Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth In Half, Study Shows

Sorry you are so miserable AirAnt.

I look forward to your return to the forums after you are feeling a little less pathological. imagine me personally giving you a lovely prolonged bear hug, maybe I'll caress your hair if you're as cute as you sound!

i disagree, this is the best way to get a mass collection of retards to dispose of in one place that I can think of. worked perfectly. I remove a dozen of the internets dumbest denizens in a few days and also find reason to never use this forum again. win-win.

Surely you'd agree that you are in fact a nut case? regardless, you're aok by me aa! peace
I love buck's posts lol! Where's your usual racism bro?

Glad you 'love' my posts huel--:clap:
This ones for u---

..thought most here despised my drivel-:-?

One person cAN poison the well tho-

Not sure where the 'racism' comment comes from tho huel.....?

--is it cause i posted a 'jiggaboo jones' video in another thread...?:hump:

And was told i was racist cause the 'N' werd........?

Jiggaboo is some funny real shit.....:mrgreen:

Here if you dont know who jiggaboo jones is let me let him explain it--8-)

--he is quite famous on the west coast actually

....and admired by many a saltine cracker head-:lol:

He actually had a festival in san diego (UC SD)
The "famous" .......'Compton Cookout' the pictures

-quite a bash for the students there
.....they attacked 'racism' and stereotypes.....on every level-

"Like a nigga say DO"---

Check out some of jiggaboos famous videos Huel....they're viral
Quite entertaining and Interesting and i will 'love' them......

---he was busted by the feds for them.....
....he revealed some great street hustle tricks!:clap::lol::o:shock::clap::razz::blsmoke:

The mo fo has ALOt of $$from his 'hustling'

Nawwww....'I' am not a racist really huel.....
-really.....unless you believe small talk

Love me some 'jiggaboo' tho....been a fan for many years

Believe it or not there is african in my lineage....
--way way back.......

--when im in the D they call me a 'red' nagga

Mayb cause i been told i keep it as real as real can be.......?
-not sure but i do try and 'keep it real'
(with most anyways.....sometimes you HAVE to 'play' peoples game tho)

I use the N werd liberally

And i get to go where most white bread crackers wouldnt be allowed

The 'brothas' call me a 'fig newton' --

Could care less.....makes me laugh:lol:


Because i called this ant brain a 'turd' thought i was a racist.......?
--curious where you got i could guess tho:lol:

How many guesses u given me?

I always call the kettle black when i see it-
-i call a spade a spade and a turd a turd

Even when some 'errant' (airant) idiot steps on a perfectly awesome thread about the healing properties of >>""THC""<<.....NOT>>>>>

When was the last time you saw a study about THC healing cancer.....?

Study up on racism.....most racists are 'raised' that way from birth....from the time they are young they are taught other skin color is offensive and somthing to direct hate and anger towards.....

I was never raised that way in fact all my girlfriends are awesome looking 'sistas'
...for the last 20yrs....even my jamaican wife i am trying to get over here right now

Except for my wife that died in 2012 i haven't dated a white woman in 20yrs(?).....their too bland and vanilla for me

So check yourself before you wreck yourself....and study up on racism and prejudice.....

Theres only ONE race in my brain.....the 'human race'....

-many variations of color and culture tho-
and i love a good culture shock!

we're all from the same dirt huel.....different shades tho-

Prejudice IS somthing thats learned-
--from experience....

--like >I AM >prejudiced towards >ignorance

......rednecks ....kikes....spicks.....boneheads....turds....(lawyers-politicians)

-ignorant small minded closed minded individuals that make it hard for prejudiced towards THEM kinds

The guy in this video makes my blood boil tho huel.....
Is he a NI---R???

--looks like one to me....killing a puppy:cuss:
...ignorant fukr!

This turd ball ant brain tho......who ruined a perfectly great link thread to a THC study is an artificial intelligence program (imo)

-brought into threads (FED?) to squash any real enlightenment that may be gleaned by readers....

-read some of the guys posts....i have

....most are smarmy incendiary flaming on real content or help......artificial flaming tho----->automatically

And the guy thinks hes 'better' than everyone else and more intelligent....:lol::lol::lol:

Here i found ant brains hat......

You know the old vietnamese proverb right.....?

"To think you are better than one man means you are worse than them all"

Now if you had aspergers or any other type high functioning autism you might take what i say extremely literally wife had it....180IQ--
-masters in psychotherapy....practicing also

-crazy woman but i loved her none the less....took everything literally....but smart as hell

First vanilla white woman ive loved in quite some time-
--miss her aspergery demeanor.....and her intelligence

No racism here huel....not to be smarmy....just breakin it down for ya bro!:lol::eyesmoke:

Peace:peace: and hair grease brother.....:joint:

Now tell me why would someone diminish an important article like this study.......?
--and i linked several :confused:

Or downplay the importance ?

Screw and obfuscate the uniformed mayb...???

Knowledge is power bro!

I just gave u sum....

:joint: :arrow:bongsmilie

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What happened to abe's post? I was in the process of "liking" it, and poof. Gone

Anyway, I agree with your sentiment abe..... and those 3 white guys are a bunch of pussies. Ran like little girls when the guy got back up. lol
That comment was for Uncle Buck, not you Buckaroo lol.

Well great then huel! got another good laugh!:lol:

I kinda thought that might of been your intention but wasnt sure....aint the first time unkle buck was insinuated at me-

With the kind of important info in the post tho i couldnt resist a long rambling rebuttal.....didnt want the thread to die like that-

They are finally starting to acknowledge to the public that THC DOES indeed have healing properties.....somthing ive felt for 45years:eyesmoke:

I dont take racism lightly tho since i got lots of black friends.....and brown......and red.......and yellow--every color in the rainbow....even a few 'white' ones.....albino

I will keep puttin some shit up for ya huel.....since most of the mi forums now are so bland:bigjoint:

I was really stoned on some nice blue dream and had to put the jiggaboo down for the shock value and to show some real deal perspective.....

That guy is somthing of a legend-enjoy:joint:

I thought the same thing, but loved the shit out of buckaroos post. Jiggaboo jones yelled nigga night 2009, we didn't have no motherfuckin problems!!!!

Knowing your funny sense of humor i thought mayb you would google some of his 'older' you-tubes
......the ones where he video tapes himself doing crimes and posts it.....unbelieveable shit and funny as all hell

Thats why he got busted by the feds.....
-thats even on video!

But his tips and tricks for hustlers are funny!

He shows you how to retrieve peoples credit card numbers from gas stations with a simple 'card reader' placed in the right spot.....
....then he has a couple how to steal rental cars with some simple radio shack electronic box reader shit thats beyond me .....

How to get free stuff at the beach.....
Ghetto christmas presents......

But his craziest are the ones where he jacks people and films it....
Guess it was his younger years......haha

Chk out his WILL laugh-

that's some funny shit regarding confusing @UncleBuck for @buckaroo bonzai, or the opposite.... whatever the FK, Lmao.

Hmmmmmmm. I've noticed during my lifetime that "nigger" is one of the most emotionally charged words in the English Lexicon. Anyone else notice this, Haha. I've met a few, NOT MANY, that toy with the word to elicit an emotional response...... yep, then i end up listening to a rash of crap about "context", it's only a word, how there are wht niggers, etc, etc....

I'd love to hear one more sentence how it's a GOOD IDEA to find a reason to bounce that word about at one of my next social gatherings...... just try stuffin that word in my ear-hole and see where you end up next! but that's just me, and my opinion man. carry on

The whole point is jiggaboo neutralizes' the werd......

Takes the meaning right out of it....and he breaks it down quite succinctly and funny

Like most black folk i know do nowadays....
Some are offended tho....and i knowthe difference

-they have made it a 'non' werd tho.....
-doesn't really mean nothin to them in the right context

Like sayin 'hey bro':lol:

The emotion is in how its thrown....

Oh yeah....i remember you hearin me cuss bout some "N--rs" but i will if i think they're acting the stupid shit-
Even to my black friends....

And really tryin to forget the wholething....:mrgreen:

Just like i will cuss some redneck or billyass out....or a spic head gabacho hater......or any other ignorant motherf....

Now turd boy in here almost ruined a good thread.....almost

But i think he brought more attention to it in the long run and thats good!
You know even bad publicity is good

These new THC studies are importnt since they're mostly saying the non-psycho active is the most important part and it is better........nonsense!

Finally they HAVE to acknowledge it....facts-

I guess mayb your social gatherings tho are kinda tight is what i read.....the ones i go to any werd is fair......its how you throw it out....
-i might suggest hit up a nice drum circle once and awhile tho to try and relax....the vibrations are good for you:joint:

You should get out more and get around .....broaden your horizons-

Now i dont htink you should go to Ferguson and say
"what up 'N--r'..?"
Nor down on Woodward...(well mayb some places)

And down south .....well......they're bass-ackwards there-
Its still a racist terminology

Most other places tho i see it being not an issue unless thrown with malice.......:eyesmoke: