Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

it might be as high as 20%, although that seems awfully high to me...but how many of those are even capable of fighting?
at least half of the republican base is over 50, and at least 20% is over 65.
how many aren't willing to fight? how many are cowards? how many are too poor to travel?.....still not worried about the great magat revolt...the most revolting thing about them is their beliefs.
this guy is ready.


now that is just mean to fish.

Are you nuts! It would bring down the power grid and there would be nothing left of the fucker but ashes and vaporized bullshit. I go for burning at the stake on the capitol hill lawn, invite his fans and pass out marshmallows, patriots can circle around the roaring flames singing the national anthem. Make a show of it, Donald will want a big crowd and high ratings! Burn a few of his henchmen as a warm up first and have a guy dressed as Uncle Sam light the flames. :lol:
They can prove their fealty by leaping into the flames with him…to ”pwn tha libs”, y’know….
Around here, we called those lynchings…not exactly ‘law enforcement’ - or justice - but they were popular. As was taking pieces of the body as souvenirs (penises were exceptionally-favored trophies)

Still, I get your point

I'm sure someone's safe exists somewhere with Nat Turner wagon wheel grease as a souvenir to this day.

Day 1 of the Civil War also was a family day but didn't end as expected.
Ok well I meant in general so I looked:

Still want to hang those Republicans and take their guns though, but its all different now right?

I like your bravery; that's not a gotcha though, just semantics. Regardless of what they call themselves in a generation, we have two parties; one of conservatives and one of liberals.. Whigs and Torys, but we still have two parties.
It appears a few things will happen after midterms - matt “ creeper “ gaetz is getting the gas pedal mashed on his sex crime investigation. Hoping the Georgia AG investigation takes a stick to the fat orange pinata sooner than later.

As he dangles in the wind of uncertainty- he loses daily . He must be raging to his ragtag group of cheap lawyers at every turn. He plead the fifth 440 times for crying out loud. His moronic son eric pleaded as well - some 500 times. His debts are still here , not including his foreign ones. On paper he is at least a third of his “ wealth “ in debt.

Good times ahead. Maybe he will grift prison artwork.
