Marijuana and Ascension

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New Member
Dark Energy: think of it like your brain on drugs.
The White Matter is the 'smart' part, the Grey Matter is the 'dumb' part.
It's takes a lot of dumb parts to support the smart parts.
It's also really, really, important that there is room in between the smart parts for the quarks and neutrinos.

A neutrino here, a neutrino there, and pretty soon you're all fucked up man.
I mean nothing can travel faster than light. Right?
And nothing can be in two places at the same time? Right?
Fucking neutrinos can be both at the same time!
the ramblings of a crazy man.... I do this all the time, but tend to keep it to myself.
lol i guess you cant read? i didnt ask if it would allow me to go into the 5th dimension. were all experiencing a shift in consciousness from 3d to 5d living here on earth. and I was wondering if being on marijuana would hinder this progress....i didnt ask if it would ascend me to the 5th dimension lol


New Member
Dude, you need to take your hostility over to the toke n talk section. That is where e-peens can be compared.
hahaha hostility? I'm being serious bro. This talk about ascension, gods, other dimensions should be taken to the star wars section, with all the other fiction bs being spewed out here. I'm actually high as fuck off some indica and it's litterally not possible to be hostile. Sorry for being "over bearing" and talking with an authoritative tone. But stop confusing that with hostility, it's not cool.


New Member
lol i guess you cant read? i didnt ask if it would allow me to go into the 5th dimension. were all experiencing a shift in consciousness from 3d to 5d living here on earth. and I was wondering if being on marijuana would hinder this progress....i didnt ask if it would ascend me to the 5th dimension lol
"we're all experiencing a shift in consciousness from 3d to 5d living here on earth." That right there is bullshit. Nothing is changing for the entire world, the only thing that is changing is your personal chemical compound which happens every moment of every day. While mine is stable and I percieve reality, yours is unstable and you percieve any fake thing you want to see. It's a form of retardation. So I'm not saying "oh bleh ur retarded" I am saying that it is a fact that you have problems with your brains chemical make-up.


Active Member
hahaha hostility? I'm being serious bro. This talk about ascension, gods, other dimensions should be taken to the star wars section, with all the other fiction bs being spewed out here. I'm actually high as fuck off some indica and it's litterally not possible to be hostile. Sorry for being "over bearing" and talking with an authoritative tone. But stop confusing that with hostility, it's not cool.
Dude, you pick fights with just about every thread you are in. Just an observation. And using racial slurs is "not cool".
lol saying the chemicals in my brain arent right isnt retarded?

By the way, what happened to projecting your own securities to the RETARD.

You started it, douchebag.


New Member
lol saying the chemicals in my brain arent right isnt retarded?

By the way, what happened to projecting your own securities to the RETARD.

You started it, douchebag.
Yes, I realize you have tried to copy me a second time and somehow use the terms that are already ascribed to you against me. This only proves how remedial your thought processes really are. Please stop embarrassing yourself in front of the grand stadium that is my brain, you have over 100 people laughing at you right now. You should believe that since you're into all that fiction bs :)


New Member
lol enjoy your high bro
I'd tell you the same, but you're probably plagued with anxiety once you smoke which clouds your brain and makes you think you're ascending to the 5th dimension from the 3rd without passing through the fourth. It also probably makes you use terms like the 3rd dimension and 5th dimension without any understanding of what you are talking about. You know how christians have the bible, and the mormons have the watchtower bs? At least post a link to the book you are pulling these ideas from so I can go laugh at the originator of this idea.


Active Member
you have to smoke sativas to be able to still make it to the 5th.... indicas will keep you bogged down in the 4th....


Well-Known Member
so one time were driving back from hyde park soon as we hit morrisville fucken state trooper convienantly starts to follow 2am for 35 miles lol(paranoid yet na), 55 grams of hashish and 3 pounds of herbal remedy i wish we could floated in 5d away from that fucken stressful scene, but alas it was 3d all the way home!


New Member
so one time were driving back from hyde park soon as we hit morrisville fucken state trooper convienantly starts to follow 2am for 35 miles lol(paranoid yet na), 55 grams of hashish and 3 pounds of herbal remedy i wish we could floated in 5d away from that fucken stressful scene, but alas it was 3d all the way home!
Besides, why do you guys think you can ascend into the 5th dimension. You are either born within the dimension or you are not. You don't magically get to change your spiritual form over the course of 2 seconds. Get real, even if this were happening, you wouldn't get to be a part of it.
It was a joke hence the "loll". wtf is your problem man? you got TONS of insecurities thats why you go about trying to pick fights in threads like mentioned earlier by someone. Fuck outta here
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