, which it seems, then more than likely U will need to transplant. Just make sure the soil medium is the same as what ur using now, otherwise shock might occur. Plant looks good tho, they don't need much for a firsttime grow. They r very good at surviving on their own. Wait a week or
two more, u will notice the balls very easily when they first show, a pistil is also very obvious right at first appearance...

Good luck with ur grow
actually its probably a dog hair, seeing as how my girlfriends 4 dogs have free roam in the backyard including the area around the plant lol, im going to go ahead and re-plant tonight in the same medium i used to get it thus far, im crossing my fingers on a female, because other than that plant, i got one that has barely sprouted... and my girlfriend took the rest of the seeds and literally tossed them in a potting bed, expecting to get results, well there havent been any, so if this is a male im f'd and praying the sprout is female.. lol, thanks for all ur input too, ill be lowering the watering amounts to maybe once every 2-3 days?? I've been watering it a lot, daily at least, because its so hot out here, its still pushing 90-100f daily...