Marianne Williamson 2020

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
For the record I spent most of that campaign trying to wake Democrats the fuck up. I was in Texas and New Mexico until April 16 and what I was hearing from actual people didn’t jibe with the supposed poll results. So much so that I was sent multiple memes from the Hillary crew. The last one assured me “Don’t worry. We’ll take it from here. We’ve got this”.
This story is definitely true and definitely happened, you guys..


Well-Known Member
I love Marianne. She Has positive vibes and talks about love and being creative and innovative. What’s wrong with love? She is confident and brilliant and can walk into a room and own it. She is like a breath of pure fresh air that the country needs after breathing the stale rotten negative hateful air of the Trump era and this could be here theme song...
She can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
Well obviously you folks aren’t smoking bud. Maybe on shrooms. That woman will be chewed up and spit out. Because that’s what happens to people who have good intentions for the majority.


Well-Known Member
she is tougher than you think.

it is the establishment that had ought to worry. marianne williamson will chew them up, and spit them out. with love.
We’ll see. I hope you’re right. But seeing everyone from Ike up to the present makes me seriously doubt it. My cynicism has come hard earned.


Well-Known Member
We’ll see. I hope you’re right. But seeing everyone from Ike up to the present makes me seriously doubt it. My cynicism has come hard earned.
"cynicism is an excuse for not helping. you are skeptical in a healthy way and every american needs to be. in the deepest level you're a patriot and you know it!"

marianne williamson


Well-Known Member
the nasty commentary about her from every insecure, trump loving, male who suffers from toxic masculinity will be dripping with the obvious bitterness of the fact that they would bang her if they could, but that she would never go for their type in a million years.

think along the lines of the douche who calls a woman he was just hitting on a fat ugly bitch after his advances are rejected

marianne williamson can destroy the republican party once and for all in many different ways