Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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I dunno man, I hope you're right and it's not some kind of infiltration.
Something has to give. Take a listen to Cenks video posted on their website:

Maybe his absolute statements are obnoxious but I don't hear the unthinking and false crap that we usually get from him and his sidekick, Kyle Kulinski.
Fucking idiots can't even Nazi salute with the correct arm.
Its some new white pride salute. The fingers form the letter "W". They think that salute drives us libtards crazy. As you point out all it does for us it to make them look crazy.
Something has to give. Take a listen to Cenks video posted on their website:

Maybe his absolute statements are obnoxious but I don't hear the unthinking and false crap that we usually get from him and his sidekick, Kyle Kulinski.

Its some new white pride salute. The fingers form the letter "W". They think that salute drives us libtards crazy. As you point out all it does for us it to make them look crazy.
I'll check the video out later based on your recommendation, I usually don't waste time on "watch the video" but youre a credible dude.

And thank you, my knowledge of white pride symbolism is somewhat out of date ;)
I'll check the video out later based on your recommendation, I usually don't waste time on "watch the video" but youre a credible dude.

And thank you, my knowledge of white pride symbolism is somewhat out of date ;)
The Cenk video is informative in that it tells us what he's saying to drum up support and inspire people to take action. He says nothing that we haven't heard already. What I liked about the video is it seems free of fake or false news while it tells us what JD stands for. The shit pad says isn't what Justice Democrats are saying. They ask for a voluntary pledge but also promise no cooperation. But the context of the "no cooperation" is framed with Manchin's attempt to get his Senatorial colleagues to agree to not endorse a candidate who opposes him. Cenk's not saying "my way or the highway" like our resident Sandernistas say. He's saying if you are a vulnerable conservative Democrat they won't cooperate with you, they will primary you. I say, have at it, good luck. Truly mean it. Good luck to them.

What I also get from the video is he's willing to stop the fake shit and hyperbole to talk about Justice Democrats. Once you listen, let me know what you think. Maybe we will disagree and I'll be glad to hear why.
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This belongs here, on topic;

Google 'Overton Window'.

What Americans think of as centrist is still pretty right wing.

Bernie Sanders is a centrist to the rest of the planet. Only here in 'Murrica is he considered a left winger.

I believe in socialized education, fire and emergency protection and police- with strong accountability. I believe in socialized roads and infrastructure. Most Americans also believe in the very same things- or we wouldn't have public fire and police protection, publicly funded roads, public schools or public utilities.

Publicly funded higher education isn't much of a stretch, and neither is publicly funded medicine. The reason why it's been made a big deal in the media is only because we have a very small group of wildly overpaid and incredibly selfish assholes who are bent on telling the rest of us what we should and shouldn't have- because THEY want to save money on their taxes. After all, YOUR taxes aren't going down, are they?

What this makes me is a centrist. A true socialist would want to nationalize industry. I think that's a bad idea. I do want to tax those industries because i believe corporations owe the country that gives them infrastructure, trained employees and affluent customers. That isn't socialist, either.

The notion that upper classes and corporations should not have to support the country that made it possible for them to profit is authoritarian, autocratic and ultimately aristocratic and as such is a clear and present threat to democracy and the freedom of average citizens.

I'm open to other perspectives, especially if they're as open to discussion about their ideas as i am about mine. If people's political ideas don't hold up under scrutiny then maybe they aren't worth keeping.

I feel my positions are eminently defensible and provide the most prosperity for the largest number of citizens.

I do not believe that the prosperity of millions is worth sacrificing for the outlandish aggrandizement of a few. Charles and David Koch smokers and their ilk might disagree, but they are literally one in a million. The other million need to make a decent living, too!
you think socializing industry is a bad idea but you want to socialize healthcare and education...and increase taxes on "industry" more than the almost half it already is which equates to about half ownership btw........but you are a centrist?

a good portion of what you mentioned arguably all of it is what I consider a "voluntary" and constitutional tax...roads, fire even education and to the extreme I would argue social security and income taxes fit that bill too.

my taxes can go down right now if you big government folks would let my employer pay me $3/hr or even $1. you won't though because of min wage laws....if I made a silver eagle per hour that would be below the min to file.....boom, my taxes went waaay down since 2 grand is well below the min to file.

at some point you are going to have to come to grip with what is a dollar before confronting the manipulation of paper/petro/sdr "dollars" that you speak of all the time.
the nazi is acting like he pays taxes rather than taking ours.

i guarantee his kid is being born on medicaid for the poors.
Calm down, you're all emotional.

The Govt owning things isn't evil, try get used to it.

relax guy, I never said evil. I would consider it a paternal arrangement, would you disagree?

the issue is how left of center you are if you own 40% of production.

about 40% left of center is my guess.
relax guy, I never said evil. I would consider it a paternal arrangement, would you disagree?

the issue is how left of center you are if you own 40% of production.

about 40% left of center is my guess.
You don't own 40% of production from taxes, that's Libertarian flavored stupid.

If you don't like paying taxes then you're unpatriotic first off and secondly companies aren't forced to produce for and sell to the US market, yet it is the largest market in the world and they line up to sell their shit here.
I think it's a good question to ask. I wouldn't vote for one and would absolutely hate it if one were to win my district. That said, if an anti-choice candidate won their district's Democratic primary and then an election over a right wing Republican, what do you think Democrats should do if he wants to caucus with them and support key issues like repeal of Citizen's United, unions and single payer health care?

I've been saying all along, that the bar to clear for any support from the Democratic Party is winning the primary. Once voters in a given district have chosen, it would be anti-democratic to deny their choice. As Jerry Brown and Bernie Sanders said, we don't have to agree on everything. To them, they can work with anti-choice Democrats.

I want my rep to be pro-choice. I'd like the whole discussion of homophobia to end with acceptance of LGBTQ rights. I respect the right of people to vote in their own self interest and if a community chose an anti-choice candidate I would expect my representative to learn what areas they have in common. Is that what you mean by support?
Democratic politicians who campaign on conservative issues do not win elections in conservative districts. Please provide examples of conservative Democrats who have beat Republicans in a conservative district by doing what you propose

Your entire gripe against Sanders for endorsing Mello was about his previous anti-choice stance on abortion. Why have you all of a sudden changed your tune to believing the Democratic party should accept an anti-choice stance in regards to abortion just to win elections in conservative districts? Manchin supported most of Trump's cabinet picks, do you want to fill the House with "Democrats" like that? What have we actually won if Democrats vote with Republicans on key issues just to placate their conservative constituents?
You don't own 40% of production from taxes, that's Libertarian flavored stupid.

If you don't like paying taxes then you're unpatriotic first off and secondly companies aren't forced to produce for and sell to the US market, yet it is the largest market in the world and they line up to sell their shit here.

you make widgets and I take 40% of what you earned but I don't own 40% of your production? then I tax you personally, inflationarily, tax all your imports around the same rate and if you dont like it your unpatriotic.....

sounds very nationalist to me.
Democratic politicians who campaign on conservative issues do not win elections in conservative districts. Please provide examples of conservative Democrats who have beat Republicans in a conservative district by doing what you propose
joe manchin. fired a rifle through the text of obamacare, beat the republican for his seat in the senate.

you make widgets and I take 40% of what you earned but I don't own 40% of your production? then I tax you personally, inflationarily, tax all your imports around the same rate and if you dont like it your unpatriotic.....

sounds very nationalist to me.

rand paul 2040 ron paul 2044 end the (((fed)))
Democratic politicians who campaign on conservative issues do not win elections in conservative districts. Please provide examples of conservative Democrats who have beat Republicans in a conservative district by doing what you propose

Your entire gripe against Sanders for endorsing Mello was about his previous anti-choice stance on abortion. Why have you all of a sudden changed your tune to believing the Democratic party should accept an anti-choice stance in regards to abortion just to win elections in conservative districts? Manchin supported most of Trump's cabinet picks, do you want to fill the House with "Democrats" like that? What have we actually won if Democrats vote with Republicans on key issues just to placate their conservative constituents?
Do I have to repost what I said about Sanders again? OK, it's pretty easy.
Bernard quite possibly gave the worst endorsement statement ever:

"The truth is that in some conservative states there will be candidates that are popular candidates who may not agree with me on every issue. I understand it. That's what politics is about,"

I don't disagree with the sentiment although some of our histrionic impaired berners would rather swallow their tongues before reading the above out loud. But daaaaaaamn that is a shitty thing to say during a contested election.

It's so funny that you don't even listen to what Sanders, the person, says anymore but you certainly get into a lather over any perceived criticism of your mythical left wing Saint Bernard. Bernie is saying he can and will work with people whom he disagrees with on this or other issues. You, on the other hand would reject his advice. I'm with Bernie. By the way, Bernie is liberal, not left in political ideology.

There is a pretty good list of conservative Democrats who have won recently against Republicans. John Bel Edwards, currently governor of Louisiana, for instance, is a Catholic and by his faith is against abortion. He has served in US Congress. Oh yes, he trounced a Republican in every election for national or state office. By your views, Democrats should just tell him to switch to Republican, I guess.

I will not vote for an anti-choice anybody. I recognize that the people of Louisiana have the right to vote for whomever they want. I would expect that the Democratic Party both stay true to commitment to women's rights and work with Edwards where there is agreement. And there are many areas of agreement that would not exist were there a Republican in that office.

Now that I've ripped you a new asshole, maybe you can speak though it and tell me how much harder your black and brown coworkers expect you to work because you are white.
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Something has to give. Take a listen to Cenks video posted on their website:

Maybe his absolute statements are obnoxious but I don't hear the unthinking and false crap that we usually get from him and his sidekick, Kyle Kulinski.

Its some new white pride salute. The fingers form the letter "W". They think that salute drives us libtards crazy. As you point out all it does for us it to make them look crazy.
Indeed, something has to give; our current path is unsustainable.

I don't claim to agree with anything and everything someone says just because they call themselves a lefty or progressive. But there are a lot of highly legitimate concerns about how things are going and why people are suffering and it's well past time to air those grievances.

Charlottesville is an example of just how wrong things could go.
Indeed, something has to give; our current path is unsustainable.

I don't claim to agree with anything and everything someone says just because they call themselves a lefty or progressive. But there are a lot of highly legitimate concerns about how things are going and why people are suffering and it's well past time to air those grievances.

Charlottesville is an example of just how wrong things could go.
One fanatical segment of the far left wants to continue to ridicule, doxx, disrespect, dehumanize, and condone violence to solve the problem

No reason to believe that won't work, right?

Does proposing not doing any of those things mean you support their racist bullshit?


This poster on Reddit said it better than I could, and I think he's right;

All you people so gung-ho about punching Nazis: go do it. See what fucking happens. Go to one of these rallies and just cold cock one of these guys in the face. Do you think he's going to get back up and say "Oh now I get it! I shouldn't hate non Christan whites. Man this whole racism thing sure is silly huh?" Do think the rest of the rally is just going to stand there and let it go without incident? You you think these people aren't just wanting to bait you into violence just so they can respond with another car ramming into a crowd? Or maybe they'll use those guns for more than show next time.

You think you won't make these people more radicalized by threatening violence to silence them? You think you won't be justifying their narrative that the left is out to get the white man? And how far are you willing to take this? What if punching them doesn't stop them? Why not just put them in camps, deprive them of their rights, and keep their horrible ideology separate from the rest of us? Fuck why not just kill them? They're just Nazi scum. It's not like they're people or anything. And who's to say who a Nazi is? Are we all just going to agree on some criteria? Are you just going to just decide for yourself? Do any of you think you have the moral clarity to be judge, jury, and exucutioner?

Nothing good will come of this. You will only contribute to the problem and put more lives at risk. They are horrible people with a horrible ideology, but they have every right to say it. And you have every right to denounce them in the harshest possible terms. But you don't have the right to maim and kill your fellow man because you disagree with them. Let law enforcement do their jobs and deal with the criminals in these groups that break the law. This violent, unconstitutional brand of street justice isn't the path we want to go down. And it isn't what any reasonable interpretation of Captain America would want you to do. -BookerDraper
joe manchin. fired a rifle through the text of obamacare, beat the republican for his seat in the senate.

"progressives" crying about getting literal nazis fired.

speaking out against "doxxing" nazis who go out into public spaces showing their faces, openly.

fucking retarded.
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