Well-Known Member
IF U WANT TO BE WRITCH, SAVE AND STORE BEE HONEY,,, IN 50 YEARS IT WILL BE LIKE GOLD...Maybe it doesnt bother u that ur children will never taste the real thing,,,but im sorry it really SADDENS ME..
uhh.. i just pointed you right at a Peer Reviewed Paper that detailed the ACTUAL "consensus" from real research, not oreskes' flailed metastudy (metastudies are the WEAKEST kind of study)Prove it. You made the claim that 97% of publishing climate scientists disagree with the IPCC about anthropogenic climate change, so prove it
97% of published papers that reach a conclusion on anthropogenic climate change agree with the IPCC's conclusion, so where is the "inflation" and the "plagiarism"?
That's what you believe and have never provided any evidence to support it. That's exactly what creationists think about intelligent design, that their view is being "suppressed" in favor of "evilution"... I guess that's just another coincidence..
Amateur opinion, it would be nice if you could actually show some proof of this instead of perpetuate more conspiracy theories..
IF U WANT TO BE WRITCH, SAVE AND STORE BEE HONEY,,, IN 50 YEARS IT WILL BE LIKE GOLD...Maybe it doesnt bother u that ur children will never taste the real thing,,,but im sorry it really SADDENS ME..
It doesnt matter 600 years ago,, look at just ur life time.. 20 years ago winter in ilinois had snow from nov- its damn near 60 deg.f all winter or what should be winter.. in michigan 10 years ago deer hunting in nov. u froze ur fuckin ass off now u can wear a t shirt... look at the mountains here, they had snow year round just 10 years ago, now thyve melted and some of that frost was there over 100 years ago,,, how do i know?? not a thermometer or co2 reader,,my grandfather and great grandfather lived here seen it, even took pics of it in the 1920's that snow was there for both their life times and probably their fathers and grandfathers too,,i watched it gradually fade to just the tips and peaks of the mountains to now ,,only there in winter its sad,,in my life time alone over 1000 speacies have gone extinct, never to be seen again and we sit here wile the elefants,tigers,polar bears, condores, and even honey bees are on the edje of beeing gone forever,, so global warming isnt the culprit,,,ITS MANKIND THATS DESTROYING EVERYTHING
ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE NOT WORTH SHIT....BUT SOME FUCKIN SCIENTIST SAIS SOMETHING AND ITS TRUE...LOL...I GUESS ILL BELIEVE IN GOD WHEN THERE IS PROOF!!! SORRY PAL I DONT NEED A SCIENTIST WHOM WORKS FOR OUR HONEST GOVERNMENT...BELIEVE WHAT YOU WILL, FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND RELIGION.,, BUT PLEASE KEEP AN OPEN MIND AND HOPE OUR CHILDREN CAN CHANGE WHAT WE HAVE FAILED TO DO,,,PRESERVE...And please get back to me in 20 years with your scientific proof..Unfortunately i probably wont be around to debate..Or we will all be living in bunkers,,, oh thats wright, only our honest government figures will be,, as our national budget last year spent 6 billion on bunkers and underground facilities,,,ever wonder why?? ask nasa or that scientist im sur you know personally..Also ever wonder why our very owne government recomends every house hold to have 1 month worth of stored foods and water??? i dont know why but thats a FACT JACK..
climate change isnt real?? u must not be over 40 years old, to have seen its efects.. polar bears will be extinct by the time my son is my age, there is too much proof its happening, and co2 levels have proven to afect the climate..dont believe it, move to northern michigan,, see what it looked like here just 10 years ago to now,,,tempertures are climbing and the culprit,,,GLOBAL WARMING!! TAKE UR SCIENTIFIC SHIT AND SHOVE IT IN UR ASS,,,THEN LOOK OUT THE FUCKIN WINDOW, TAKE A PIC, WAIT TEN FUCKIN YEARS AND TAKE ANOTHER..PROOF!!!!!
maybe not 50 years as our conservitive peirs probably have millions of bottles in storage..However the fact remains in time real bee honey will be worth its weight in gold,, maybe our children will get ritch from it,, just like if our fathers would have passed down the silver dollars, quarters, and even comic books they had as children...did u know in the late 40's it was illegal to own gold?? At that time our gov. confiscated all gold coins,, one was held onto by an arib and our gov couldnt take it from him, it was sold at auction in 2002 for 2.8 million..In 50 years, lol. Oh man, getting my tubs of honey saved up right now!!!
seriously, are we being Punk'd?maybe not 50 years as our conservitive peirs probably have millions of bottles in storage..However the fact remains in time real bee honey will be worth its weight in gold,, maybe our children will get ritch from it,, just like if our fathers would have passed down the silver dollars, quarters, and even comic books they had as children...did u know in the late 40's it was illegal to own gold?? At that time our gov. confiscated all gold coins,, one was held onto by an arib and our gov couldnt take it from him, it was sold at auction in 2002 for 2.8 million..
this ACTUAL RESEARCH set the "consensus" at 45%
you then insisted i prove your "97%" bullshit was wrong. That is amateurish.
i contend that human action is not the primary driver of the climate
Why are you purposefully trying to distort what NASA says about ACC? It seems to me they're very clear in their stance on it.