Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Too bad Garland has to indict Donald to freeze then seize his stop the steal war chest for wire fraud, apparently it is an easy case to make. Maybe Garland will indict him for that too and seize his ill gotten gains, including the sucker cash he is scooping up over his latest legal fiasco. Give him the Putin treatment, freeze, then seize his cash when he is convicted of wire fraud over stop the steal, there is evidence he knew he was lying. Seizing Donald's war chest would cause a howl of outrage, but he would be standing in front of a judge pleading to several indictments when he got the news.
I wake up every morning praying to see this vile racist in handcuffs. And Melanoma in the background smiling.
Wait a spell, there are bigger fish to fry and they will use Donald to fry them. Word is Donald will be indicted after the election and I think they want him to know that, because there have been subtitle leaks from the DOJ to the press and the info contained in the documents made public. Donald running around loose freaking out in the middle of an election will be like a bull in the GOP's China shop. Defund the FBI is not a winning election slogan...
Donald is having a rally tonight and he should be making news by digging his hole deeper. They must be trying to convince him that his best chance is if republicans win, so STFU! Good luck with that, Donald knows Mitch is out to get him and will toss him under the bus. Donald is panicked and very likely to do stupid shit tonight, stay tuned...

This one might be worth watching.

This one might be worth watching.

At least the highlights, I hate the sight of the whining fucker myself and they would have to pay me to take the hit for the home team. Maybe I'll watch the Georgia trial on TV just to see him sweat and freak out, it should be epic with a MAGA riot on the courthouse steps. Also I wanna to see if they end up wrestling him to the floor and ball gagging him in the courtroom because he wouldn't STFU while being called an idiot and a liar. :lol:

It's like a cop show on TV, the bad guy is an asshole for 50 minutes and only caught in the last 5 minutes.

With Top Secret documents found at, & classified documents missing from, Mar-a-Lago, DOJ must act
40,948 views Sep 3, 2022 By stealing classified documents from the White House and unlawfully concealing them at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump has potentially compromised our national security in so many ways. Now, US intelligence officials and agencies are scrambling to determine how much damage Trump may have done. Of course, there is one person who knows precisely who had access to the classified documents that were at Mar-a-Lago . . . Donald Trump.

If any other person on the planet had committed the offenses Trump committed, that person would have been arrested, interrogated and compelled to divulge information that could mitigate the damage to our national security. However, our law enforcement and intelligence communities continue to deal with Trump with kid gloves.

Here is how and why the Department of Justice must now act to hold Donald Trump accountable and protect our national security.
One big crying whine, it sounded like a crying session in public, wait until the heat gets hotter. :lol: Why anybody would spend time to attend that circus just goes to show you how desperate and fucking stupid the Trumpers are. They are just a bunch of racist assholes who've had their chains jerked so hard their heads have popped clean off. Any political party filled with these hate filled morons is screwed and so is any country that allows such people to control it.
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Mitch is cunning and has way more experience with being a prick, he has to act now to try and salvage the wreckage that Trump will leave behind. Mitch won't respond directly, he will leave that to people like Cheney and Barr, people who aren't running for office. Everybody can see Donald is going down after the election and he's screwed over the secret documents and in Georgia. Donald starting his rallies back up again is the last thing Mitch and Rove want, now it will be all about Donald for the republicans, forget their election plans! :lol:
The hillbillies that Mitch represents are very cautious of change. Tribalism is very rampant. I'm just north of the Ohio river. Very nice people but very odd. My sister-in-law believes that Cardinals are passed relatives. She's a baptist. I can't make this stuff up.
It’s frightening. IMO this will not bode well for your country no matter what happens :(. This guy needs to have a massive coronary and die, any other outcome will be a call to action for his army of dumb. I just can’t fucking believe this shit!!!!
Even if the piece of shit drops dead tomorrow from a heart attack ( Russia, if you’re listening ), the qtards will claim he was assassinated anyway.
The hillbillies that Mitch represents are very cautious of change. Tribalism is very rampant. I'm just north of the Ohio river. Very nice people but very odd. My sister-in-law believes that Cardinals are passed relatives. She's a baptist. I can't make this stuff up.
I live where we were without power for the last six days
The clerk at the grocery store actually said” can you imagine how much worse this would be if we were all driving those electric vehicles “
It’s frightening. IMO this will not bode well for your country no matter what happens :(. This guy needs to have a massive coronary and die, any other outcome will be a call to action for his army of dumb. I just can’t fucking believe this shit!!!!
They were there fucking up America before Trump and if it had to come to a head, it is best they are lead off a cliff by a moron. It is what it is, as Donald would say, if he had a brain he would be even more dangerous. Donald might inadvertently help move America ahead by a decade and cripple the GOP for a generation. The political polarization had to happen considering the history and it is best that the bad guys are lead by an idiot into the trash can of history.