Married Life


Well-Known Member
my grow is out in a chicken brooding house, she knows i grow but she doesn't ask any questions.
I have the disadvantage of living in a city.

The closest I get to a chicken coop is Hooters wings.


Well-Known Member
I've been with my wife for 8 years and love her more with every passing day. We've had some rough times but I think they've only made our relationship stronger.

I couldn't imagine my life any other way.


see4 i would invite her to help in the garden, make her a part of it and to love and enjoy the plants as much as you do. She doesn't need to smoke to be ok with it and to understand that laws are a joke at best. Women can help with the plants more than you would believe, typically the ones to do the gardening until it comes indoors, might as well bring her with you right?

Anyhow i have been with my wife for 7 years now, been living together since 2 weeks after we got together, have never spent a night apart. I think we have been married for 3 years now, can never remember, have had 2 kids and almost lost one of them. Trying times will tell you the most about a person, most parents who go through what we went through split up, we made it and are closer for it. She does not smoke but does not mind that i do, enjoys the fact i have a hobby now, and is even willing to help in the garden. I figure i hate to make dinner and do laundry not to mention going to bed alone, so i will gladly have my wife stay at home while i work, never was a big fan of babysitters anyhow. Probably went off on a tangent there but i am really high. LoL.
"Love the one your with"
Been married to my wife for 23 years. We have been together since second grade. Lots of ups and downs but worth it, I cant imagine life without her.


Active Member
I've been married for 15 years. She smells good, she calms me down and i can do just about anything with her.... Her name is Mary and I'll always love her.



Well-Known Member
When did you get married, 10 days ago! how old were you? 26 Were you "shit your pants" nervous as fuck? No, it was just us How did you know he/she was the one? After living together for 3 years and still being in love What's the roughest position you've found your marriage in and how did you get through it? Reverse cowgirl in the hotel shower, stinger in my thigh, hands around her neck.

Is it worth it? So far Do you think you're a happier/better person because you got married? So far absolutely


Well-Known Member
see4 i would invite her to help in the garden, make her a part of it and to love and enjoy the plants as much as you do. She doesn't need to smoke to be ok with it and to understand that laws are a joke at best. Women can help with the plants more than you would believe, typically the ones to do the gardening until it comes indoors, might as well bring her with you right?

Anyhow i have been with my wife for 7 years now, been living together since 2 weeks after we got together, have never spent a night apart. I think we have been married for 3 years now, can never remember, have had 2 kids and almost lost one of them. Trying times will tell you the most about a person, most parents who go through what we went through split up, we made it and are closer for it. She does not smoke but does not mind that i do, enjoys the fact i have a hobby now, and is even willing to help in the garden. I figure i hate to make dinner and do laundry not to mention going to bed alone, so i will gladly have my wife stay at home while i work, never was a big fan of babysitters anyhow. Probably went off on a tangent there but i am really high. LoL.
"Love the one your with"
Right on Trueno, I never thought about that way, I will try that, see if I can get involved in the gardening part of it. I showed her the babies I've just started, she was impressed at how quickly they grow, and frankly, so am I. ( My first grow!! ) Glad to hear your kids are ok, best wishes to them...


Well-Known Member
my wife doesn't smoke and i don't have a problem with it as long as she has no problem with me smoking. i try not to smoke in the house so she doesn't have to smell it, but when we are outside i'll light up and she doesn't care. she's not anti weed, she just doesn't like the stinch that smoke leaves behind.
VAPORIZER.....all ya smell is you bud on the table combustion so no oder...great steath item....sides vapor doubles your pot stash......dont take much to waste ya


Well-Known Member
I've been with my wife for 8 years and love her more with every passing day. We've had some rough times but I think they've only made our relationship stronger.

I couldn't imagine my life any other way.
Now listen to this old man....CLOSELY...............DO NOT ...I repeat DO NOT get into that convo with your kinda goes like this.....she says do you love me as much as you did when we got married............OH I LOVE YOU MORE........she snaps up and takes the gloves off and says OH SO YOU DIDNT LOVE ME WHEN YOU MARRIED ME....what was it my parents had money ........braging rights..........etc etc.....many twist to it.....YOU CAN NOT WIN.....NO MATTER HOW YOU ANSWER YOU ARE FUCK

For my piece of mine please please listen to me................ok im done............................................................................hahahahahahhahaahahah

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I actually enjoy my marriage...a lot. We have been together for 5 years this april. I think the longer your with someone the better you marriage gets but, only as long as you love eachother and acept eachothers faults. If your in a relationship where you think one of you has to change to be more compatible with the other then its probably not a good idea to be together.
my wife and i will have been together 7 years next week , we got together when we both had turned 40 we both had bad luck with marriages in the past