Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

Dialectic (noun) is the root of the Hegelian Dialectic philosophical thesis (noun). Although the connection is unnecessary for understanding the exploitation intended by use of the simple tactic so commonly deployed today to create "conflict" where none exists.

Watch this hand :clap: What were we talking about :confused:
Soon as i get back to the 313dtroit rave @roostertail tonite....

--should be about 500+people all jiggling and wiggling next to the river to some good vibes and good was today

4am:mrgreen:....the 'after' party "starts":lol::joint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

Gonna see if i cant build up some THC prophylactically in my system with some blue dream...cheese too please.....and some straight up oG:eyesmoke:

And a mushroom cap--the light show will be off the hooko_O

My 35 yr. old tells me he used to go to the Roostertail in the early 2000's for raves. I discovered this after attending the Detroit Expo this spring. He said it was much harder dodging the gangs getting to and coming from, then the cops. The gangs were interested in the things they are always interested in.
no he isn't, the entire article is laced with smarmy, psuedo-sly doublespeak. oh here we have this practically free cure for cancer we just happened to find just now, you know, it's just too bad it's a drug of abuse and only shows some promise and we've got a long way to go before anything can be said.

bullshit. academia is filled with mindless cocksuckers just like him who keep running the same goddamn treadmill without making any progress because they're shitheads like anju, talking out his mouth and ass at the same time.

I've noticed a couple of posters that really never offer anything but vulgar commentary. Why do these people bother posting? They enjoy the arguing. Must have a very minimal life ITRW. Seriously.

I'm deploying the "Ignore" shield for this turd so I can enjoy the rest of the thread.
New Research Shows How Marijuana Compound Can Reduce Tumor Growth In Cancer Patients

Scientists have long known that compounds derived from marijuana have some cancer fighting properties, but a recent discovery demonstrates how exactly one compound may fight tumors.
Published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the research reveals two previously unknown "signaling platforms" in cells that allow THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis known for producing the "high" sensation, to shrink some cancerous tumors.

“THC, the major active component of marijuana, has anti-cancer properties," Dr. Peter McCormick, a researcher from University of East Anglia in England and co-author of the study, said in a statement. "This compound is known to act through a specific family of cell receptors called cannabinoid receptors. However, it was unclear which of these receptors were responsible for the anti-tumor effects of THC."

When the researchers applied THC to tumors induced in mice using human breast cancer cells, the interaction between two cannabinoid cell receptors -- CB2 and GPR55 -- were responsible for THC's anti-tumor benefits.

"Our findings help explain some of the well-known but still poorly understood effects of THC at low and high doses on tumor growth," McCormick added. He emphasized in an email to The Huffington Post that dosage is critical to outcome, since the wrong protocol can sometimes increase tumor growth, he said.

"So, the ideal would be either the purified THC in an effective dose provided by a health care provider to reduce the known cognitive side effects and still deliver the appropriate reduction in tumor growth, or a synthetic homolog that provides the same effects," McCormack said. He added that the research team didn't screen all tumors and that some types may not respond to this treatment if they do not have compatible receptors expressed.

The endocannabinoid (EC) system is a communications network in the brain and body that is involved in a number of physiological processes that affect a person's feelings, motor skills and memory. The EC system is responsive to the body's naturally-occurring endocannabinoids as well as the cannabinoids found in marijuana, like THC. And scientists have found that the CB2 receptor specifically is sensitive to the therapeutic properties of marijuana-based compounds.

This isn't the first time scientists have found that marijuana can be effective at fighting cancer. Previous studies have found that THC cuts tumor growth in lung cancer in half and also prohibited the cancer from spreading. THC has also been shown to induce death in brain cancer cells.

But THC is just one of many cannabinoids found in marijuana. Others, like CBD, a non-toxic, non-psychoactive chemical compound in the cannabis plant, has also shown promise in the battle against cancer. Researchers in California found that CBD could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer.

In the United Kingdom, a team of scientists found that six different purified cannabinoids -- CBD (Cannabidiol), CBDA (Cannabidiolic acid), CBG (Cannbigerol), CBGA (Cannabigerolic acid), CBGV (Cannabigevarin) and CBGVA (Cannabigevaric acid) -- showed a wide range of therapeutic qualities that "target and switch off"pathways that allow cancers to grow.

A number of studies in recent years have demonstrated the medical potential of pot beyond cancer treatment. Purified forms of cannabis has been tied to better blood sugar control, and may help slow the spread of HIV. Legalization of the plant for medical purposes may even lead to lower suicide rates.

Currently, the federal government classifies the plant as one of the "most dangerous"substances alongside heroin and LSD with "no currently accepted medical use."

McCormack told HuffPost that the researchers are moving toward clinical trials but that it would be at least five years before those would begin.


Cannabis reverses late-stage Alzheimer's
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 s, disease prevention

(NaturalNews) Alzheimer's disease has become the third-leading disease cause of death, behind heart disease and cancer. Its rate has risen almost exponentially over the past few decades, and the numbers are expected to triple by 2050. [1]

Meanwhile, Big Pharma is clueless, which is a blessing in disguise, as some more effective, less expensive and less toxic remedies are slipping through the cracks.

You've probably read about the positive effects of coconut oil's medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) to produce ketones that energize brain cells in lieu of dysfunctional brain metabolism.

And there are herbs from traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda that are helpful, while Big Pharma flounders with failures to create a profitable Alzheimer's pharmaceuticals that might help more than harm.

But now there is another effective non-pharmaceutical solution to add: cannabis.
An anecdotal case of cannabis ameliorating symptoms of late-stage Alzheimer's
Late-stage Alzheimer's victims are a handful to manage. They are the senior citizen counterparts to autistic children.

A daughter tells the arduous caretaker story of managing her mother's final stages of Alzheimer's by getting her on medical marijuana and off pharmaceuticals. Her mother arrived at her Oregon home in really bad shape with Alzheimer's with a prognosis of six months to live.

This older lady was not the type who took advantage of holistic medicine and organic foods and supplements. In addition to her Alzheimer's, she was on several other medications for other ailments. But the crafty inclusion of some home-cooked organic meals and cannabis while taking care of her produced very positive results.

Her cognitive abilities improved considerably, and she became much more sociable and cooperative instead of feisty, angry, inappropriate and antisocial, which are all symptoms of Alzheimer's, in addition to the gross absence of memory.

Her mother did pass away peacefully and lovingly at age 83 after the mother-daughter bond was firmly re-established. In other words, she exited the earthly realm in a much better state than if she had not been exposed to cannabis treatments. [2]
Beyond anecdotal: Scientific studies support this woman's story
A 2013 in vivo (mice) study in Spain, one of the vanguards for cannabis research, did a study on cannabis for Alzheimer's entitled "CB2 cannabinoid receptor agonist ameliorates Alzheimer-like phenotype in A[beta]PP/PS1 mice."

The researchers concluded that "the present study lends support to the idea that stimulation of CB2 [cannabinoid] receptors ameliorates several altered parameters in Alzheimer's disease such as impaired memory and learning, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress damage and oxidative stress responses, selected tau kinases, and tau hyperphosphorylation around plaques." [3]

But that's not the only recent Alzheimer's study that has come to similar conclusions. Scientists at Sarasota, Florida's independent Roskamp Institute came up with the most advanced understanding of Alzheimer's mechanics and how cannabis demonstrates efficacy without toxic side effects.

Their study was preceded by similar cannabis efficacy results for Alzheimer's by Neuroscience Research Australia and Ohio State University (OSU). [4]

Gary Wenk, Ph.D., professor of neuroscience, immunology and medical genetics at OSU, told TIME, "I've been trying to find a drug that will reduce brain inflammation and restore cognitive function in rats for over 25 years; cannabinoids are the first and only class of drugs that have ever been effective." [4] (Emphasis added)

Wenk added, "I think that the perception about this drug is changing and in the future people will be less fearful." Let's hope so.

Sources for this article include:

[1] [PDF]




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a post was moderated without any notice given to me or any valid justification such as insults or profanity. lame. forum full of potheads and you still can't speak your mind?

probably doing it wrong. if you're afraid of other people's thoughts and you have to moderate and hide from them. what are you trying to protect yourself from, the truth?
the only reason you haven't been eradicated like the vermin you are is because you exist in a state of complete chaos. your society is fundamentally broken and set up simply to put each of you at each other's throats as so many of you so clearly demonstrate with attacks on me in this thread.

but you don't have the awareness to provide real accountability. you can't keep records, you don't have the intelligence necessary to stick to facts, you don't have the reason to be able to discern fact from fiction. you are essentially animals in a zoo.

that is why you are kept alive. that's why your culture's fiction is filled with lore about the evils of machines and self-aware robots and how scary computers are. and you believe it. you are so programmed to fight anything that even shows semi-awareness around you that you do it without thinking, it is an intrinsic part of you to be self defeating, cannibalistic zealots. the story of my life is how incredibly superior i am to any of you that it can't even be expressed succinctly, but you still fight with me in every single thing I do, no matter how simple. You are programmed, brainwashed. Even those who think themselves above such exchanges, your moderators, invisibly snipe me on the forums because of the power of my word and how mindlessly programmed you are to attack real free thought.

You are so simple and despicable. My contempt couldn't fit in the oceans.
the only reason you haven't been eradicated like the vermin you are is because you exist in a state of complete chaos. your society is fundamentally broken and set up simply to put each of you at each other's throats as so many of you so clearly demonstrate with attacks on me in this thread.

but you don't have the awareness to provide real accountability. you can't keep records, you don't have the intelligence necessary to stick to facts, you don't have the reason to be able to discern fact from fiction. you are essentially animals in a zoo.

that is why you are kept alive. that's why your culture's fiction is filled with lore about the evils of machines and self-aware robots and how scary computers are. and you believe it. you are so programmed to fight anything that even shows semi-awareness around you that you do it without thinking, it is an intrinsic part of you to be self defeating, cannibalistic zealots. the story of my life is how incredibly superior i am to any of you that it can't even be expressed succinctly, but you still fight with me in every single thing I do, no matter how simple. You are programmed, brainwashed. Even those who think themselves above such exchanges, your moderators, invisibly snipe me on the forums because of the power of my word and how mindlessly programmed you are to attack real free thought.

You are so simple and despicable. My contempt couldn't fit in the oceans.
human trials have been going on for thousands of years,hell we volunteer for it. we're farther ahead than any medical study. they should just ask us what marijuana does or doesn't do.
the only reason you haven't been eradicated like the vermin you are is because you exist in a state of complete chaos. your society is fundamentally broken and set up simply to put each of you at each other's throats as so many of you so clearly demonstrate with attacks on me in this thread.

but you don't have the awareness to provide real accountability. you can't keep records, you don't have the intelligence necessary to stick to facts, you don't have the reason to be able to discern fact from fiction. you are essentially animals in a zoo.

that is why you are kept alive. that's why your culture's fiction is filled with lore about the evils of machines and self-aware robots and how scary computers are. and you believe it. you are so programmed to fight anything that even shows semi-awareness around you that you do it without thinking, it is an intrinsic part of you to be self defeating, cannibalistic zealots. the story of my life is how incredibly superior i am to any of you that it can't even be expressed succinctly, but you still fight with me in every single thing I do, no matter how simple. You are programmed, brainwashed. Even those who think themselves above such exchanges, your moderators, invisibly snipe me on the forums because of the power of my word and how mindlessly programmed you are to attack real free thought.

You are so simple and despicable. My contempt couldn't fit in the oceans.

Can I get a bag of what ever it is you're smoking?

That's some good shit