If it was done right it would be enough for their education. As it is now, it isnt enough to pay the bloated bureaucracy... And I mean at both the state and federal levels.
The average monthly retirement check for California teachers was $4,256 back in 2010, and I'm sure it's higher today.
That's over $51,000 a year, most of it paid by us tax payers. There are currently 862,000 retired public educators receiving these checks, do the math, it's unsustainable.
We've had so many propositions that raise taxes to fund the public school system in this state it's silly.
Yet, the school system is still failing.
The silver bullet was the proposition to allow a state lottery, that was going to solve all of our education problems statewide, but like all taxes the left get their hands on, it went straight to the general fund to grow government. California is the model for progressive/liberal failure.