Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Trump Will Be Indicted: DOJ Vet Says Donald Can't Escape After Stealing, Lying And Stonewalling
168,699 views Aug 29, 2022 Trump blasts the DOJ and FBI after the redacted home search affidavit is unsealed. DOJ veteran Neal Katyal joins MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber on the investigation and Trump’s legal peril. Katyal says the “events of the last three weeks demonstrate the risk of not bringing prosecution” adding “Federal criminal indictment is very, very hard for Donald Trump to avoid.” Katyal says the affidavit “paints a damning picture of Former President Trump,” who appears to be “thumbing his nose at the DOJ.”
You lost me. Explain please?
Widely used acronym for “Magic: The Gathering“ card game

no deeper significance…gives me a chuckle and reminds me not to take anything from her seriously.

Her congresswoman cosplay is THE WORST: I do double-takes going to the kwikie-mart ‘cause they all seem to have a woman her size, her eyes, her manner, her accent, her attitude who’s been working there for years…I suppose it’s like they say, ‘it’s not that the bear dances well…’

With No Excuses Left, Trumpworld Turns To Threatening Violence Amid Docs Probe
109,965 views Aug 29, 2022 Chris Hayes on Trump and his allies rerunning the Jan. 6 playbook to menace Mar-a-Lago investigators: "That is the path we are going towards again with the rhetoric of people like Lindsey Graham going on national television and threatening a riot."
Widely used acronym for “Magic: The Gathering“ card game

no deeper significance…gives me a chuckle and reminds me not to take anything from her seriously.

Her congresswoman cosplay is THE WORST: I do double-takes going to the kwikie-mart ‘cause they all seem to have a woman her size, her eyes, her manner, her accent, her attitude who’s been working there for years…I suppose it’s like they say, ‘it’s not that the bear dances well…’
I pretty much avoid anything with dragons in it. My kids are avid draconophiles, and will argue minutiae of Star Wars at the drop of a very light saber.

Though the Tame Your Dragon movies were a lot of fun.
So When will "GUTLESS Garland" indite the "Grifter In Chief" for any of his many crimes? i've heard it reported that Gutless is afraid of the MAGAts rioting an causing a ruckus,( just like Ms. Lindsey said.) Or he doesn't want to effect the Mid-Terms with the facts of the Republi-pukes sedition.
I say fuck'em they may have AR 15s but the National Guard has Artillery!
So When will "GUTLESS Garland" indite the "Grifter In Chief" for any of his many crimes? i've heard it reported that Gutless is afraid of the MAGAts rioting an causing a ruckus,( just like Ms. Lindsey said.) Or he doesn't want to effect the Mid-Terms with the facts of the Republi-pukes sedition.
I say fuck'em they may have AR 15s but the National Guard has Artillery!
I think you are mistaking care for cowardice. Garland so far has impressed me as a very methodical worker who does not change his tactics for political gain. To me that is quite refreshing after the previous administration.

The other factor worth considering is that multiple Republicans in Congress are stuck to the tar baby. Agent orange is not a cause but an effect of the direction the GOP has taken this century.

I’ll gladly trade delay for a broader initial broadside at plainly complicit public servants, both elected and appointed. I do not wish for Graham, McConnell, MosCarthy, Run Hauley and other cruiserweight Overthrow conspirators and assailants of the republic to escape a net drawn in too soon.

You may wish to listen to a different set of rumormongers.
So When will "GUTLESS Garland" indite the "Grifter In Chief" for any of his many crimes? i've heard it reported that Gutless is afraid of the MAGAts rioting an causing a ruckus,( just like Ms. Lindsey said.) Or he doesn't want to effect the Mid-Terms with the facts of the Republi-pukes sedition.
I say fuck'em they may have AR 15s but the National Guard has Artillery!
Unless there is crystal clear evidence that Trump did more than fail to surrender those documents, I don't think he's going to be indicted.

Bill Clinton was not indicted for lying to Congress even though he in fact lied to Congress. I don't think he should have been. If ALL Trump did was hold onto secret documents for his vanity's sake I don't think he should be indicted either. I think the DOJ is only just now finding out what he did with those documents.

On the other hand, Trump's compromat was almost certainly in that safe. Letters of confessions he held in exchange for favors or pardons, government documents containing evidence of criminal actions by government and GOP officials that didn't lead to charges, compromising pictures and so forth. That was Trump's real source of power and it's gone. He's not getting any of that back. Nor should he. He can't even mention it in his motions to retrieve "privileged" documents. But that's what he's saying he wants back when he says "executive privilege". DOJ defanged the snake. Or at least they drained its venom.
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I pretty much avoid anything with dragons in it. My kids are avid draconophiles, and will argue minutiae of Star Wars at the drop of a very light saber.

Though the Tame Your Dragon movies were a lot of fun.
I used to play it with my kid, back between Pokémon & college…not actually much dragon action or role-playing (card game)
Unless there is crystal clear evidence that Trump did more than fail to surrender those documents, I don't think he's going to be indicted.

Bill Clinton was not indicted for lying to Congress even though he in fact lied to Congress. I don't think he should have been. If ALL Trump did was hold onto secret documents for his vanity's sake I don't think he should be indicted either. I think the DOJ is only just now finding out what he did with those documents.

On the other hand, Trump's compromat was almost certainly in that safe. Letters of confessions he held in exchange for favors or pardons, government documents containing evidence of government and GOP officials that didn't lead to charges, compromising pictures and so forth. That was his source of power and it's gone. He's not getting any of that back. Nor should he. He can't even mention it in his motions to retrieve "privileged" documents. But that's what he's saying he wants back when he says "executive privilege".
My judgment may be skewed by what I want to be true.

But the bit about endangering humint assets is pretty damning in my unprofessional opinion.

If a line can be drawn between his awful document discipline and an otherwise unlikely increase in the “burning” of embedded people, I think that would be indictable.

Can that line be drawn? I don’t know. So far I’ve seen much suggestive, nothing conclusive. The fact that I have a sentimental stake in the outcome is something I take as a warning.

Lawrence: Sen. Graham Hits Rock Bottom With ‘Riots’ Threat Over Trump
15,701 views Aug 30, 2022 MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell condemns Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham’s claim that if Donald Trump is indicted for the trove of classified documents he held at his Florida home, there would be “riots in the street.”
My judgment may be skewed by what I want to be true.

But the bit about endangering humint assets is pretty damning in my unprofessional opinion.

If a line can be drawn between his awful document discipline and an otherwise unlikely increase in the “burning” of embedded people, I think that would be indictable.

Can that line be drawn? I don’t know. So far I’ve seen much suggestive, nothing conclusive. The fact that I have a sentimental stake in the outcome is something I take as a warning.
Like it or not, president and ex presidents are not subject to the same laws in the same way as you and I. There are some good reasons for that.

OTOH, Trump is hot garbage. Also a sociopath who seems to be offended at the idea that he is constrained by laws. His actions have put this society into danger. He's careless, rash, doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is already threatening to set this country on fire. I think he will continue to push the legal line that protects him and the legal establishment will bury him when he steps over it.

Here is a wonderful summary of what Trump has done and what David Brooks thinks should be considered by prosecutors when or if they charge Donald Trump. Brooks thinks the bar has already been cleared, both for Jan 6 crimes and the crimes he committed by holding documents that he should not have been holding. Neither Brooks or Capehart thinks "we are ready for what happens" when he's charged. The DOJ had better be ready for it when/if they do. So even if they are planning to charge Trump, expect them to do it when the DOJ is ready. It will be a while. The video jumps to the time when they talk about the consequences of charging Trump but the whole segment is a good listen.

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So When will "GUTLESS Garland" indite the "Grifter In Chief" for any of his many crimes? i've heard it reported that Gutless is afraid of the MAGAts rioting an causing a ruckus,( just like Ms. Lindsey said.) Or he doesn't want to effect the Mid-Terms with the facts of the Republi-pukes sedition.
I say fuck'em they may have AR 15s but the National Guard has Artillery!
I feel ya, Goat: it’s been a long time to have all this shit ‘in ya face’, and I’m a hothead myself, at root. Which means I’ve learned the very hard way that screwing up by jumping the gun pisses me off on a whole other level. Because I *am* like that, I appreciate people like Garland: they don’t get distracted by anger.

Like revenge, Justice is a dish best served cold. On ice, even.

Most practically, if EVER there was a time to make absolutely certain there are no screwups, no gaps in the evidence, or chains of custody - no missteps *at all*, THIS IS *IT*. No misfiled or malformed documents filed with courts, no crucial questions unasked or unanswered, just GET THE MENACE OFF THE STREET AND OUT OF POLITICS PERMANENTLY.

No, he’s *not* Hitler…but he’s not really that different, either: he’s like Hitler 2.0, ‘Scientology-style’: completely rapacious, completely unconcerned about anyone but himself, completely indifferent to all things but his ego and his ascendancy, with a “moral compass” that says it’s perfectly okay for him to do whatever comes into his head. We really CAN’T screw this up: get him dead to rights, loose ends all tied up, bolt-holes bricked up, and put him away for good if not execute or banish him ( no, banishing would backfire).

Athens was in a similar fix when they faced the question of what to do about Socrates. We think of the death of Socrates as a failure of Athenian principles - specifically of their belief in free speech - but they faced in Socrates a much smarter Donald Trump than we have - ‘teacher’ not unlike, say, Rush: the Socratic method is exactly how the white-wing has been so successful at picking the nation apart (“I’m just asking questions!”): Socrates did that very effectively, in the form of his students…too many of whom went on to use what they learned from Socrates to take over Greek city-states, where they ruled as tyrants (they were literally the definition of the word) until they were overthrown. Even Athens. Taken over by Socrates’ students in succession, who ruled to please themselves, not to govern in any sense beyond the actions of the people. While many suffered during the period, Socrates lived quite comfortably in tyrant-run Athens.

Once Athens got rid of the tyrants, they came to talk to Socrates about the trouble he’d brought on them (everyone knew he was their teacher, he was FAMOUS, and so were they). His defense as I recall, was that they did what they did, he just asked questions (basically). They had no law that covered this situation, but they couldn’t let him keep “teaching” like he was, he felt no remorse nor care about anything he did or said, and IIRC nowhere else in greece wanted him.

Really not so different from our moment with OO and the MAGA spirit of destruction…it’s the same choice, come ‘round again
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Like it or not, president and ex presidents are not subject to the same laws in the same way as you and I. There are some good reasons for that.

OTOH, Trump is hot garbage. Also a sociopath who seems to be offended at the idea that he is constrained by laws. His actions have put this society into danger. He's careless, rash, doesn't care about the consequences of his actions and is already threatening to set this country on fire. I think he will continue to push the legal line that protects him and the legal establishment will bury him when he steps over it.

Here is a wonderful summary of what Trump has done and what David Brooks thinks should be considered by prosecutors when or if they charge Donald Trump. Brooks thinks the bar has already been cleared, both for Jan 6 crimes and the crimes he committed by holding documents that he should not have been holding. Neither Brooks or Capehart thinks "we are ready for what happens" when he's charged. The DOJ had better be ready for it when/if they do. So even if they are planning to charge Trump, expect them to do it when the DOJ is ready. It will be a while. The video jumps to the time when they talk about the consequences of charging Trump but the whole segment is a good listen.

By and large, I agree. It would be a disaster to indict that man for less than a clear-cut case. So … I’ve waited this long, and I can wait longer. It is comforting that these bits of news coming in seem to support a trend of increasing clarity on that man’s deeds on multiple fronts.

New York and Bragg’s decision have me scratching my head, but I am not a law buff, nor did I sleep in a Holiday Inn Express. And that office did say their investigation was ongoing.

But at day’s end it matters less to me whether that man is indicted. He is behaving like a spent force.

But if slow solid work by the DOJ sweeps up the other elected conspirators, that would hit harder imo. That man is an effect. The R leadership in the Senate especially are of greater consequence, and closer to causal.

So, I’m still gonna Monday-morning quarterback with a certain zest. But I will work on keeping my sentiments compartmented apart from what I see as objective conditions.

Fortunately for me, the steady flow of Mark 1 Mod 0 nimrods, numpties and jibbertarians provides some reliable diversion and opportunity for tragicomic relief.
Obesity is a big problem for recruitment.
Nope, the main problem at the moment is jobs in the economy pay well enough and you only have about 2.5% unemployment....
This is so bad that failure to reach enlistment targets is endangering operational capacity.