Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

good, then we know who to beat the ever living fuck out of....
Lindsey has Georgia on his mind and the narcist is getting as desperate as Donald, Lindsey could be looking at a prison cell in Georgia. He was a former JAG officer in the Navy, so he knows the situation for regular people if they fucked up a fraction as much as Trump on top secret documents. They bust them over military information and the top secret stuff comes into play during sentencing. Trump is gone, it's just a question of when, as for his base acting up, they will anyway, so is the country gonna be held hostage to Trump, or step on him like a cockroach?

Nice little country ya got here Merrick, it would be a shame if someone burned it down! HTF do you think it's gonna end?
HTF do you think it's gonna end?
with trump dead, and at least one or two of his kids...he'll lock himself in mar-a-lardo, with an army of magats guarding him...which is like having your fat uncle who needs a step ladder to get in and out of his jacked up diesel truck guarding you...the fbi and the national guard will move in, tear gas them, kill the few who fire at them, storm the place, and in the chaos, trump ends up dead, somehow...and any of his kids who are with him, as well...just to keep things neat and tidy.
oh wait, that's my fantasy about what happens.
what i think will actually happen is he won't get charged with a fucking thing, and will die fat, old, and ignored in mar-a-lardo...
but the republican party will never recover from this...either they will expel the magats from the party, or the magats will withdraw themselves and form the bullgoose looney party, in opposition to both the democrats and the republicans.
either way, they just handed the democrats at least 6 years to run roughshod over the republicans...lets see how much damage we can do to them in 6 years, and how much we can fix the country, so that in 6 years, we can turn it into 10, 14, 18....
here's their V.P. candidate to run with trump when he loses next time
isn't it funny how much an actor playing a crazy person looks like matt gaetz?
Sununu is a fucking horse's ass...the reason they redact sensitive documents is to protect ongoing investigations, witnesses, and assets in place...i'm a fucking civilian and i fucking understand the fuck do these morons that are stupider than i am keep getting elected?
It's just bullshit for the base, Donald is leading them off the cliff and into the abyss. They just need to rattle his cage now to play him like a fish, he's been posting on Bullshit social frantically and they need to get the money he owes them NOW, while he is over a barrel. The republicans are fucked for as long as Donald is running around causing chaos on division among them. He is forcing them to defend the indefensible and even to spout his lies and threats, there has largely been silence from the republicans over the top secret documents. Lindsey has a grand jury and then a court date in Georgia, so you can see how desperate he is by how much he is clinging to Trump, even now. He has no real reason to be so close to Donald while he's on fire and about to explode. The FBI would have found the pictures of Lindsey blowing that young black stud in Trump's safe, so it must be the case in Georgia and the very real possibility of being convicted that has Miss Lindsey worried! :lol:

Seriously, if a miracle should happen and the democrats keep the house and win a useful majority in the senate, they will need to take the bull by the nuts before they have to handle him by the horns! They need to pass a host of laws in a short period of time and if they have the house and senate they can do it in 2 short years. They have a duty to protect the country and defend the constitution from fascism and domestic terrorism, it is not really optional.
Thank you, sir: be careful, I’m on Twitter nao…:wall:

Noooooooooo don't give in to them- they're evil and let Tweets be posted that put our nation in danger.

Speaking of which, @hanimmal I finally gave in and subbed WaPo. I still say they should give it as a part of Prime but I'm paying a buck a month but I noticed the don't give me a nice landing page link- that fucker Bezos :cuss:

Joe: Trump And His Defenders Aren't Explaining 'Why' He Took Documents
55,963 views Aug 29, 2022 Joe Scarborough and the Morning Joe panel discuss the fact that neither former President Trump nor his Republican defenders are publicly explaining 'why' Trump took documents to Mar-a-Lago.
As i figured , the FBI had it’s filter teams going thru the seized boxes for at least some 3 weeks now. There was no way they were going to just let it sit there. They are going to submit the “ small “ amount of attorney / client privilege items back to the court and head off that “ special master “.

That should nullify that stall tactic that trump and his bumpkin lawyers were seeking. The FBI is most likely doing forensic examinations including fingerprinting , video reviews of storage locations , who what when and where docs moved , whom had access to location , etc.

Trumps dirty attorney / client laundry was already looked at …. No reason to cry now. The doc on the french president is a mystery tho - maybe melania sent him love letters. She was quite smitten with the guy.

Trump is in the Death Star’s Garbage shoot with walls compacting in …. C3PO told him to fuck off.
You guys remember… when trump actually feared being hit with fruit and veggies ?

Seems when he is cuffed and being moved , would be the time people actually hit the fucker with tomatoes. Maybe some big ass beefsteak ones.
Just like the ol days …. Walk of fucking shame .

Or just throw canned versions including pineapple chunks. He feared pineapples- i find them delicious.
You guys remember… when trump actually feared being hit with fruit and veggies ?

Seems when he is cuffed and being moved , would be the time people actually hit the fucker with tomatoes. Maybe some big ass beefsteak ones.
Just like the ol days …. Walk of fucking shame .

Or just throw canned versions including pineapple chunks. He feared pineapples- i find them delicious.
on a more evil note -
halved durian.
DOJ finds ‘limited’ items covered by attorney-client privilege at Mar-a-Lago
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has completed an initial review of potentially privileged materials seized at Mar-a-Lago, the agency informed the court Monday, as former President Trump seeks to block the department from examining evidence collected at his home.

The acknowledgment that the government has already reviewed and set aside items that may be covered by attorney-client privilege could undermine an effort from Trump to stall the investigation.

The notice comes as Trump has sought to obtain a so-called special master — a third party who would review the materials collected to screen for personal property or any privileged material that may have been swept up in the search.

But the Justice Department began that work in the two weeks before Trump brought his suit, using a filter team of employees not assigned to the case to review the evidence collected during the search.

That team “identified a limited set of materials that potentially contain attorney-client privileged information,” U.S. Attorney Juan Antonio Gonzalez wrote in a filing Monday.

A functioning filter team could make it harder for Trump to argue a special master is necessary, and a judge in the case has already asked the former president’s legal team to expand on the legal reasoning in its initial filing requesting the court’s intervention.

The filing comes after the Justice Department complied with a court order in a separate case Friday by releasing the affidavit used to seek the warrant to search Trump’s Florida home, revealing that documents recovered from an initial retrieval in January included 184 classified documents, including those dealing with human intelligence sources.

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines alerted lawmakers over the weekend that the intelligence community would conduct its own assessment of the potential fallout of the mishandling of intelligence from the January batch of documents.

'Blanks keep getting filled in': What we've learned from Trump's Mar-a-Lago docs
78,720 views Aug 29, 2022 CNN legal analyst Elie Honig joins New Day to give the latest into the investigation over the classified documents discovered in former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate.

Trump’s Mar-a-Lago documents already examined by FBI, Justice Dept. tells judge
A ‘filter team’ has completed its review of material possibly covered by attorney-client privilege, the court filing says

FBI agents have already finished their examination of possibly privileged documents seized in an Aug. 8 search of Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, according to a Justice Department court filing Monday that could undercut the former president’s efforts to have a special master appointed to review the files.

The “filter team” used by the Justice Department to sort through the documents and weed out any material that should not be reviewed by criminal investigators has completed its review, the brief filed by Justice Department prosecutors says. The filing came in response to a decision Saturday by U.S. District Judge Aileen M. Cannon to hold a hearing this week on Trump’s motion seeking the appointment of a special master.

The new government filing says prosecutors will provide more information later this week. But in the meantime, it notes that even before the judge’s weekend ruling, the filter team “identified a limited set of materials that potentially contain attorney-client privileged information, completed its review of those materials, and is in the process of following the procedures” spelled out in the search warrant to handle any privilege disputes.

Trump’s legal team filed the request two weeks after the Aug. 8 search, calling the court-approved law enforcement action a “shockingly aggressive,” politically motivated raid. The former president’s lawyers claimed that federal authorities seized records to which they had no legal right.

But their motion centered on the assertion that much of the seized material contained presidential communications, and was therefore shielded by executive privilege — a claim that the Justice Department has yet to acknowledge is valid. Executive privilege is usually invoked to shield communications from Congress or the courts, not another branch of the executive government, such as the Justice Department. The Monday filing says only that the filter team has reviewed the documents for attorney-client privilege.

Trump's secrets: How a records dispute led the FBI to search Mar-a-Lago

Although Cannon, who was nominated to the bench by Trump in 2020, said she was inclined to appoint a special master, she also said her order “should not be construed as a final determination on Plaintiff’s Motion.”

Federal authorities took about two dozen boxes of materials from Mar-a-Lago during the search, including 11 sets of classified documents, several of them categorized as top secret. Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence, told lawmakers Friday that U.S. intelligence analysts will conduct a review of the classified materials to determine the potential risk to national security if their contents were disclosed.

Trump’s lawyers want a special master, essentially an outside expert, to return any information taken from Trump’s property that went beyond the scope of the search warrant, and to set aside any material that should be shielded from government review because of executive privilege.

Neither the Trump filing nor the government’s brief response address the separate question of whether a special master, if appointed, could or should review the classified documents taken from Mar-a-Lago by the FBI.

Trump's Mar-a-Lago documents and the 'myth' of presidential security clearance

In her ruling Saturday, Cannon instructed the Justice Department to submit under seal a more detailed list of the materials taken by the FBI. She also asked for an update on the federal government’s review. The Justice Department said Monday it would comply. Cannon has scheduled a hearing for Thursday on Trump’s request.
You guys remember… when trump actually feared being hit with fruit and veggies ?

Seems when he is cuffed and being moved , would be the time people actually hit the fucker with tomatoes. Maybe some big ass beefsteak ones.
Just like the ol days …. Walk of fucking shame .

Or just throw canned versions including pineapple chunks. He feared pineapples- i find them delicious.
"...we were put on alert that they were going to do fruit. And some fruit is a lot worse than...tomatoes are bad by the way. Tomato, when they start doing that stuff, it's very dangerous. They were going to hit very hard." -Stay Puft45 :rolleyes:
The fact that Pine Hall was mentioned, you know, among other places, was really interesting," Lowell said. "Pine Hall is an entrance way that leads into Trump's area, and so the fact that the FBI has pinpointed that location suggests to me, and certainly to people around the former president, that the FBI has someone on the inside, someone close to Trump himself or around his family that knows the kind of documents that were being left around them."

"That spooked them to have that level of detail and knowledge," Lowell added. "It's not going to come from people from the help or the staff, that close quarters to the former president."
