Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.

"Meltdown" = UB's word of the week. Once the OCD winds up to full speed, he puts Hannity to shame in the broken record department.

Remember when he couldn't stop using "dog whistle?

Rarely do you get to see such unchecked neurosis on full display outside of a homeless shelter. Well worth the price of admission.
"Meltdown" = UB's word of the week. Once the OCD winds up to full speed, he puts Hannity to shame in the broken record department.

Remember when he couldn't stop using "dog whistle?

Rarely do you get to see such unchecked neurosis on full display outside of a homeless shelter. Well worth the price of admission.

no, I call climate scientists climate scientists
unless they present PEER REVIEWED research that you (and Mike Mann and The Global Warming Earth Band) feel challenges your position, then "climate scientists" become "Climate Deniers" "Tools of Big Oil" and "Servants of the Koch Brothers"

your hypocrisy knows no bounds, but hypocrisy is acceptable as long as it serves your ultimate goal, and helps "Smash Capitalism"
yep. just like marxism, your graph uses wild speculation, faulty assumptions and dire predictions of future events if their agenda is not accepted.

and if we DO accept their premise and submit to their demands, well then the future will be a utopia full of unicorns that shit Skittles and piss Purple Drank
yep. just like marxism, your graph uses wild speculation, faulty assumptions and dire predictions of future events if their agenda is not accepted.

and if we DO accept their premise and submit to their demands, well then the future will be a utopia full of unicorns that shit Skittles and piss Purple Drank

wow, kkkynes even worked in a racial mention into there!

blacks and marxists are causing global warming! watch out everyone!
unless they present PEER REVIEWED research that you (and Mike Mann and The Global Warming Earth Band) feel challenges your position, then "climate scientists" become "Climate Deniers" "Tools of Big Oil" and "Servants of the Koch Brothers"

your hypocrisy knows no bounds, but hypocrisy is acceptable as long as it serves your ultimate goal, and helps "Smash Capitalism"

published by a journal which prominent climate scientists are calling to blackball for not properly observing the peer review process.
published by a journal which prominent climate scientists are calling to blackball for not properly observing the peer review process.

so what if they can't do exponents or read a graph or use an online converter and lie about it?

kynes does that all the time, and he as uncovered the marxist conspiracy!
published by a journal which prominent climate scientists are calling to blackball for not properly observing the peer review process.
and yet the emails detail THEIR attempts to corrupt the peer review process, and stifle articles which conflict with their conclusions, despite the fact that "their math appears to be correct" and the scooby doo style attempts to deduce who the anonymous peer reviewers are so they can pressure those reviewers to reject articles which The Mike Mann and the Doctors Of Doom find "controversial"

from the emails it is obvious that the one and only criteria for determining which journals have been corrupted by "The Baddies" is:

They published one article The Michael Mann Experience didnt approve of.

suppression of entire journals because the small clique at CRU didnt like what was published is NOT how science is done in the rest of the academy.
and yet the emails detail THEIR attempts to corrupt the peer review process, and stifle articles which conflict with their conclusions, despite the fact that "their math appears to be correct" and the scooby doo style attempts to deduce who the anonymous peer reviewers are so they can pressure those reviewers to reject articles which The Mike Mann and the Doctors Of Doom find "controversial"

from the emails it is obvious that the one and only criteria for determining which journals have been corrupted by "The Baddies" is:

They published one article The Michael Mann Experience didnt approve of.

suppression of entire journals because the small clique at CRU didnt like what was published is NOT how science is done in the rest of the academy.

do you believe that mann and company are cultural marxists who are trying to keep the white man down with their boogeyman science?
The mellow 2014 Atlantic hurricane season ends Sunday (Nov. 30), marking another year without major hurricanes hitting the Eastern United States.

It has been a record-breaking nine years since a Category 3 hurricane (or stronger) made landfall along U.S. coastlines. The last was Hurricane Wilma in 2005 (Sandy was not a hurricane when it hit the northeast in 2012). The United States has never recorded a nine-year period without a hurricane touching its shores. The prior record for the longest stretch, from 1861 to 1868, was set during the Civil War, according to Colorado State University climatologists.

Totally weird right? Let me guess, nine years is weather not climate.
So if there are no devastating hurricanes in a year, that's evidence of what?

It's evidence that we're getting accustomed to devastating hurricanes every single year.