Marijuana Smokers and Growers are Poor?


Well-Known Member
Im going to go out on a limb here and say that maybe a lot of growers are of the college age. I know that for myself, i have to pay for my apartment, college, car, food, etc.. so when it comes to having the "best" grow room its not a possibility. For me i like to make things, so i suppose i could have gotten online and found a $2,000.00 grow set up, but i chose to go to home depot and build my set up. it seems a lot more rewarding when you get that oh so sticky sweet bud that gets you 1000x more times stoned then your dealers "best fire that he got so stoned on". best of all you didn't have to spend 60 an 8th on it.

keep it real yalls
Yesssssir... I'm a poor gradute student. That's why I have no money. I love my little grow box that I made in my closet. My plants are doing GREAT if I don't say so myself and I spent less than $100 total. Did lots of research and figuted out how to do it right and cheap. It's not THAT hard if you're willing to listen to everyone's advice. I'm pretty poor right now. Lost a good amount in the stock market. Trying to make some back with bankrupt Wamu that was totally conspired against by the FDIC and JPM the largest bank in America. Wamu, America's largest bank, has 20+ billions of dollars in assets with only 3 billion in debt and FDIC forces that they be sold to JPM for 1.7 billion dollars. 1.7 billion dollars for a company that has over 20 billion in assets. This all comes less than a week before the "government bailout package." The FDIC forced the handover of WAMU to JPM when it was financially slovent and a few days before a BAILOUT in case it actually wasn't financially solvent. The stock was in the 20s and is now below 8 cents. Court are just now starting to investigate it. We'll see but yeah that's my situation. Don't have much money because I'm a poor grad student but fightin like everyone else to get some money. I go play Hold em up in the mountains a few times a week and make 100+ up there on most days. It kinda feels like work because you just use discipline and play the way to play every time you go and you come out ahead. LIVIN THE DREAM... I must apologize I've been taking kief hits from the bong


Well-Known Member
I was around 18 when I started to buy weed on regular basis. Mostly because I had a decent enough job to support a bag every week.
All the people that I knew back then who smoked...had jobs, were responsible, and had a plan for their future. The people that were around
me that smoked only used it once in awhile, just at parties or on the weekends.
Being around this type of crowd back then , is probably what taught me to be the person of who I am today.
Through my years of smoking I've learned that I'm NOT addicted to weed.
I'm addicted to "Chimera".
Knowing why and what I'm addicted to, Has helped me considerably.
It's helped me because I've never let it consume everything around me.
Which may be the problem in which I see today with people smoking weed.
I don't know.......I think I'm thinking too much.:mrgreen:
I have been growing for a while now. I have plenty of money own my home car and everything else I need. My only payments are elec. cable. food ins. and taxes. I am currently grownin my plants in a dixie cups in a tub. lights that I had in the shed spent 0 on hole setup. Not poor just improvising. What would be the point of spending 5000.00 on a grow room when I am only trying to cut out about a 50.00 a week habbit.50x52 weeks 2600.00 2600x 15 yrs 39000.00 smoking your own shit for free PRICELESS.


Well-Known Member
There was a time I cared for shit to show off with, when I flew around every two weeks, and was responisble for 15000 people.... Man I'm glad I'm not that guy anymore. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire now.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The buyers are poor because they get ripped the fuck of buying it, and the growers are poor folk trying to get some cash without having to lift a finger.

Personally i'm poor because i oucldn't really give two fucks about money, hey, i know, let's go clothes shopping, let's buy a new xbox, let's buy shit loads of stuff we don't need cus that's the way we've been conditioned to live our lives. Enough is never enough, we must always strive for growth. I say a big fuck off to that concept :) If i have food water and a shelter i have a tough time justifying a need for money.

Personally i'm poor because i oucldn't really give two fucks about money, hey, i know, let's go clothes shopping, let's buy a new xbox, let's buy shit loads of stuff we don't need cus that's the way we've been conditioned to live our lives. Enough is never enough, we must always strive for growth. I say a big fuck off to that concept :smile: If i have food water and a shelter i have a tough time justifying a need for money.[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
the way i see it is...

weed is a pleasure in life, there are boundaries, make sure that weed stays a pleasure in your life and doesnt turn into your life.
this way you can appreciate it better and enjoy it alot better.

i say stick to your hobbies also, everyone has hobbies, maybe you got to lazy and stopped doing them, then in this case it would seem as that weed is your life!
just get up and do something productive,creative, even growing weed is a hobby something to take your mind off everyday troubles.

you will feel alot better with yourself if you have done something productive, a sense of acheivement which cant be matched by anything else.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it either. I have a buddy (the one that melted his power meter), that grows commercially, and fine, fine dope at that. And the fucker is ALWAYS broke. BUT.....he lives beyond his means, even with the income he pulls from it.

Some people are lazy, some people can't manage a budget and if they suffer from both, they're fucked. Fuck, I haven't worked in over 2 months now, and all I get is Employment Insurance.

Some people have insurmountable debts that pretty much take 2/3 of their net income before they even see it......some more like 110% of their net income......bouncing debt from credit card to credit card, to Money Mart style businesses. Paying ridiculous interest on payday loans, which just make it harder the next check to get ahead.

I told myself years ago I wouldn't get a credit card until I could manage cash on hand. Didn't get a credit card until I was 28 years old, and only 500$ limit. Now, I am up to 5000$ limit, but I could EASILY go get my self a Platinum card.....becuase I learned how to keep myself from digging a hole I can't get out of. The bank keeps trying to upsell me on credit cards, but I refuse, until I KNOW I can reasonably handle the next limit level.

I rent.....I have 2 places. I rent a bachelor suite in the Okanagan Valley, as well, I rent a house up Northern BC where I work. The economic crash basically had zero effect on me.....I own 2 payments.

From what I see, too many people just start them selves off too deep in debt, and it ends up being a constant up hill battle. Add weed consumption to the expenses, and BOOM............they're flat broke.

And finally, I did notice that people (noobs) want to spend the least amount possible, and they are anxious and cut corners. I'd rather spend the money up front, but unfortunately, that's not an option for everyone.

Here's a toke for my broke stoner friends......bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
its a drug scorned by society. you really think there's gonna be a majority of people using it succeeding in society too? s orry that doesn't make sense. as long as jobs persecute against medical users there really will not be a majority of users that aren't poor.


Well-Known Member
I don't get it either. I have a buddy (the one that melted his power meter), that grows commercially, and fine, fine dope at that. And the fucker is ALWAYS broke. BUT.....he lives beyond his means, even with the income he pulls from it.

Some people are lazy, some people can't manage a budget and if they suffer from both, they're fucked. Fuck, I haven't worked in over 2 months now, and all I get is Employment Insurance.

Some people have insurmountable debts that pretty much take 2/3 of their net income before they even see it......some more like 110% of their net income......bouncing debt from credit card to credit card, to Money Mart style businesses. Paying ridiculous interest on payday loans, which just make it harder the next check to get ahead.

I told myself years ago I wouldn't get a credit card until I could manage cash on hand. Didn't get a credit card until I was 28 years old, and only 500$ limit. Now, I am up to 5000$ limit, but I could EASILY go get my self a Platinum card.....becuase I learned how to keep myself from digging a hole I can't get out of. The bank keeps trying to upsell me on credit cards, but I refuse, until I KNOW I can reasonably handle the next limit level.

I rent.....I have 2 places. I rent a bachelor suite in the Okanagan Valley, as well, I rent a house up Northern BC where I work. The economic crash basically had zero effect on me.....I own 2 payments.

From what I see, too many people just start them selves off too deep in debt, and it ends up being a constant up hill battle. Add weed consumption to the expenses, and BOOM............they're flat broke.

And finally, I did notice that people (noobs) want to spend the least amount possible, and they are anxious and cut corners. I'd rather spend the money up front, but unfortunately, that's not an option for everyone.

Here's a toke for my broke stoner friends......bongsmilie

very true! i still have a kids 'cardcash' for my bank card. dont have a overdraft nor have i bothered with a credit card yet.

you need to learn the real value of money before you spend money that you havent got, cos your credit rating etc.. will go straight down hill and no-one will touch you.

i suppose you could say you learn from your mistakes, but with money its usually too late!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Have to say, that's the one reaoson i say sod that to medical marijuana, is that fuck, my bosses need have no knowledge of my drug use. They all do and we often chat about it, but i am under no obligation to tell them. Once you're on a system as a card holder, it's pretty hard to hide or deny the fact.


Well-Known Member
Have to say, that's the one reaoson i say sod that to medical marijuana, is that fuck, my bosses need have no knowledge of my drug use. They all do and we often chat about it, but i am under no obligation to tell them. Once you're on a system as a card holder, it's pretty hard to hide or deny the fact.
er depending on where you are there really isn't a 'system' that knows about you.

like where I"m at, I got my script out of county, and have the OPTION to register with the county sheriffs office (which I wont, they don't need that information.)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
er depending on where you are there really isn't a 'system' that knows about you.

like where I"m at, I got my script out of county, and have the OPTION to register with the county sheriffs office (which I wont, they don't need that information.)
I'm UKish, i know nowt about how your systems work. But surely if there's no system that your information is put onto, how could a policeman ever prove if your card is fraudulent or legitimate? I odn't understand how MMJ could possbily work if there's no database of authorised card holders for the police or authorities to cross reference against,


Well-Known Member
I'm UKish, i know nowt about how your systems work. But surely if there's no system that your information is put onto, how could a policeman ever prove if your card is fraudulent or legitimate? I odn't understand how MMJ could possbily work if there's no database of authorised card holders for the police or authorities to cross reference against,
here's how: each script (the paper version) has an embossing (imprint thing) that proves it's legitamate. it has the doctors number and everything, so all the cop has to do is look up the office, see if it's legit, and if they want to go one step further call the doctors office and ask if this person is a patient etc.

it's not all unified like the whole state of california knows who you are, only the doctors office knows unless you choose to register with the county.


Well-Known Member
Seems like mostly everyone I meet that smokes weed. Doesn't have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of.
Why is this?

WTF do you mean? Have you not been out with charlie or gaga maybe willie. Sounds like you run with the wrong people.:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

You need to move on up to the east side.


Well-Known Member
its a drug scorned by society. you really think there's gonna be a majority of people using it succeeding in society too? s orry that doesn't make sense. as long as jobs persecute against medical users there really will not be a majority of users that aren't poor.
Agreed......with people who ACTUALLY need it....they shouldn't be punished. But there are lazy fucks out there that have sore back, and need MMJ. Not even close to the injuries I, or others have had to their back.

If ANYONE should have MMJ card, it's me. I have been in more accidents than anyone I know. Barely any broken bones, but some of my accidents, I wish the bone did break. I have been referred to as "Unbreakable" by people I know. Like when I hit a submerged, algae covered floating dock while slalom water skiing. It had broken from it's mooring, and was floating in the middle of the lake,, 95% submerged under surface. Hit it doing 35 MPH, cutting across the wake. I couldn't walk for nearly 3 months, and I still have a giant dent/hollow pit in my upper thigh. No broken bones, but the shock to my pelvis and leg still leave traces of pain to this day.

That's one of MANY almost broken bone injuries I have had. Wiping out on a quad at about 50 mph, thru a tree. The quad and I tumbled, and I think the quad landed on me a few times as we tumbled. I was knocked the fuck out. Back is still fucked to this day. Not a broken bone. I had full x-rays....nothing. Slight compression to a disc in my back. But it friggin hurts ALL the time.

But some people are just fuckin ifs, ands, or buts about it. Believe me, I am ALL about doing things lazily. I take time off work when ever I get sick of it.....quitting if I have to.
And like 50........

"I'm high all time....I smoke that good shit....."


Well-Known Member
Agreed......with people who ACTUALLY need it....they shouldn't be punished. But there are lazy fucks out there that have sore back, and need MMJ. Not even close to the injuries I, or others have had to their back.

If ANYONE should have MMJ card, it's me. I have been in more accidents than anyone I know. Barely any broken bones, but some of my accidents, I wish the bone did break. I have been referred to as "Unbreakable" by people I know. Like when I hit a submerged, algae covered floating dock while slalom water skiing. It had broken from it's mooring, and was floating in the middle of the lake,, 95% submerged under surface. Hit it doing 35 MPH, cutting across the wake. I couldn't walk for nearly 3 months, and I still have a giant dent/hollow pit in my upper thigh. No broken bones, but the shock to my pelvis and leg still leave traces of pain to this day.

That's one of MANY almost broken bone injuries I have had. Wiping out on a quad at about 50 mph, thru a tree. The quad and I tumbled, and I think the quad landed on me a few times as we tumbled. I was knocked the fuck out. Back is still fucked to this day. Not a broken bone. I had full x-rays....nothing. Slight compression to a disc in my back. But it friggin hurts ALL the time.

But some people are just fuckin ifs, ands, or buts about it. Believe me, I am ALL about doing things lazily. I take time off work when ever I get sick of it.....quitting if I have to.
And like 50........

"I'm high all time....I smoke that good shit....."

yeah I wont say I'm not lazy, I'm just not THAT lazy. I have a permenantly disabled arm that is obvious as fuck to anyone I show it to, it grinds and pops at the joint with pain sometimes if I work it too hard or do something wrong. when I keep up with the weed my elbow is totally loosened up and moves without popping badly.

even my cannabis doctor was like 'holy shit' when he saw my arm.... apparently lots of people coming in there with shit you can't see lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah I wont say I'm not lazy, I'm just not THAT lazy. I have a permenantly disabled arm that is obvious as fuck to anyone I show it to, it grinds and pops at the joint with pain sometimes if I work it too hard or do something wrong. when I keep up with the weed my elbow is totally loosened up and moves without popping badly.

even my cannabis doctor was like 'holy shit' when he saw my arm.... apparently lots of people coming in there with shit you can't see lol.
There's cutting corner lazy, growing dope for income lazy, I don't feel like doing shit TODAY lazy..............then there's "muthafucka.....get your bitch ass off the muthafuckin couch" lazy......I can tell by your pics of gardens you are NOT the latter.


Well-Known Member
There's cutting corner lazy, growing dope for income lazy, I don't feel like doing shit TODAY lazy..............then there's "muthafucka.....get your bitch ass off the muthafuckin couch" lazy......I can tell by your pics of gardens you are NOT the latter.
thanks bro, responses like this really brighten up my day...