The Cryptkeeper
Well-Known Member
It's a cat-a-tonic. cn

It's a cat-a-tonic. cn
Yes sorry reading back on this last night I said some things I was told by some of my respected herbalist elders and just went off there word, I should have put more time and research into the actual subject.You really jacked my line.... Catnip is very very far from being closely related to Cannabis. LMFAO
First of, your entire message lacked a great deal of coherency. So if you wanted people to understand what you were saying, you failed. It will be very difficult to most.I endorse this belief and am now a believer in catnip too, I think if you all would realize hundreds of different of herbs have been smoked for thousands of years.
Insolence is not helping your case sir.Lol, get a fucking life Crypt
I'm guessing your morning 'sesh' included something more than just weed.Dude I didn't come here for trolls, thought his is where you come to chat when your super blazed? I'm guessing a few of you missed out on your morning sesh![]()
Na, I recently quit for 2 weeks before harvest, my tollerance is a joke and i'm tokin prety hard ahaha.I'm guessing your morning 'sesh' included something more than just weed.And I'm not talking about Catnip.
Maybe if you think your being trolled than you shouldn't troll back?
if you put the plant in full sun during the summer time, it will flower no problem haha. Catnip is nothing like nutmeg, especially taste wise.. The thought of nutmeg plain is sickening xDOMG that is too funny, i have catnip growing for my cats and i have yet to see a "bud", the fresh leaves KINDA smell a LITTLE like MJ but there's no way in hell i would smoke that shit. Reminds me of my brother catching my 16 yeard old nephew smoking nutmeg YUK. But more power to ya man, smoke it up
It all depends on the quality of your catnip, the variety it is, and how well it is driedunfortunately when i was real young like, 8th grade around my weed start, me and my buddy tried the whole catnip thing. it didnt/doesnt work, just made me feel stupid that i was actually smoking catnip-not high stupid, but a feeling of being an idiot. It was expensive cat nip as well.
I have been interesting in trying some, I'm thinking of taking empty pill capsules and filling them up with itPencil shavings... WTF?
You don't want to smoke nutmeg, you want to eat alot of it. (There's a whole thread on it)
I wouldn't recommend nutmeg unless you have alot of free time to kill because it lasts ages...
Dude I have though of it before xDi sold catnip as weed in jr that bad?