Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

i'm not so sure about that...stupidity can have monumental consequences, in the wrong situation.
and stupidity acts as a catalyst for everything bad in the world. never underestimate the power of stupidity.

The industrious and stupid officers are considered to be dangerous and must be got rid of. Stupid and lazy people have their uses.


In January 1933 in a periodical called “Army, Navy & Air Force Gazette” based in Great Britain. A passage attributed to German General Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord described the placing of officers into four classes.

General Freiherr von Hammerstein-Equord, the present chief of the German Army, has a method of selecting officers which strikes us as being highly original and peculiarly un-Prussian. According to Exchange, a Berlin newspaper has printed the following as his answer to a query as to how he judged his officers: “I divide my officers into four classes as follows: The clever, the industrious, the lazy, and the stupid. Each officer always possesses two of these qualities.
Those who are clever and industrious I appoint to the General Staff. Use can under certain circumstances be made of those who are stupid and lazy. The man who is clever and lazy qualifies for the highest leadership posts. He has the requisite nerves and the mental clarity for difficult decisions. But whoever is stupid and industrious must be got rid of, for he is too dangerous.”
The industrious and stupid officers are considered to be dangerous and must be got rid of. Stupid and lazy people have their uses.

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In January 1933 in a periodical called “Army, Navy & Air Force Gazette” based in Great Britain. A passage attributed to German General Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord described the placing of officers into four classes.
always knew I had leadership potential!
Was, injecting bleach and UV lights up yer ass evil or stupid? Nuking hurricanes, or North Korea, or keeping covid a secret, or fucking with the response? Taking the documents and refusing to return them?

These are questions of evil motives and stupid actions, in many cases the actions were motivated by evil and malice, but executed stupidly and chaotically. Donald would fuck up the Lord's prayer, he even fucked up the insurrection and couldn't even get to the capitol, to lead it into congress like Napoleon I guess. John Kelly said Trump was profoundly stupid and ignorant of even basic knowledge and had no understanding of international politics at all. He probably really thought there were airports during the American revolution, you don't get that ignorant with out being both stupid and lazy.
Was, injecting bleach and UV lights up yer ass evil or stupid? Nuking hurricanes, or North Korea, or keeping covid a secret, or fucking with the response? Taking the documents and refusing to return them?

These are questions of evil motives and stupid actions, in many cases the actions were motivated by evil and malice, but executed stupidly and chaotically. Donald would fuck up the Lord's prayer, he even fucked up the insurrection and couldn't even get to the capitol, to lead it into congress like Napoleon I guess. John Kelly said Trump was profoundly stupid and ignorant of even basic knowledge and no understanding of international politics at all. He probably really thought there were airports during the American revolution, you don't get that ignorant with out being both stupid and lazy.
Doing it was stupid.

Promoting it was evil.
Doing it was stupid.

Promoting it was evil.
In some cases malicious intent turned out well, pulling out of Afghanistan to screw Biden, ended up fucking Vlad. Joe took the hit and got out along with your NATO allies, the last place they and America would want to be is there, with Vlad on the march in Europe! Now they are facing combat experienced NATO troops and the Ukrainians also had the benefit of their training and hardware, like helicopters. Donald didn't mean for it to turn out like that, he just wanted to screw Joe, didn't matter about lives lost etc.
In some cases malicious intent turned out well, pulling out of Afghanistan to screw Biden, ended up fucking Vlad. Joe took the hit and got out along with your NATO allies, the last place they and America would want to be is there, with Vlad on the march in Europe! Now they are facing combat experienced NATO troops and the Ukrainians also had the benefit of their training and hardware, like helicopters. Donald didn't mean for it to turn out like that, he just wanted to screw Joe, didn't matter about lives lost etc.
It surely didn’t do the Afghanis any good. The medieval authoritarians wasted not a day consolidating their grip on the country. Sucks to be a woman there.
It surely didn’t do the Afghanis any good. The medieval authoritarians wasted not a day consolidating their grip on the country. Sucks to be a woman there.
Not our job to be the world policeman, they will have to meet the 21st century with a crash, like in Iran or Saudi Arabia. We never intervened in Ukraine, just gave them the weapons, including those slated for the Afghan army, which did not want to use them.

Bob Woodward: The intent is really important in Biden docs

20,122 views Jan 13, 2023
The Morning Joe panel discusses AG Garland's appointing Robert Hur to serve as a special counsel to review classified material found in President Joe Biden's Delaware residence and a Washington office he used.
Not our job to be the world policeman, they will have to meet the 21st century with a crash, like in Iran or Saudi Arabia. We never intervened in Ukraine, just gave them the weapons, including those slated for the Afghan army, which did not want to use them.
Then we should never have gone in. Once in, we assumed responsibility for the current trainwreck.

And I gotta ask about that “our”, Mr. Northahere.