I've been driving an EV for a few years now, and it's great. However the lack of easy charging outside of major cities can be frustrating, and with the current strain on the power grid in Cali, we're being told not to charge during certain hours. How is it going to work 13 years from now when gas cars are banned, and everyone needs to charge up? I'm honestly not sure what fuel my next car will be, and I do need to get another vehicle soon, and my gas car (which I use occasionally for longer trips and when I need a 2nd vehicle) is on it's last legs. Hydrogen sounds cool, but nowhere to fuel it near me. Years ago I did biodiesel, but those service stations went away. Prior to that I converted a diesel mercedes to run off of waste veggie oil, but I'm too old and busy to go around to chinese restaurants and collect their waste like I did in my 20's.