Well-Known Member
padaraper: "please provide examples"
me: [provides example]
No, progressives are criticizing your prefered tactic, as usual. The kids make a mess and the adults have to clean it up. Your tactic ensures more violence, more division among Americans. You wish to employ it because it makes your fee fee's feel better, not because it works. You're selfishly endorsing violence to quell your own egotistical urges. Not for any actual justice. Not because you actually care that people are getting hurt."progressives" crying about getting literal nazis fired.
speaking out against "doxxing" nazis who go out into public spaces showing their faces, openly.
fucking retarded.
Your favored tactic couldn't even beat the most hated politician in the Senatepadaraper: "please provide examples"
me: [provides example]
No, progressives are criticizing your prefered tactic, as usual. The kids make a mess and the adults have to clean it up. Your tactic ensures more violence, more division among Americans. You wish to employ it because it makes your fee fee's feel better, not because it works. You're selfishly endorsing violence to quell your own egotistical urges. Not for any actual justice. Not because you actually care that people are getting hurt.
I'm sure all the nonviolent organizers in history would be ashamed of you and your ilk. You have no regard for history or humanity. You think everyone's opinion who thinks differently than you do is irrelevant/racist/sexist.
I would truly hate to be you
first off, you're not a progressive. see "f***ots", "herd like mentality", "men's rights", duct tape, etc.No, progressives are criticizing your prefered tactic, as usual. The kids make a mess and the adults have to clean it up. Your tactic ensures more violence, more division among Americans. You wish to employ it because it makes your fee fee's feel better, not because it works. You're selfishly endorsing violence to quell your own egotistical urges. Not for any actual justice. Not because you actually care that people are getting hurt.
I'm sure all the nonviolent organizers in history would be ashamed of you and your ilk. You have no regard for history or humanity. You think everyone's opinion who thinks differently than you do is irrelevant/racist/sexist.
I would truly hate to be you
Your favored tactic couldn't even beat the most hated politician in the Senate
Grimes wouldn't even admit she voted for Obama, she tried to play the Republican lite role and lost to the actual Republican.
Who could have guessed?!
That's the trademark of an authoritarian; if you can't beat em, kill emi do advocate for killing nazis.
That's the trademark of an authoritarian; if you can't beat em, kill em
the trademark of authoritarianism is nazism.
killing nazis is the exact opposite.
you are aware that nazis want to kill me and my family, right?
Take it up with the 1st amendment. I don't agree with anything they're saying, but they damn well have a right to say it. To commit violence towards them is no different from them committing violence towards an LGBT or African American protest for the simple fact that they believe differently. The fact is, it doesn't matter who you are or what you believe, if you're an American citizen, you are afforded all the same rights in the Constitution that I am. The 1st amendment is there to protect the speech you disagree with the most. Censoring speech is authoritarian. Assaulting people who say something you don't like only proves how weak your position is to begin with. If you believe in your position and believe you're right, there is no reason you would resort to violence to prove it. You would be able to prove it, among rational people, with words, not violence."And who's to say who a Nazi is? Do any of you think you have the moral clarity to be judge, jury, and exucutioner?"
Yea, he's right. There's no way to tell that those guys throwing nazi salutes, wearing swastikas and waving confederate flags chanting "Blood and Soil" and "Fuck you faggots" were actually Nazis.
We should respect that they are human and give them an understanding ear, not a boot to the throat....
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Take it up with the 1st amendment. I don't agree with anything they're saying, but they damn well have a right to say it. To commit violence towards them is no different from them committing violence towards an LGBT or African American protest for the simple fact that they believe differently. The fact is, it doesn't matter who you are or what you believe, if you're an American citizen, you are afforded all the same rights in the Constitution that I am. The 1st amendment is there to protect the speech you disagree with the most. Censoring speech is authoritarian. Assaulting people who say something you don't like only proves how weak your position is to begin with. If you believe in your position and believe you're right, there is no reason you would resort to violence to prove it. You would be able to prove it, among rational people, with words, not violence.
If any Nazi physically assaults you, you have my full support in defending yourself.you are aware that nazis want to kill me and my family, right?
Seriously disappointed with you Pad.Take it up with the 1st amendment. I don't agree with anything they're saying, but they damn well have a right to say it. To commit violence towards them is no different from them committing violence towards an LGBT or African American protest for the simple fact that they believe differently. The fact is, it doesn't matter who you are or what you believe, if you're an American citizen, you are afforded all the same rights in the Constitution that I am. The 1st amendment is there to protect the speech you disagree with the most. Censoring speech is authoritarian. Assaulting people who say something you don't like only proves how weak your position is to begin with. If you believe in your position and believe you're right, there is no reason you would resort to violence to prove it. You would be able to prove it, among rational people, with words, not violence.
Seriously disappointed with you Pad.
It has nothing to do with what is being said. Everyone is afforded the right to say it regardless of how you or I might feel about it. I think it's deplorable, maybe you missed that. I don't agree with anything they said. But I think it's important to protect their right to say it. Because what happens when you say something controversial, and you get in trouble for saying it? Just because the conventional opinion disagrees with you?Seriously disappointed with you Pad.
those are nice euphemisms for "wants to kill me and my family", padaraper....they believe differently....people who say something you don't like...
I'll be on the Nazi's side 100% of the time.