Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.

and yet those "scientists we have" who have taken it upon themselves to make such predictions have been caught faking the numbers, exaggerating their claims, and basing their insistence that they know what they are talking about on MISSING DATA

you may have decided that "the debate is over" on "global warming" but the scientific community isnt so sure.

also, Theories are still not "Facts" based on "Facts" and their "Factiness"

i wont thank you for playing because you suck so badly, its like punching out a 3 year old.
"Former Republican House Science Committee chairman Sherwood Boehlert called the attacks a "manufactured distraction", and the dispute was described as a "highly orchestrated" and manufactured controversy by Newsweek and The New York Times. "

"An editorial in Nature stated that "A fair reading of the e-mails reveals nothing to support the denialists' conspiracy theories." It said that emails showed harassment of researchers, with multiple Freedom of Information requests to the Climatic Research Unit, but release of information had been hampered by national government restrictions on releasing the meteorological data researchers had been using."

"Nature considered that emails had not shown anything that undermined the scientific case on human caused global warming, or raised any substantive reasons for concern about the researchers' own papers. The Telegraph reported that academics and climate change researchers dismissed the allegations, saying that nothing in the emails proved wrongdoing. Independent reviews by FactCheck and the Associated Press said that the emails did not affect evidence that man-made global warming is a real threat, and said that emails were being misrepresented to support unfounded claims of scientific misconduct. "

There is no 'debate' about ACC. The only 'debate' exists inside your retard mind. Meanwhile, here in the real world, the science is settled, and you deny it, like the good little retard that you are
not a lot of pride from kkkynes for someone who is a white pride adherent.


You expected something other than stupidity from the biggest racist on RIU?

You must have forgotten about that peer reviewed scientific study that found a negative correlation between cognitive function and racism/conservatism.
You expected something other than stupidity from the biggest racist on RIU?

You must have forgotten about that peer reviewed scientific study that found a negative correlation between cognitive function and racism/conservatism.

didn't you heed his rebuttal to said scientific study?

he clearly spelled out how the scientists were all wrong and confused conservatism with MARXISM!!!!TROTSKYISM!!!!LENINININININISMMMM!!!!!CULTURAL MARXISM!!!!!!!, thus making us the stupid ones.
"Former Republican House Science Committee chairman Sherwood Boehlert called the attacks a "manufactured distraction", and the dispute was described as a "highly orchestrated" and manufactured controversy by Newsweek and The New York Times. "

"An editorial in Nature stated that "A fair reading of the e-mails reveals nothing to support the denialists' conspiracy theories." It said that emails showed harassment of researchers, with multiple Freedom of Information requests to the Climatic Research Unit, but release of information had been hampered by national government restrictions on releasing the meteorological data researchers had been using."

"Nature considered that emails had not shown anything that undermined the scientific case on human caused global warming, or raised any substantive reasons for concern about the researchers' own papers. The Telegraph reported that academics and climate change researchers dismissed the allegations, saying that nothing in the emails proved wrongdoing. Independent reviews by FactCheck and the Associated Press said that the emails did not affect evidence that man-made global warming is a real threat, and said that emails were being misrepresented to support unfounded claims of scientific misconduct. "

There is no 'debate' about ACC. The only 'debate' exists inside your retard mind. Meanwhile, here in the real world, the science is settled, and you deny it, like the good little retard that you are
this conclusion can only be reached through NOT reading those emails.

considering that the malfeasance detailed in those emails calls into question the validity of their findings, their scientific credibility, their ethics, and their grant application schemes, any finding other than "nothing to see here" would embarrass not just those dinks, but every institution that supported them, every journal that published their "research", every government that funded their activities, the UN who accepted their conclusions uncritically (despite numerous hilarious signs that their shit was fucked up, like graphs appearing in the IPCC reports that nobody could remember including, or recall who drafted it...) and would cause great embarrassment to every government that gave these clowns grants.

the "nothing to see here" result was a foregone conclusion, just like sandusky's "exoneration" shortly before the feds grabbed him for felony boy-touching.

you are arguing that doubt and suspicion of the Official Party Line is a bad thing, and tantamount to heresy.

This from the Three Stooges of Bush Blaming!!

your unstated but obvious intimation is that we should distrust everything the government says, unless you agree with the underlying agenda, and then we should accept it uncritically.

despite the fact that it was drafted by guys who didnt even save their data...
meanwhile Bucklefuckle and Abandonintellect do what they do best, try to start a pissing match, and attempt to make everything personal.

too bad, you catamites will have to smack each other around for a while, since youre both just terribly boring

at least Toby makes an attempt to argue a position before he goes off the rails and starts the childishness.
meanwhile Bucklefuckle and Abandonintellect do what they do best, try to start a pissing match, and attempt to make everything personal.

too bad, you catamites will have to smack each other around for a while, since youre both just terribly boring

at least Toby makes an attempt to argue a position before he goes off the rails and starts the childishness.

is the consensus on anthropogenic global warming part of a marxist conspiracy?

maybe a marxist plot?

what is the relation between AGW and marxism?
“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”~Former US Senator Timothy Wirth (D- Colorado)

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”~ Christine Stewart former Canadian Minister for the Environment

“For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.”~Jacques Chirac Former President of France, and avowed Marxist.

“…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth…” ~Ottmar Edenhofer IPCC bigwig, and avowed marxist

Nuff Said.
Good stuff Kynes.

Reality matters not to these nitwits. It's all about the manufactured outrage for them, and the chubbies it produces. They will just jump to the next "crisis" after this one is dead and gone. It fills the gaping holes in their lives.
Good stuff Kynes.

Reality matters not to these nitwits. It's all about the manufactured outrage for them, and the chubbies it produces. They will just jump to the next "crisis" after this one is dead and gone. It fills the gaping holes in their lives.
ha ha ha Lives...

good one Loco.
So you completely ignore tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies that prove the science and focus on politicians' quotes and a few personal emails...

kkkynes you're fucking dumb.
Like every progressive boondoggle, climate change needs legions of useful idiots to champion the cause of their agenda. It's nothing but the latest attack on fossil fuels with some wealth redistribution/global governance thrown in for good measure.

You have been Gruber'd sir.
Like every progressive boondoggle, climate change needs legions of useful idiots to champion the cause of their agenda. It's nothing but the latest attack on fossil fuels with some wealth redistribution/global governance thrown in for good measure.

You have been Gruber'd sir.

I don't refer to climate scientists as useful idiots.
So you completely ignore tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies that prove the science and focus on politicians' quotes and a few personal emails...

kkkynes you're fucking dumb.

he's convinced me!

the theory that human activities are adding greenhouse gasses like CO2 and thus causing warming is a MARXIST PLOT!!!!!!!!

Like every progressive boondoggle, climate change needs legions of useful idiots to champion the cause of their agenda. It's nothing but the latest attack on fossil fuels with some wealth redistribution/global governance thrown in for good measure.

You have been Gruber'd sir.



So you completely ignore tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies that prove the science and focus on politicians' quotes and a few personal emails...

kkkynes you're fucking dumb.
so your contention is:
1) the Official Party Line is correct, no matter how illogical because look at all the scientists that agree (NOT tens of thousands, only a few actually insist that "Man Made Global Warming" is a serious issue, and NONE argue that "the science is settled") thats Argumentum Ad Populum, a FALLACY

2) "all those scientists" agree (but they dont, you simply reject the opinions of those who disagree) and look how smart they are!! thats Appeal To Authority, a FALLACY

3) "You must be wrong because You are <insert ad hom here>" thats an obvious Ad Hominem Fallacy

4) "U R Rong Becuz U Kant Show me 1 place where the science is demonstrably manufactured!!" <instance provided> "NUHH UHH!! Because <Move Goalposts> !!!"

5) "I am right because <Insert Straw Man Here>!!"

6) "U R Rong Becuz U Kant Show Me Marxist Influences!!!" <obvious examples provided> "Nuuh Uhh!!! because <back to point 4>

7) repeat 4, 5 & 6 endlessly

the proponents have demonstrated that their "unprecedented" global warming is in fact quite precedented, they have demonstrated that the entire thing is a political agenda designed to bolster their favoured political theory (which happens to be Marxism) and the entire issue is just another method to try and "Smash Capitalism" since traditional Marxian models have failed.

those scientists who havent declared "The Science Is Settled" (which is almost all of em) are still arguing about the causes, the extent and the anticipated results of their various THEORIES (which are still not "Facts") and those who have screamed the loudest didnt even bother to keep their data, while every PEER REVIEWED publication that dares publish a PEER REVIEWED research paper that challenges their claims is accused of being "Infiltrated by The Baddies"

but no, do go on.

you are making a compelling case for the power of fallacy to sway idiots.
so your contention is:
1) the Official Party Line is correct, no matter how illogical because look at all the scientists that agree (NOT tens of thousands, only a few actually insist that "Man Made Global Warming" is a serious issue, and NONE argue that "the science is settled") thats Argumentum Ad Populum, a FALLACY

2) "all those scientists" agree (but they dont, you simply reject the opinions of those who disagree) and look how smart they are!! thats Appeal To Authority, a FALLACY

3) "You must be wrong because You are <insert ad hom here>" thats an obvious Ad Hominem Fallacy

4) "U R Rong Becuz U Kant Show me 1 place where the science is demonstrably manufactured!!" <instance provided> "NUHH UHH!! Because <Move Goalposts> !!!"

5) "I am right because <Insert Straw Man Here>!!"

6) "U R Rong Becuz U Kant Show Me Marxist Influences!!!" <obvious examples provided> "Nuuh Uhh!!! because <back to point 4>

7) repeat 4, 5 & 6 endlessly

the proponents have demonstrated that their "unprecedented" global warming is in fact quite precedented, they have demonstrated that the entire thing is a political agenda designed to bolster their favoured political theory (which happens to be Marxism) and the entire issue is just another method to try and "Smash Capitalism" since traditional Marxian models have failed.

those scientists who havent declared "The Science Is Settled" (which is almost all of em) are still arguing about the causes, the extent and the anticipated results of their various THEORIES (which are still not "Facts") and those who have screamed the loudest didnt even bother to keep their data, while every PEER REVIEWED publication that dares publish a PEER REVIEWED research paper that challenges their claims is accused of being "Infiltrated by The Baddies"

but no, do go on.

you are making a compelling case for the power of fallacy to sway idiots.

little early for a meltdown, wouldn't you say kynes?